关键词 > COMP4002

COMP4002 GAMES 2021-2022


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1. Topic: The Design of Challenges

Martin is playing Elven Fling, a new multiplayer first-person action game or “shooter” . In the  game, each player’s character has a laser gun that they can shoot to damage other players,   and a health resource that is depleted every time they are hit by another player’s laser. A      player can choose from one of two classes; the tank”, a character that moves slowly, but has a large amount of health, or the scout”, a character that moves quickly, and has a small       amount of health.

Martin is playing an asymmetric, team-based game mode of Elven Fling. One team of players must defend the objective in the level from being destroyed, while one team of players must destroy the objective using their lasers.

a.  Referring to the game description above, describe the design of an appropriate level for the game. In your answer you should identify and justify the topology or architecture   of the level, and how it would facilitate an appropriate interaction between the players.

[10 Marks]

b.  Identify and describe three of the pure challenges that you would expect the player to have to engage with while playing the game.

[15 Marks]

c.  You have been asked to design a third player class that players can choose from      alongside the tank and the scout. Describe an an orthogonal property and associated game mechanic that you would introduce to the classes to appropriately differentiate this new class from the existing classes.

[15 Marks]

2. Topic: Multiplayer Networking

Martin is playing a fierce online game of Elven Fling, and the objective only needs one more  hit before it is destroyed and Martin’s team wins the game. He presses keys to move towards the objective and fire, while the enemy team move to stand in the way of the objective to     defend it. At the same time, Martin’s connection suffers from severe “lag” and for a few        seconds his game is not able to send or receive any data. The game has a client-server         architecture for online play, and has implemented appropriate lag mitigation strategies.

a.  Draw a diagram to show the information that is sent between the client and the server during and immediately after the period of connection lag.

[15 Marks]

b.  Describe what Martin sees during and immediately after the period of connection lag.   [10 Marks]

c.  Should Martin’s team have won the game or not? Explain your answer by referencing how you would have implemented the shared game state.

[5 Marks]

3. Topic: Simulation

Elven Fling simulates a realistic 3D environment for its players that includes objects that can be pushed around by the player. The game has bounce or jump pads, a common feature that allows players and objects that stand on or touch them to be thrown high into the air. The    game is written in Unity, and you are responsible for implementing this feature.

Describe, in principle, your implementation. In your answer, you should describe the             components that you would create or implement for the jump pad object and the objects that can interact with it, including an explanation of any scripts that you would author, the           functions that would need to be overridden and what they would do.

[30 Marks]