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ACCT 3011: Financial Accounting B Semester 2, 2022


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ACCT 3011: Financial Accounting B

Semester 2, 2022

Information on the Mid-Semester Examination

1.          Time, date, duration, and the online ProctorU approach:

Your exam will be 60 minutes, inclusive of reading time. There are some limited exceptions to this timing for our disability students, who will be separately advised of their distinct exam timing. Your exam will automatically submit when your time is up or at the end of the buffer time, whichever comes first.

As you have already been advised, your exam will be undertaken on-line through ProctorU, and will be taking place over Review+. This involves AI software launching your test and monitoring you. Following completion of the test, recordings are reviewed and suspicious activity is flagged with coordinators and relevant academic integrity staff. Ahead of the exam, you should read the site 'taking online tests' and the pages regarding preparing for your test. At this point, please ensure that you're reviewing the activities that should be happening in the weeks prior to the test. Note, though, that because your exam has a fixed date and time, that you do not need to schedule your exam (step 4). An FAQ can be found here and any further questions you have about Review+ can be sent to the Student Centre.

If you  have  clashes  with  other  classes  or  tests,  please  contact Business  School Exams with your name, SID, and the details of your clash, and they will attempt to either resolve your clash or reschedule one of your tests to the replacement test period. Information about how you will access the exam will made available in the days leading up to your test.

2.         Coverage:  The examination will cover issues up to and including the week 5 lecture (i.e., up to and including Intra-group transactions (non-current assets)’ . The mid semester exam will not test you on the issue of control (week 1), as that topic has been covered in the individual assignment. Lecture 6 and beyond are covered in the final exam.

3.        Number, Type & Value of Questions:   In both the main and replacement exams, there will be four (4) questions including some numerical and some written questions. The online format of the exam will provide space for you to type in your


Question 1 is a practical question that includes consolidation adjusting journal entries. You will need to write brief narrations and show calculations to explain your entries.

Question 2-3 contain written short answer and numerical questions including some focus on explaining consolidation adjusting entries.

Question 4 requires short written answer responses, making reference to one or more of the additional readings we introduced during the first five weeks.

The mid-session exam is out of 70 marks and will be converted to contribute 20% to your final aggregate mark for the unit.

4.           Tips:

•   Review your lecture slides including those lecture examples

•    Review your tutorial presentation questions and tutorial practical questions

•    Go through/review the weekly Test Your Understanding” Questions

•   Go through the practice questions