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BAFI 1026 Derivatives and Risk Management


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BAFI 1026 Derivatives and Risk Management

Assessment 1: Group Case Study (20%)

Ø Group Formation

In this project, students will work in groups up to three students and submit your work as a group. Students must self-select a partner(s) to work alongside them. The cap of the group size is 3 members. You need to start the formation of your group from Week 1. If you fail to form a group by the end of Week 3 (7 August 2022), the teaching team will allocate the group in alphabetical order for you in Week 4.

You can look for your group members during your class hours or post a message on "Discussions Board" on Canvas. Alternatively, you can reach out to your local lecturers for assistance.

Register your group on Canvas. Please go to "People", Click on the tab Assessment 1 Groups; Select an empty group within your tutorial session. Then drag you and your group members into the same group. Please DO NOT randomly join groups without the consent of the existing group members. 

After forming your group, please send the Declaration of Group Work Commitment (can be found under Assessment 1 on Canvas) to your tutor.

Any changes after week 3 are not allowed. Groups must be formed within the same tutorial sessions.

The tutor of your enrolled tutorial will mark your Assessment 1.

Few students might be allowed to do the project as an individual assignment, but this must be discussed with the course coordinator at the start of the semester. You have to provide solid evidence/reasons to support your willingness to solo the project. Any proposal after week 3 will be rejected.

Ø Assessment Task

The group needs to select one case from the following list and to conduct research on the background of the event, in order to understand the causes, consequences of the event and what can be learned from the event.

v Barings Bank’s bankruptcy in 1995.

v The bankruptcy of Orange County in California in 1994.

v Joseph Jett’s trading for Kidder Peabody lost $350 million.

v Allied Irish Banks scandal in 2002.

v Metallgesellschaft’s hedge on oil.

v In 2006 the hedge fund Amaranth lost $6 billion because of trading risks taken by Brian Hunter.

v In 2008, Jérôme Kerviel lost over $7 billion trading equity index futures for Société Générale.

v Delta CEO Admits To $4 Billion Lost In Hedging Fuel Costs in 2016.

v Lehman Brothers Bankruptcy.

v 9 sentenced to prison in Austrian bank fraud case – an Australian bank BAWAG.

v The bailout of American International Group (AIG).

In the report and the recorded presentation, the group is required to elaborate:

 What happened to the main organizations that were involved in the selected event? (The background and what the story looks like). And what are the consequences to the organizations (e.g., direct monetary loss, loss of firm value in short term, damage to reputation, investors prospect for the industry/market, etc.).

 Which type of derivative products were used and how they exacerbated the risk?

 Why did risk management procedure not work in this failure?

 What lessons can be learned by the institution?

 How would you act if you were at the organization? Will you treat the firm’s account (transaction) differently from your own account? (Group members can have different opinions)

You can draft your report in any fashion, e.g., in an essay format or answering each question.

You are not required to use formulars or mathematical tools to conduct this assessment.

Ø Submission

One representative of the group needs to submit both report and recorded presentation by due date.

Report format

All submissions must be made electronically on Canvas, accompanied by a cover sheet. The submission must be using 1 or 1.5 spacing and 12-point Times New Roman font. Work that fails to meet these specifications will not be accepted. Students should ensure that the report is free from problems like copying and plagiarism (similarity rate should be below 35%).

At the beginning of the report, please specify which case your group chooses. The report will be submitted through “Canvas-Assignments-Assessment 1-Report submission”. It links to Turnitin. You can submit multiple times before the due date and check your similarity report. The report should be no longer than 1500 words (-/+15 %), excluding references and appendix. The group can have up to 2-page appendix. Citations and references should be provided where necessary.

Recorded presentation

The recorded presentation is limited to 7 minutes. You can submit a PowerPoint slide embedded with voice, a video link on YouTube for your group presentation, or an mp4 file of the recording, etc. The presentation must include all group members’ voices. The recording will be submitted through “Canvas-Assignments-Assessment 1-Presentation submission”.

Students are required to keep back-ups of all submitted work just in case any are lost.

Ø Extension and Special Consideration Policy

Unless extension is granted, severe penalties apply for late submission. For late submission, the mark awarded will be reduced by 10% for each day (2 points) the submission is late. Submissions that are late by 7 days or more will not be marked and zero marks will be awarded.

An application for extension of an assessment task of up to seven calendar days after the original submission due date must be lodged with the course coordinator via email, and where appropriate supporting documents such as a medical certificate in case of illness should be provided. If you're prevented from submitting an assessment on time by circumstances outside your control, you may apply in advance (at least one working day before the assessment deadline) for an extension to the due date of up to seven calendar days.

Apply for extension:

Fill the Microsoft online form by 25 August 2022, 23:59


Download and complete an Application for extension of time for submission of assessable work form (PDF) and submit it to the RMIT School that runs the course.

If you require an extension of greater than seven days, you must apply for special consideration. However, if you have an equitable assessment arrangement which provides for negotiation of submission dates with relevant academic/teaching staff, extensions of more than seven days may be considered.

Ø Rubrics

BAFI 1026 Derivatives and Risk Management Assessment 1_ Report Rubric (12 points)


Not yet competent



Research & Design (10 points)




Identifies case study objectives based on the general description and theories learned in class. (2 points)

Many major objectives are not identified.

All major objectives are identified but one or two minor ones are missing, or priorities are not established.

All-important major and minor objectives are identified and appropriately prioritized.

Identifies relevant & valid information to support arguments. (4 points)

Insufficient information is obtained and/, or sources lack validity. The report uses little relevant or accurate information, not even that was presented in class or in the assigned texts. Little or no research is apparent.  

Sufficient information is obtained, and most sources are valid. The report uses knowledge which is generally accurate with only minor inaccuracies, and which is generally relevant to the knowledge learnt in the class. Research is adequate but does not go much beyond what was presented in class, the course notes or recommended textbook.

All relevant information is obtained, and information sources are valid. The report demonstrates a depth of understanding by using relevant and accurate detail to support the arguments. Research is thorough and goes beyond what in class, the course notes of recommended textbook.

Generates valid conclusions (4 points)

Only limited solutions have been being considered, or other solutions were ignored or incompletely analysed.  

Explanation is reasonable; attempt to incorporate the theoretical framework into the real-life cases.

The questions are well analysed by considering all the potential biases and provide more sophisticated thinking beyond the class contents.

Written Communication (2 Points)




Report structure and presentation (2 Points)

The report lacks an overall organization.  The reader has to make considerable effort to understand the underlying logic and flow of ideas.  Diagrams are absent or inconsistent with the text.  Grammatical and spelling errors make it difficult for the reader to interpret the text in places. The report lacks many elements of correct formatting. Citations and references are not provided. The report is inadequate/excessive in length.

The report is organized and clearly written for the most part.  In some areas, the logic or flow of ideas is difficult to follow. Words are well chosen with some minor exceptions.  Diagrams are consistent with the text. Sentences are mostly grammatical, and only a few spelling errors are present, but they do not hinder the reader. The report follows designated guidelines.
Citations and references are used appropriately.
The report is the appropriate length as described for the assignment.

The report is well organized and clearly written.  The underlying logic is clearly articulated and easy to follow.  Words are chosen that precisely express the intended meaning and support reader comprehension.  Diagrams or analyses enhance and clarify the presentation of ideas. Sentences are grammatical and free from spelling errors. The report follows designated guidelines.
Citations and references are used appropriately.
The report is the appropriate length as described for the assignment.

Total (12 points)




BAFI 1026 Derivatives and Risk Management Assessment 1_ Recorded Presentation Rubric (8 points)


Not yet competent




(3 Points)

The presentation uses little relevant or accurate information, not event that which was presented in class or in the assigned texts. Little or no research is apparent.  

The presentation uses knowledge which is generally accurate with only minor inaccuracies, and which is generally relevant to the project objectives. Research is adequate but does not go much beyond what was presented in class, the course notes or recommended text.

The presentation demonstrates a depth of understanding by using relevant and accurate detail to support the portfolio selection. Research is thorough and goes beyond what in class, the course notes of recommended text.

General Presentation Skills

(3 Points)

The presentation fails to capture the interest of the audience and/or is confusing in what is communicated.

Speakers are often inaudible or hesitant, often speaking in incomplete sentences. Speakers rely heavily on notes.

Presentation techniques used are effective in conveying main ideas, but a bit unimaginative.

Speakers are mostly audible and fluent on their topic and require minimal referral to notes.  

The presentation is imaginative and effective in conveying ides to the audience.

Speakers are audible and fluent on their topic, and do not rely on notes to present or respond.  

Visual Aid

(2 Points)

Slides contain errors and lack a logical progression. Major aspects of the analysis or recommendations are absent.  Diagrams or graphics are absent or confuse the audience.

Slides are error-free and logically present the main components of the process and recommendations.  Material is mostly readable, and graphics reiterate the main ideas.

Slides are error-free and logically present the main components of the process and recommendations.  Material is readable and the graphics highlight and support the main ideas.

Total Mark (maximum of 8 marks)