关键词 > BPLN0081

BPLN0081 - Economics of Cities and their Regions 2022


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BPLN0081: Economics of Cities and their Regions

Main examination period 2021-22

1.   Explain the concept of ‘economic rent’ .  Should Governments intervene to prevent landowners generating economic rent? If so, how?

2.   In October 2021, the Conservative Government in the UK made a pledge to build      300,000 new homes a year.  Will this focus on increasing housing supply address the housing affordability crisis?

3.   How does Alonso’s bid rent theory explain the trend of post-war suburbanisation (in the US)? How does this differ from the Marxian explanation?

4.   What are the main differences between the consumption and production-based    explanations of gentrification? Using an example of your choice, consider whether either perspective provides a full explanation.

5.   Explain the positive benefits and negative impacts of agglomeration.  Should  governments intervene to support agglomeration in already successful cities?

6.   Has ‘trickle down’ economics worked? How can we explain rising inequalities (of income and wealth) seen in advanced economies since the 1980s?

7.   Why are there persistent spatial inequalities between regions of the UK?

8.   Why do cities compete with one another? How might a foundational economy    perspective provide a contrasting approach to competitiveness in thinking about cities and regions?