关键词 > ECED2001

ECED 2001 Circuits Analysis


Faculty of Engineering

Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

ECED 2001 Circuits Analysis


Dr. Hamed Aly                                                                                                                                  Due: April 7/ 2021

Write a program using any language (C, C++, Fortran, Python……) to solve transformer problem.

The program will ask the user to choose from two different options based on the given data.

1. Option one: Given the transformer parameters values.

2. Option 2: Given the open circuit and short circuit test values.

For first option, the user will be asked about the transformer parameters, the turns ratio, the operating secondary voltage, the power and the power factor at the load side. The program will solve the transformer problem for calculating the primary voltage, the load and the primary current, the voltage regulation and the efficiency. For the first option use the exact equivalent circuit.

For second option, the user will be asked about the open circuit test, short circuit test, the turns ratio, the operating secondary voltage, the power and the power factor at the load side. The program will solve the transformer problem for the transformer parameters, the primary voltage, the load and the primary current, the voltage regulation and the efficiency. For the second option use the approximate equivalent circuit.

Test your program by solving the following problems.

For option one

A 23 KVA, 2300/230 V, 60 Hz, step down transformer has the following resistance and leakage reactance values: R1 = 4 Ω, R2= 0.04 Ω, Rc =1200 Ω, Xm= 1600 Ω, X1 = 12 Ω, and X2 = 0.12 Ω. The transformer is operating at 75% of its rated load. If the power factor of the load is 0.866 leading, determine primary voltage, the load current, the primary current, the efficiency of the transformer and its voltage regulation at rated voltage.

For option two

A 15-KVA, 2300/230-V transformer is to be tested to determine its excitation branch components, its series impedances, and its voltage regulation. The following test data have been taken from the primary side of the transformer:

Open circuit test: Voc = 2300 V, Ioc = 0.21 A, Poc = 50 W

Short circuit test: Vsc = 47 V, Isc = 6.0 A, Psc = 160 W

a) Find the equivalent circuit of this transformer referred to the high voltage side.

b) Find the equivalent circuit of this transformer referred to the low voltage side.

c) Calculate the voltage regulation when the transformer delivers rated load at 0.8 lagging power factor, 1.0 power factor, and at 0.8 leading power factor at rated voltage.

d) What is the efficiency of the transformer at full load with a power factor of 0.8 lagging?

What is needed?

Copy the code and paste it into a notepad document to upload it as a .txt file and take screenshots of the output of all results and paste them in a document file for each option. Then upload your two files in the Dropbox created for that purpose.


1. Writing the code and uploading it as a .txt file. 30%

2. Testing the code if it is working or not (we will do that). 20%

3. Solving the first problem and taking screenshots of the results. 25%

4. Solving the second problem and taking screenshots of the results. 25%

Wish you all the best!