关键词 > C代写

C programs


For this prac you will write two C programs to execute a list of commands. Your first program will simply read in the commands and then execute them in a sequence. The second program will execute the commands in a pipeline, where the output of each command becomes the input to the next command in the sequence:

cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3 ………… | cmdn
Round 1: sequence.c

This program should read and execute a list of commands from stdin. Each command and its arguments (if any) will appear on a separate line. For example, if the file "cmdfile" contains the lines:
cal 4 2019
echo The time is:

then running

./sequence < cmdfile

should output your username, a calendar of the month of April, the string "The time is:", and the current date/time, to standard output. Suggested approach: first, make sure you can parse a command and its arguments correctly, and store them as an array of C strings. Test this thoroughly before moving on, making use of trace statements to make sure you've accounted for all the cases you can come up with! Debugging processes and pipes can be tricky so you want to have confidence you are giving later parts of your program the correct input. For the purposes of this prac, you can assume a maximum of 10 arguments per command, 256 characters per line, and 100 lines per file.

Second, look at the exec() family of functions and use one to execute each command in turn. Hint: there is a sample program from the first lecture on processes that does something very similar! Here is a pseudo-code version of the setup:

while there are remaining commands:

read line from file

parse line into command and arguments

for cmd in commands:

fork and handle errors

if (child)

execute command

else // parent

wait for child to terminate

Round 2: pipeline.c

This program takes the same input as sequence.c, but executes the commands as a pipeline, where the output of each command is piped to the input of the next command in line. The input of the first command, and the output of the final command, should not be altered. For example, if the file "cmdpipe" contains the lines

ls -s1

sort -n

tail -n 5

then running

./pipeline < cmdpipe

should output the 5 largest files in the current directory, in order of size. Suggested approach: set it up so that the parent process forks a child to execute each command in turn, and keeps track of the pipes that the current child should read from and write to. The child redirects its input and output to these pipes, and then executes the current command. Here is a pseudocode version of the setup:

// For each command except the final one:
// new_pipe = the output of the current command
// For each command except the first one:
// prev_pipe = the output of the previous command, input of current command

// new_pipe = the output of the current command

// For each command except the first one:

// prev_pipe = the output of the previous command, input of current command

for cmd in cmds:

if this is not the final command:

pipe (new_pipe) // Create a new pipe

fork and handle errors

if (child)

if this is not the first command:

Redirect input to prev_pipe

if this is not the final command:

Redirect output to new_pipe

execute command

else // parent

if this is not the first command:
close prev_pipe
if this is not the final command:
prev_pipe = new_pipe

close any remaining pipes, clean up

Remember that once you call fork, both parent and child have their own copy of all variables, including pipes! Have a look at the pattern for setting up processes to read and write from pipes, from lectures. Make sure you close all pipes when they are no longer needed as not doing so can cause behaviour that is hard to debug. Note your code should work with any command. For example:
cat pipeline.c
grep .
wc -l
should print out the number of non-blank lines in your source file (the first line has no effect - why?).