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CS2148 - Discrete Structures, Section 04 (96672) Fall 2022


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CS2148 - Discrete Structures, Section 04 (96672)

Fall 2022


Course Description

CS2148 is a course in discrete mathematics and its applications in the field of computer science. Topics include but are not limited to: fundamentals of logic and set theory, combinatorics and    counting techniques, induction, recursion, graphs and trees, and probability theory. These topics are foundational to the field of computer science and inform best practices in programming as    well as the theoretical framework for advanced courses in the Computer Science major.

Required Text

Discrete Mathematics with Applications (5th edition, Brooks/Cole) by Susanna S. Epp

ISBN 978- 1337694193

*I will post supplemental texts with excerpts from different books as needed

Course Content

Unit 1: Combinatorics (Permutations, Combinations, Counting)

Unit 2: Fundamentals of Logic (Formal Statements, Quantifiers, Equivalence)

Unit 3: Set Theory (Sets and Subsets, Set Operations)

Unit 4: Probability

Unit 5: Methods of Proof (Properties of Integers, Direct and Indirect Proof, Proof by Induction)

Unit 6: Sequences, Recursions, Relations, and Functions

Unit 7: Graph Theory (Trees, Circuits, Graph Isomorphism)

Grading Scheme


Exam 1

Exam 2




Scale: 90- 100 A, 80-89 B, 70-79 C, 60-69 D

*I do take attendance and give bonus points based on attendance*

Note: When submitting assignments, you will be using a great deal of mathematical notation.     Although there is an equation editor in Microsoft Word and other similar software, if you prefer to type your assignments, I strongly recommend using the LaTeX typesetting package. LaTeX is free, and while there are many different editors, I recommend using http://www.overleaf.com.    Handwritten (neatly!) assignments will also be accepted.

Unexcused late assignments will carry a penalty of 10 points taken off per day late. If you require accommodations due to emergency/illness/etc., please contact me ASAP.

Diversity & Inclusivity Statement

In this class we will welcome individuals of all ages, backgrounds, beliefs, ethnicities, genders, gender identities, gender expressions, national origins, religious affiliations, sexual orientations, ability, and other visible and non-visible differences. All members of the class are expected to   uphold a commitment to a respectful and inclusive environment for all members of the class.     Please do not hesitate to reach out for assistance or accommodation with any of these or any      other topics.

Helpful Student Resources

Canvas Student Support

Courses use a learning management systems (LMS) called Canvas, which you can see in the

MyCalStateLA portal. For more


• Canvas Guides for Students

• Canvas Student Tour Course

• Become familiar with Canvas by completing training at LinkedIn Training. You can access this via the MyCalStateLA portal. Click on the LinkedIn Training QuickLaunch button and search in LinkedIn Training for Canvas tutorials.

Glazer Family Dreamers Resource Center

The Erika J. Glazer Family Dreamers Resource Center promotes the success of undocumented  students and students from mixed-status families at Cal State LA through a variety of resources, services, and community engagement opportunities. Such programs and services are weekly      immigration legal clinics, California Dream Act Application for Financial Aid Assistance, and   professional and academic development workshops.

Other Support Services

• CETL Student Support Resources

• ITS Resources for Students

• ITS Helpdesk Information

• Office of Students with Disabilities (OSD)

• University Library

• Counseling and Psychological Services(CAPS)

• Student Health Services

University Policies

Student Conduct

Information on student rights and responsibilities, standards of conduct, etc., can be found by visiting the Cal State LA University Catalog Appendices.

Dropping and Adding

Students are responsible for understanding the policies and procedures about add/drops,           academic renewal, etc. Students should be aware of the current deadlines and penalties for       adding and dropping classes by visiting the GET home page. (Registrar news and information)

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Reasonable accommodation will be provided to any student who is registered with the Office of Students with Disabilities and requests needed accommodation. For more information visit the  Office for Students with Disabilities home page.

Academic Honesty

Students are expected to do their own work and to abide by the University Policy on academic honesty. You are expected to familiarize yourself with the Cal State LA Academic Honesty      Policy including Appendix D – Academic Honesty and Appendix E

- Student Conduct / Student Conduct Procedures. All work you submit must be your own scholarly and creative efforts. Cal

State LA defines plagiarism as follows: “At Cal State LA, plagiarism is defined as the act of using ideas, words, or work of another person or persons as if they were one’s own, without giving proper credit to the original sources.”