关键词 > COMP2521

COMP2521: Assignment 1


COMP2521: Assignment 1

ADTs: FlightDb Using a Generic AVL Tree

This specification may change! So please check the following change log frequently.

Change log:

[11/03 12:50pm] Fixed style inconsistencies

● [12/03 11:20pm] Fixed inconsistent function names between Record.c and Record.h

● [13/03 07:40pm] Fixed n->height not being initialised in newNode in AVLTree.c

● [18/03 04:40pm] Added comments to TreeNext and DbFindNextFlight to clarify what should be returned if there is no appropriate record

● [18/03 04:50pm] Added sample tests

● [26/03 03:00pm] Added clarifications

● [30/03 12:55am] Added instructions on how to Submit this assignment (goto: Submission)


● to give you experience in implementing ADTs in C

● to give you experience with higher order functions and generic ADTs

● to give you further practice with C and data structures


● Marks: 15 marks

● Deadline: 5pm Saturday of Week 07

● Late Penalty: 1.5 marks per day off the ceiling. For example, if you submit any time between 1 and 2 days late, the maximum mark you can obtain is 12/15. The latest you can submit is 5pm Monday of Week 08. After this date, you will receive zero for the assignment.

● Individual Assignment: This assignment is completed individually.


In this assignment, your task is to implement functions for the AVLTree and FlightDb ADTs, in the files AVLTree.c and FlightDb.c. You will have to write wrapper code to test your implementations, and make sure to test a variety of conditions.

Please note that, you need to submit only the C code implementing the required functions in the files AVLTree.c and FlightDb.c.

Week 04 Lab

You should first complete the Week 04 lab exercise. This assignment is based on many concepts discussed in the Week 04 lab, like comparison functions, function pointers and their usage in implementing Tree and StudentDb ADTs. In this assignment, you need to use similar setup, however here you need to implement the AVLTree and FlightDb ADTs.


● You can assume that flights with the same flight number will always have the same departure and arrival airports. You do not need to check this in your code.

● You are always allowed to use helper functions. Since you are not allowed to modify anything above "the line" in AVLTree.c, please put the prototypes for your helper functions under this line.

● You may not use string.h in AVLTree.c. Doing this is a sign that your code is incorrect. 

● For DbFindBetweenTimes, the times are inclusive.

● For DbFindBetweenTimes, you will never be passed two times where the first time is later than the second.

● For DbFindNextFlight, if there are multiple flights that occur at the same time that could be selected from, then you must take the one with the smallest flight number.

Task 1: AVLTree ADT

The AVLTree ADT implements an AVL tree of records with a custom comparison function.

You need to implement the following three functions in the file AVLTree.c.


* Inserts the given record into the AVL tree.

* You must use the proper AVL insertion algorithm, as discussed in the

* lectures.

* The time complexity of this function must be O(log n).

* Returns true if the record was inserted successfully, or false if

* there was already a record that compares equal to the given record in

* the tree (according to the comparison function).


bool     TreeInsert(Tree t, Record rec);


* Searches for all records between the two given records, inclusive

* (according to the comparison function) and returns the records in a

* list in order. Returns an empty list if there are no such records.

* Assumes that `lower` is less than `upper`.

* The time complexity of this function must be O(log n + m), where m is

* the length of the returned list.


List     TreeSearchBetween(Tree t, Record lower, Record upper);


* Returns the smallest record greater than or equal to the given record

* r (according to the comparison function), or NULL if there is no such

* record.

* The time complexity of this function must be O(log n).


Record  TreeNext(Tree t, Record r);

Please make sure you follow the following instructions:

● You must use the the proper AVL insertion algorithm, as discussed in the lectures, for inserting a record.

● Do not modify AVLTree.h. You will only submit AVLTree.c for this task.

● In AVLTree.c, do not modify the structures defined for 'node' and 'tree'.

● You must not modify the provided functions in AVLTree.c (from line 1 to 100).

Task 2: FlightDb ADT

FlightDb ADT stores flight details (see Record.h and Record.c for more information), and offers efficient operations for the searching tasks defined in the interface FlightDb.h. Your task is to implement the interface FlightDb.h in the file FlightDb.c. You MUST use the AVLTree ADT (from Task 1) in your implementation. You MUST only create one record per flight, like you did in Week-04 lab.

In this assignment, our focus is on learning how to implement an efficient database ADT using an AVL tree ADT. So we assume the following regarding the flight details:

● flight schedule is the same every week

● departureDay is between 0 and 6. 0 for Monday, 1 for Tuesday, ... , 6 for Sunday

● departureHour is between 0 and 23 (inclusive)

● departureMinute is between 0 to 59 (inclusive)

● durationMinutes indicates the duration of the flight in minutes

Please do NOT modify the header file FlightDb.h, you will only submit FlightDb.c for this task. We will test your implementation using our test sets, so make sure you do NOT modify function headers (signatures) in the header file FlightDb.h.

You need to implement the following functions in FlightDb.c.


* Creates a new flight DB.

* You MUST use the AVLTree ADT (from Task 1) in your implementation.


FlightDb  DbNew(void);


* Frees all memory allocated to the given flight DB


void     DbFree(FlightDb db);


* Inserts a flight record into the given DB if there is not already

* record with the same flight number, departure airport, day, hour and

* minute.

* If inserted successfully, this function takes ownership of the given

* record (so the caller should not modify or free it).

* Returns true if the record was successfully inserted, and false if

* the DB already contained a record with the same flight number,

* departure airport, day, hour and minute.

* The time complexity of this function must be O(log n).

* You MUST use the AVLTree ADT (from Task 1) in your implementation.


bool     DbInsertRecord(FlightDb db, Record r);


* Searches for all records with the given flight number, and returns

* them all in a list in increasing order of (day, hour, min). Returns

* an empty list if there are no such records.

* The records in the returned list should not be freed, but it is the

* caller's responsibility to free the list itself.

* The time complexity of this function must be O(log n + m), where m is

* the length of the returned list.

* You MUST use the AVLTree ADT (from Task 1) in your implementation.


List     DbFindByFlightNumber(FlightDb db, char *flightNumber);


* Searches for all records with the given departure airport and day of

* week (0 to 6), and returns them all in a list in increasing order of

* (hour, min, flight number).

* Returns an empty list if there are no such records.

* The records in the returned list should not be freed, but it is the

* caller's responsibility to free the list itself.

* The time complexity of this function must be O(log n + m), where m is

* the length of the returned list.

* You MUST use the AVLTree ADT (from Task 1) in your implementation.


List     DbFindByDepartureAirportDay(FlightDb db, char *departureAirport, int day);


* Searches for all records between (day1, hour1, min1) and (day2, 

* hour2, min2), and returns them all in a list in increasing order of

* (day, hour, min, flight number).

* Returns an empty list if there are no such records.

* The records in the returned list should not be freed, but it is the

* caller's responsibility to free the list itself.

* The time complexity of this function must be O(log n + m), where m is

* the length of the returned list.

* You MUST use the AVLTree ADT (from Task 1) in your implementation.


List     DbFindBetweenTimes(FlightDb db, int day1, int hour1, int min1, int day2, int hour2, int min2);


* Searches for and returns the earliest next flight from the given

* departure airport, on or after the given (day, hour, min), or NULL if

* there is no such flight.

* The returned record must not be freed or modified.

* The time complexity of this function must be O(log n).

* You MUST use the AVLTree ADT (from Task 1) in your implementation.


Record     DbFindNextFlight(FlightDb db, char *departureAirport, int day, int hour, int min);

Setting Up

Create a directory for this assignment, change into it, and run the following command:

unzip /web/cs2521/21T1/assigns/ass1/downloads/ass1.zip

If you're working at home, download ass1.zip by clicking on the above link and then run the unzip command on the downloaded file.

If you've done the above correctly, you should now have the following files:


implementation of the List ADT (complete)


interface to the List ADT


implementation of the Record ADT (complete)


interface to the Record ADT


implementation of the FlightDb ADT (incomplete)


interface to the FlightDb ADT


implementation of the AVLTree ADT (incomplete)


interface to the Tree ADT


You can download the sample tests by running the following command from your assignment directory.

Important: The test files provide new versions of Record.c and Makefile. If you made changes to any of these files, you should create backups of these first.

unzip /web/cs2521/21T1/assigns/ass1/downloads/testing.zip

If you're working at home, download testing.zip by clicking on the above link and then run the unzip command on the downloaded file.

You should now have the following new files:


a program that contains some sample tests


a directory containing expected output for the tests in testAss1.c

To test your implementation, run the make command to compile your code and then run./testAss1 test-number (for example, ./testAss1 1). Then compare the output to the expected output in the output/ directory. The expected output for test n is in output/n.exp.

Please note that the sample tests are by no means comprehensive - you should do your own testing by adding tests to this file. To avoid modifying the existing tests, you should create functions containing your tests, and extend the switch statement in the main function to call these functions. Of course, there won't be any expected output for these tests so you will need to inspect the output yourself.

The sample tests also do not directly test the AVLTree ADT implementation. However, it is possible to test your AVLTree by creating a tree (you'll need to create a comparison function first), inserting records and then calling the various AVLTree ADT functions.

Assessment Criteria

Your program will be tested thoroughly and objectively. This assignment will be marked out of 15 where 12 marks are for correctness and 3 marks are for your solution's complexity, style and comments. Task 1 is worth 5 marks and Task 2 is worth 10 marks.


You need to submit two files: AVLTree.c and FlightDb.c.

To Submit this assignment, go to the Submission page and click the tab named "Make Submission".

You can also submit at the command-line, by running

give cs2521 ass1 AVLTree.c FlightDb.c


This is an individual assignment. Each student will have to develop their own solution without help from other people. You are not permitted to exchange code or pseudocode. If you have questions about the assignment, ask your tutor. All work submitted for assessment must be entirely your own work. We regard unacknowledged copying of material, in whole or part, as an extremely serious offence. For further information, read the Student Conduct.