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WECO1031 Term 4 2022 Assignment Questions – Version A


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WECO1031 Term 4 2022 Assignment Questions  Version A

1.   (5 marks)  Suppose Delta Corp allocates $600,000 to spend on research and marketing. Delta Corp estimates that by spending $x on marketing and $y on research it will sell a total amount of (Q)      (measured in $):

4     1

Q  =  30x 5y 3

Using Lagrange multipliers calculate the optimum amount that Delta Corp should spend on marketing and research to maximise sales?

2.   (5 marks) Suppose the demand function of a candy business (Qd ) is given by

Qd    =  1000 e


P  =  unit price of candy

The fixed costs of the candy business are $100, and the variable costs are $2 per unit. Calculate the unit price of candy that maximises the profit of the candy business.

3.    (5 marks)  Suppose Australia’s aggregate income (Y) has two components: aggregate consumption (C ) and aggregate investment (I). In year t :

 =  0.5 (C  +  I  −  Y)

C  =  0.7Y  +  500

I  =  0.2Y  +  500

Using differential equations, find an expression for Y(t ) when Y(0)  =  15,000.