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ACF 5510 Integrated Accounting Semester 2, 2022


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ACF 5510 Integrated Accounting

Semester 2, 2022

Reflective Essay & Leap into Learning Online (LiLO)  High Performing Teams (HPT) module

Weighting/Value:      15%

Due Date:                    19 August 2022 by 11.55 pm

Word Limit:                 900 words

Total marks:                100 marks.

Extensions of time and penalties for late lodgement:

Unless an extension or special considerationhas been granted, or otherwise specified in the learning management system, students who submit an assessment task after the due date will receive a late-submission penalty of 10 per cent of the available marks in that task. A further penalty of 10 per cent of the available marks will be applied for each additional day (24-hour period), or part thereof, the assessment task is overdue. Tasks submitted more than seven days after the due date will receive a mark of zero for that task.


You are required to submit the softcopy of your individual work (in pdf) to the Moodle Dropbox. Please accept the student statement within the “Confirm submission” page to complete your submission. The following naming convention should be used.

Naming File: The file should be named X_Y_Z.pdf where X is up to 5 characters of your SURNAME, Y is up to 3 characters of your FIRSTNAME, and Z is your STUDENT ID.

Nature of the Task:

In this task, you are required to write a Reflective Essay about your learning journey in relation to the LiLO - High Performing Teams module.

The ability to reflect on your learning practices and identify strengths and areas for               improvement is a valuable skill for students in a capstone unit. This assessment task is         designed to help students develop this skill.Learn HQhas a section devoted to explaining   how to develop self-reflection practices and students should spend some time reviewing this guidance (seeBusEco: Reflective essay - Learn HQ (monash.edu)).

First, you MUST complete the learning in the HPT LiLO online module. To do this, you are required to self-enrol and access the High Performing Teams (HPT) module via the link        provided within the Assessment Summary section on Moodle. Once you are on the LiLO            webpage, navigate to the ‘Get Started Now’ or ‘Enrol me’ button. Upon clicking on the button,   you will be on a new webpage with a list of LiLO modules. From this webpage, please click on  the High Performing Teams’ module and commence the module.

Please note that you MUST answer all Lesson 5 questions satisfactorily for the task to appear as 'complete.' Upon submitting the HPT LiLO module, it can take up to 14 days to process     your records so please ensure that you complete the module as early as possible.

Second, choose and discuss one relevant element that you have learned from the HPT    LiLO module by applying it to yourself. The element might have to do with an attitude,      behaviour, mindset, habit, pattern of response or anything pertinent to your self-management and teamwork skill. For example, if you have difficulty listening to the views of team             members and taking advice, how will you change this habit to enable you to become more     effective when working in teams? How can this help you plan and enhance your career? How does a new understanding of teamwork skill challenge your preconceived view? In order to   change your behaviour or mindset, what do you need to stop or start doing? What are some    factors that might deter you from following through?

You will be assessed on your critical reflection, the depth of your discussion of your chosen concept (or element) and the quality of your language, grammar, and punctuation.

A marking rubric will be used to grade your work. The rubric is shown on the next page.

Marking Rubric:


High Distinction (80+)

Distinction (70+)

Credit (60+)

Pass (50+)

Needs Improvement (<50)

Identification and                  explanation of a key element of High Performing Teams   impacting adversely on         student performance (15%)

Relevant element is      clearly identified and   described fully with     example from the LiLo course.

Relevant element is    clearly identified with example but lacks full description.

Relevant element is       identified and described very briefly in general   terms. Appropriate        example is brief or not  included.

Relevant element is     difficult to grasp and   understand. Example   may be provided but   difficult to understand.

Relevant element is not      described and demonstrates lack of critical engagement with the LiLo module.

Critical and reflective          evaluation of how the           chosen element impacts the student with reference to     example drawn from prior  or current teamwork (30%)

Element analysis is      critical, logical and      workable. Good           example from               teamwork is included   and demonstrated with data (eg: quote from     another team member).

Element analysis is         critical, logical and         workable. Example from teamwork is included     but not thoroughly          discussed with data.

Element analysis is         limited in terms of a       critical evaluation but     shows a practical            approach. Example from the teamwork is general and not supported.

Element analysis is       deficient in relation to  critical thinking and     demonstrates limited    engagement with LiLO module. No example or irrelevant example or   no support provided.

Element analysis does not demonstrate critical          evaluation of deficient      element related to High    Performance teams.

Critical and reflective     action plan outlined to    improve teamwork by    showing how this impact will be managed (40%)

Action plan is well    designed, critical and logical and has          potential to result in  high performance if  implemented.

Action plan is logically   designed but lacks           thorough critical              reflection hindering the   potential to result in high performance if                implemented.

Action plan is limited in critical reflection and     design and has limited   potential to lead to high performance.

Action plan is deficient and limited and is         unlikely to result in      high performance.

Action plan is unrelated to element identified as         problematic and will not   result in high performance or any improvement.

Language and Layout


Professional quality.     Error free, sophisticated use of vocabulary, and  well-developed concise sentences and                paragraphs.

Consistent formatting

Document contains very few errors. E.g. some     colloquial vocabulary,   minor organisational      issues that do not           interfere with                 communication.             Consistent formatting.

Document contains very few errors. E.g. some     colloquial vocabulary,   minor organisational      issues that do not           interfere with                 communication.

Minor layout problems.

Document contains       some errors. E.g. some  colloquialisms,              somewhat disorganised, some poor grammar.     At least one serious       layout problems (e.g.    no title).

Document contains many errors. E.g. some              colloquialisms,                disorganised, poor           grammar.

Multiple serious layout problems.