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CH273 – Statistical Mechanics


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CH273 – Statistical Mechanics

Revision Lecture – Mock Exam

(a) Explain why and how the thermal De Broglie wavelength is relevant in the context of choosing which statistics (Boltzmann, Fermi-Dirac or Bose-Einstein) to apply to the treatment of a system of indistinguishable particles within the canonical ensemble.


(b) The vibrational temperatures of HCl and HBr are 4227 K and 3787 K, respectively. Which  of  these  two  diatomic  species  is  characterised  by  a  higher  value  of  its vibrational partition function? Why?


(c) Consider the following gas phase reaction, taking place in the stratosphere at the temperature T = 230 K:

SO + O2  → SO2  + O

(i) Write down the expression of the equilibrium constant Kc(T) in terms of vibrational partition function? Why?


(ii)  Calculate the  rotational  contribution to  Kc(T)  using the  Euler-Maclaurin summation formula. The rotational temperatures of SO, O2  and SO2 are 3.24 K,  2.07 K and 6.84 K, respectively. Treat SO2 as a linear molecule.


(iii) Calculate Kc(T), knowing that the translational and vibrational contributions at the temperature of interest are equal to 0.83 and 12.75, respectively. Note  as well that the dissociation energies D0  for SO, O2  and SO2 are 178 kcal/mol, 118 kcal/mol and 298 kcal/mol, respectively. Assume that in computing the vibrational contributions the zero of energy has been chosen to correspond to the vibrational ground state.
