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CEGE0102: Professional Skills in Civil Engineering


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CEGE0102: Professional Skills in Civil Engineering

GIS Coursework Personal Map LSA

Your GIS coursework combines the work you have carried out in the two GIS practical         sessions. If you have successfully completed those sessions, then you will have all the skills required to complete the coursework. This assessment is worth 15% of the module,              CEGE0102: Professional Skills in Civil Engineering.


The submission for the LSA consists of one part only:

    The personal map as outlined above

The area mapped should be different to the area mapped in your first attempt of the coursework for the LSA.

You do not need to submit the Wiltshire map you created in practical 2.

IMPORTANT: You should submit your file as images exported from ArcPro using File->      Export Map. The preferred format is PNG. DO NOT SUBMIT THE .MXD FILE. If you do the marker will not be able to open it and you will receive a grade of zero.

Please submit your coursework before the deadline of 17:00 on Monday 5th September 2022 via the Moodle link GIS Coursework LSA Assignment in the Assessment tab.


Your task is to produce a map of an area of your choice, using Ordnance Survey Mastermap data downloaded from Edina Digimap collection. This may be the area that you worked on in the first GIS tutorial or a different area. Your map should focus on a particular topic and         should include a buffer around a feature or feature(s), in which some other interesting           features are shown. Examples include:

    Your daily walking or exercise route: Due to covid- 19, your daily activities will be very

different to those of the previous cohorts doing this coursework. To reflect this, you may choose to make your map about the activities that you have carried out during lockdown, such as daily exercise, shopping etc.

    Your route to UCL: Draw a map of your route to UCL, perhaps via different transport

modes. Draw a buffer around the route and map the coffee shops that you could visit on your way to UCL

    Access to groceries: Find the grocery stores in your area and draw a buffer around

each to find the areas that are within a certain distance of them. Highlight some features that are not within the buffers.

    Proximity to the beach: Map the hotels or other facilities that are within a certain

distance of the beach (coastline) or some other leisure facility.

You are encouraged to be creative with your choice of topic. Your map should meet the following requirements:

    Inclusion of point, line and polygon layers they may be manually created in ArcGIS

or imported from other sources.

    Scale bar

    North arrow


    Copyright statements for data sources included


    A buffer or buffers around a feature or features

    A set of features that are within or outside the buffers

    Consideration of design and layout  colour scheme, font sizes, labels, annotations


A good map (70+) will meet all the specifications above and will have no errors or very few errors (see below). An excellent map (80+) will meet and exceed the specifications through excellent cartography, creativity and/or use of additional functions or data that were not      introduced in the practical sessions. In order to ensure a good grade, in addition to meeting the specifications you should avoid errors such as:

    Typographical errors

    Messy presentation (e.g. overlapping features or labels, inappropriate feature

symbology, visible data frame edges).

    Inappropriate scale bar units (should be metric and appropriate for the scale at which

the map is displayed).

    Elements on the map not appearing in the legend, and vice versa.

    Screenshot of the map rather than an exported map.

Attention to detail is crucial in order to achieve the top grades.