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BUSS1000: Future of Business - Semester 2, 2022


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BUSS1000: Future of Business - Semester 2, 2022

This report should consist of two sections:

Part 1: Role of Business in Society (Approx . 500 words)

What is BlueScope’s dominant orientation towards society? Is it Profit Maximising, Corporate Social Responsibility, Creating Shared Value or Social Enterprise or something else? Take a stance and explain your arguments with the use of analysis and evidence in support.

Part 2: Strategy Evaluation (Approx. 1500 words)

Analyse the competitive environment in which BlueScope operates by applying Porter’s Five Forces framework. Your response should identify the various forces, analysing and critiquing their impact, focusing on their Australian operations.

Important points:

Scope: In you answer you need to analyse how BlueScope operates, with a focus on their Australian              activities.BlueScopecan be categorised as a flat steel producer for the domestic Australian, New Zealand      and US markets, and is a “leading international supplier of steel products and solutions, principally focused on the global building and construction industry” .

Evaluation: Each paper is graded against the rubric. Ensure you have looked at the rubric carefully prior to beginning your paper, and prior to submitting.

Research: Should be using relevant, quality research, not based simply on the organisation's webpages. It is important to use high quality sources, including ABDC peer reviewed journal articles from theABDC list.

Reference: Thorough and regular referencing adds academic weight to your arguments. Statements not         backed up by data and/or appropriate business theory/frameworks carry less weight. Referencing adds rigour,

integrity and believability to your arguments doing this as often as possible will enhance your paper by demonstrating your business knowledge with credible sources.

Word count and structure: The above word counts include references. A Reference List should appear at the end of the paper and comply withAPA 7thstandard.

Report format:

•    Do not add a cover page or rewrite the question before your response (simply state Part 1 and Part 2).          Remember the 2000 word count , every word included in the document will count towards that total. Consider that the report is being presented to the General Manager, so clear professional business style is required,   but it must still contain full academic references.

•    Develop a plan for your report before you start, developing a logical and purposeful flow for the report.

•    Generally, business reports can contain headings and sub-headings.

•    Some bullet points are acceptable in the report.

•    Business reports can contain tables, graphs or figures, but these need to be appropriately labelled, referenced and included in discussions within the report’s narrative.

Assessment criteria:

Please make sure you read the rubric (pages 3-5) carefully as this is what will be used to grade your paper.

Requirements for submission:

•    Your case study must be submitted on the BUSS1000 Canvas site under “Assignments” (submission will open two weeks prior to the deadline).

•    Appropriate word length the word length for this report is 2000 words. Normal word count penalties apply when the report word length (including headings, in-text reference and Reference list) should not exceed   word limit of 2000 words or +10% that is maximum of 2200 words – refer Penalties below for appropriate   URL. Note that the word limit includes in-text referencing and the reference list at the end of the document.

•    Appropriate referencing throughout the case study, in-text and in the Reference list, using the latest version of APA 7th Edition Referencing. The University of Sydney has an APA 7th Edition guide which can be found here:https://libguides.library.usyd.edu.au/ld.php?content_id=49237993 .

•    Case study must be submitted as a Word file document (.doc, .docx) ONLY.

•    The submission should have a file name in the following format BUSS1000_S1 2022_Case Study_SID”, so an example could be BUSS1000_S1 2022_Case Study_ 123456789”

•    Late penalties will apply after the due date and time 10:00am on 5 September 2022.


•    Late submission penalty is in line with the Business School policy which can be found at:


•    Word length is in line with the Business School policy which can be found at:


•    Academic dishonesty and plagiarism is in line with the Business School policy which can be found at:



•    Feedback will be provided , with comments for each part based, on the marking criteria,

•    The case study will be marked in accordance with the Business School policy .

Overall, feedback will be provided through the following:

✓  Specific comments on each assessment segments

✓  Overall comments based on each part of the report

✓  By attending tutor consultation hour and asking for additional feedback aimed at achieving better grades in the future.

Learning outcomes for this case study include: LO1, LO2, LO3, LO4, LO6

BUSS1000 Case Study Rubric

Task Description: For this assignment you will be undertaking a case study of a provided organization. You will be required to undertake general and academic       research, apply theoretical frameworks, and critically analyse the context and/or organisation. This includes using peer reviewed academic business journal article (<10 years old and not Unit provided readings) from the supplied ABDC list (articles NOT from the list will not be accepted as meeting the requirement under the Research Quality criteria). Please see Canvas for the full list of assignment instructions once they are uploaded.