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ECON1012 Principles of Economics Semester 2 2022


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Peer Review Assignment 1

ECON1012 Principles of Economics Semester 2 2022

Course Learning Outcomes: 1, 2, 3 & 4

Topic/s of Primary Focus:   Demand & Supply

(May also include content from previous topics.)


Read the following ABC article‘Demand soars for donkeys as livestock owners seek

them out to protect their stock’(4 Feb 2022)

https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-02-04/donkey-demand-soars-as-farmers- protect-stock-from-predators/100800040

A decline in the global donkey population and surge in their popularity amongst livestock owners has seen the price of asses skyrocket.

Donkeys have become a popular addition to mobs of sheep as guardians against predators, and to cattle as peacekeepers to prevent fighting.

West Australian livestock agent Phil Petricevich said prices for donkeys had soared. "In the past 18 months we've seen a big jump in prices," he said.

"It started off at around about $600 to $700 a donkey, then a couple of sales ago I think it reached $2,500 for a good young jenny."

"It was just such a rapid rise in pricing that it caught a lot of us by surprise. Fingers crossed (prices) can be maintained."

Mr Petricevich said donkeys were worth about $60 a head as pet meat about three years ago.

The donkeys are mainly sourced from the pastoral region, where large numbers are regarded as vermin in the rangelands as they cause environmental damage and    compete with native animals and livestock for feed.

Guardians of sheep and lambs


Geraldton farmer Ben Royce said dog attacks on his sheep were costing more than $10,000 each year, and he hoped the addition of two female donkeys to his sheep flock would help deter dogs from entering his paddocks.

"We've got paddocks that are quite close to town at the back of Geraldton, dogs are coming out and not maliciously wanting to kill animals but they're playing with the  sheep and one thing is leading to another," he said.

"It's not nice go out and check the sheep and there are dead bodies everywhere.

"Last year we lost 70 lambs and 10 ewes, and a lot of them they weren't actually killed they were mauled, so we had to put them out of their misery ourselves."

Mr Royce paid $3,000 for his pair, but he said they would cover their cost if they stopped some sheep from being killed.

"We looked at a few different options and donkeys seemed to be the most reliable, they can look after themselves and are quite friendly to humans," he said.

While donkeys as pets and guardian animals is a limited market, global demand for donkeys is also up.

Mr Petricevich said the global donkey population had declined due to demand for donkey skins in China.

"It's called ejiao, there is a belief that the skin has medicinal powers, and the donkey  population worldwide has crashed, the Chinese population is down by over two thirds, they just can't get enough donkey meat and particularly skin," he said.



Utilise the model of demand and supply to analyse the market for donkeys at the time of the article. Clearly explain the impacts on demand and on supply, as well as the     resulting impacts on the outcomes of price and quantity at the time of the article.

Ensure that you use diagrams where relevant to support your answer, and make sure to use key terminology and course concepts where appropriate.

How this Peer Review Assignment relates to Summative Assignments:


This task as stated is essentially identical to the task for Summative Assignment 1,      although you will be analysing a completely different case study in each. The               assessment criteria will also be the same for both. So the main intention of this Peer     Review Assignment 1 is as a practice for how to approach a supply-and-demand         analysis, a chance to see other students’approaches, and an opportunity to think        carefully about the assessment criteria when you are applying them to other students’ papers.


The format of your response should be an essay-style response.

You do not need subheadings or subsections.

You do not need to spend as much attention on formal essay structure as you might   for a persuasive or research-based essay. Instead you should focus on communicating your ideas in a clear and concise manner and making sure there is a logical flow of     ideas and explanation.

Word Limit:

800 words (excluding diagrams and references)



As stated in the task, you should include diagrams where relevant. Where you use    diagrams, they should be created by you. You could either draw them by hand and  scan/photo them into your document. Or prepare them electronically. However, they must be your own work. You should not paste in diagrams from the internet or the   textbook, even with referencing, as this will not adequately show the grader your     understanding of these diagrams and models.



This is not a research assignment. So you do not necessarily need to find other      references. You should answer the question based on what you have learned in the course and the excerpt provided.

However, it is important that if you do take content directly from other sources     including course materials, both quoting and paraphrasing, that you appropriately

reference to show what is your own original thoughts and what ideas you have          borrowed from others. Please refer to the                                                                 https://www.adelaide.edu.au/writingcentre/resources/avoiding-plagiarismfor further guidance and links regarding referencing, plagiarism, and academic integrity.

Where referencing is used, it can be in any standard style, so long as it is consistent. The Harvard referencing style is preferred, as it is the standard in Economics and is

also common in Business disciplines.


All submissions may be analysed with the assistance of Turnitin, checking for plagiarism against other students in the class and external sources.


Students must submit the assignment by the due date via the Feedback Fruits

electronic submission portal on MyUni (the same page you downloaded this pdf!).


It is students’responsibility to ensure that it is correctly submitted by the due date, and that all requirements are met, including peer review and viewing requirements.

Late submissions will generally *not* be accepted at all. Not even one minute late.    This might seem more strict than some of your other classes, but do keep in mind that we also have a‘best 4 of 5’policy on the Peer Review Assignments. And in fact, the   entire Peer Review Assignments grade is redeemable by the final exam, making it      ‘optional’to some extent.

If you have a medical or other circumstance that have impacted your ability to      undertake this assessment, please email the course coordinator for advice. Do note however that due to the inter-relation with other students, that extensions will      generally not be able to be granted for this assessment type.

Peer Review Process and Timelines

Complete the task as directed above, and submit an electronic document by the due date, 11:59pm Sunday 14th August.

At some point after your submission is made, you will be allocated another student's   assignment to review against the assessment criteria on an online rubric. And once you have completed this, a second paper to review will also be allocated. Many students   who submit their own assignment earlier will be able to complete their peer reviews    during this week, but students have up until 11:59pm Wednesday 17th August to          complete these reviews if necessary.

Student also earn grades even for viewing their feedback. This must be completed by one week after the assignment due date, so 21st August in this case. Grades will be   posted to MyUni in the day or so after that.

Peer Review  How to think like a course grader


The assignment should be graded against the Assessment Criteria in the Rubric attached to the Feedback Fruits assignment and detailed below.

Grades should be allocated in-line with the University’sgrade descriptors.


Score (%)



General Description




Fails to satisfy the minimum requirements




Satisfies the minimum requirements




Demonstrates a high level of understanding and     presentation and a degree of originality and insight




A very high standard of work which demonstrates originality and insight




Outstanding or exceptional work in terms of    understanding, interpretation and presentation


The grade is not matter of where the student‘lost marks’, but rather the evaluation of what the student has presented against the standards and the criteria.

You will allocate the score on each Assessment Criterion on a rating scale from 1 to 10. This will be scaled automatically by the system to give different make weighting for    different criteria as detailed in the table below. But you as the peer reviewer should be giving each a rating from 1-10.

Please provide text comments and feedback to provide suggestions, point out any errors or misconceptions, or justify the allocated grade.

Be polite and take this seriously and professionally.



Assessment Criteria

Marks (100)

Evidence is shown of understanding of all relevant economic concepts and terminology, which are correctly applied throughout


Details of case study are clearly and correctly described as changes in demand and/or supply wherever relevant, including explaining why    with appropriate terminology


Student-produced demand and supply diagram/s are correctly        depicted and are used wherever relevant to support the explanation


Analysis presented provides a logical and well-structured explanation of changes in real world market outcomes


Appropriate writing style, word count and referencing (where relevant)



How your own grade will be determined


As this task is intended to promote learning throughout the entirety of the tasks    required, grades will be allocated for completion of certain components, as well as through an average of the ratings received.

This will include grades allocated for submitting the assignment, for adequately        completing the peer review task for two papers, and for viewing feedback received.  These are all important parts of the learning task, so you will be rewarded with some marks simply for completing a participating in them.

Grades may be reviewed by course staff and may be adjusted prior to being released at our discretion based on our academic judgement.


Hand in step completed


Completed giving feedback


Has written minimum 2 comments


Average of ratings received


Has read feedback received
