关键词 > MAT128C

MAT 128C - Numerical Analysis


MAT 128C - Numerical Analysis

General Information

Class Time: MWF 11:00pm - 11:50pm

Instructor: David Marsico

Email: [email protected]

Office Hours: WF 12:15pm - 1:15pm (held on Zoom)

TA Information

The TA for this class is Vincent Lovero ([email protected]).

Office Hours: TBA


We will use Numerical Analysis 10th Edition, by Richard Burden, Douglas Faires, and Annette Burden.

Homework, Exams, and Grading

Grades are determined as follows:

Homework is 15%

Midterm is 35% (May 5th during class)

Final is 50% (June 9th, 1:00pm - 3:00pm)

There will be approximately 5 homework assignments, assigned roughly every other week. Please upload a scanned copy of your assignment to Canvas. Homework will be graded on completion, and late homework is not accepted.

There will be an in class midterm on May 5th that will be proctored over Zoom. The final exam is Wednesday, June 9th, 1pm - 3pm.

This class will be curved in the sense that at the end of the quarter, I will look at the numerical grades and decide how to assign letter grades.

Course Outline

         The first half of this course will cover numerical methods for initial value problems for ordinary differential equations. In the second half, we will cover numerical methods for boundary value problems, and partial differential equations. This material corresponds to chapters 5,11, and 12 of the textbook.

*The instructor reserves the right to change any aspects of the syllabus.