关键词 > scintillationdetectorswithradionuclides

Medical Imaging Workshop/Lab A


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Medical Imaging Workshop/Lab A


This lab aims to give the student an introduction to the use of scintillation detectors with radionuclides. The student will observe  how the scintillation detector  is able to  produce spectra with peaks that correspond to the decay energies of the nuclides.

The student will also investigate the energy resolution of the detector – a key parameter when assessing the suitability of a  particular system. The student will  investigate the absolute sensitivities of scintillation and Geiger-Muller detectors. They will then discuss how these measurements affect the suitability of the detectors for clinical use.

The lab has been designed to run remotely based on the practical experiments of previous years. The lab runs using Jupyter Notebooks however requires no prior knowledge of python or programming, please ensure you can access the Jupyter Notebooks and all accompanying material prior to the lab session.

Complete all numbered Tasks highlighted in the grey boxes. The Additional Tasks in the blue highlighted boxes have been included to further your understanding and will not be assessed.

1. Spectral Measurements from a Scintillation Counter

Scintillation counters can be used to identify the energies of gamma radiation photons.

Task 1: Discuss with a demonstrator how a scintillation counter operates, how it relates to the lecture content, and how it measures photon energy.

This exercise will use the Gamma_Spectrometer” Jupyter notebook and the files within the “Spectra” folder. If you are unfamiliar with Jupyter notebooks/Python the demonstrators should be able to help you with any technical issues.

The key cell that you will need to alter is the following:

It is here that you will be able to change the parameters needed for the experiment. The 1st variable dictates the  radioactive sample that  is to  be  loaded  into the spectrometer. The available options are:

-     Cobalt 60 (co60)

-     Sodium 22 (na22)

-     A  mixed source consisting of Strontium 90, Americium  241, and Caesium  137 (cs137)

Note: the names of each source must be exactly as in the parenthesis or the code will result in an error.

The “integration_time” controls how long the simulated measurement will run for in seconds. Discuss with a demonstrator what a reasonable value to use for this will be.                               “frames_to_show” will control the speed at which the simulation runs. Leave this equal to 1 to begin with.

“thickness_of_lead” will be used in the following part, leave this equal to 0 for now.

Finally, you can save the data at any point using the last two lines. When the save_data” variable is set to True”, the final spectrum will be saved as an ascii text file with the name given by “file_name” in the folder “Saved_Data” . Note that this folder must exist, or the data will not be saved.


The final figure that is produced shows the energy spectrum. The x axis shows the photon energy (in arbitrary bin” units) whilst the y axis shows how many photons of that energy were measured. Before using the scintillation counter as a spectrometer, we will first need to calibrate the x scale.

For all spectra that you measure, ensure that you know how to import the data analyse at a later date and incorporate into your report (ask a demonstrator if unsure).

Task 2: Acquire the spectrum of the Cobalt 60 source using a range of acquisition times. What do you notice about the appearance of the final figure as the integration time is changed?

What you should observe is that a new count” is added to the spectrum for each photon generated by the simulation. This bears a strong similarity to how the photons are measured in the lab where each high energy gamma photon is measured individually resulting in a single “count” in the final spectrum. As only a limited number of photons are emitted by the source per second, this typically results in measurement times of a few minutes.

Additional Task: Take a look through the code. Can you identify how many photons are being simulated for each measurement? What do you notice about this number and why has it been included in this way?

As this is a simulation, we don’t need to worry about waiting this time for each measurement. The frames_to_show” variable controls how often the figure updates, set this to a higher value (e.g. 100) to run the simulation more quickly.

Task 3: Use the two known peaks of energy 1.173 and 1.333 MeV to calibrate the scale. Ensure the data is of sufficient quality to allow you also to measure the full and half maximum of the peak with suitable consideration of uncertainty.

Task 4: Acquire a spectrum for Na22, again this should be suitable for analysis. Measure the energy of the peak. From this energy can you indicate the type of emissions from the sodium and how this peak is being produced?

Task 5: Acquire at least one further peak for the mixed Sr90; Am241; Cs137 source. Measure the energies of the photopeaks that you see and again ensure that these are suitable for subsequent analysis.

Task 6: Measure the full width at half maximum of the four peaks you have identified. Make sure you include an estimate of the uncertainty in the widths of these peaks.

Task 7: Plot a graph of the full width at half maximum of the peaks versus the energy of the emission. Explain the appearance of this graph.

2. Absorption of Gamma Rays

Gamma rays display exponential attenuation in matter given by the relation: I =  I0eud

where u is the linear absorption coefficient. We can define the half thickness, d1/2, as the thickness at which the gamma ray intensity drops to half its original value.

Using the mixed Caesium 137 source, estimate the half thickness of lead.

Additional Task: Take a look through the code. Can you identify where the attenuation is taking place? Does the value usedfor the attenuation match what you measured and why?