关键词 > COMP1110/1140/6710

COMP1110/1140/6710 Assignment 1


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COMP1110/1140/6710 Assignment 1


This assignment is introductory, helping you gain familiarity with the basics of Java, but doing so in the context of slightly larger piece of code. Most of the assignment is composed of a series of small tasks.

Assignment Deliverable

The assignment is worth 5% of your total assessment, and it will be marked out of 5. However, these     marks are redeemable by the exam, so if your exam mark / 20 is higher than your assignment one mark, you will get the exam mark / 20 rather than the assignment one mark. The mark breakdown is               described on the deliverables page.

The assignment is due at 5:00 PM AEST, 15 August, giving you two weeks in which to complete it. You can find the deadline on the deliverables page, where all assignment deadlines for this semester are       listed. Your tutor will mark your assignment by accessing your GitLab repository, so it is essential that     you carefully follow instructions for setting up and maintaining your repository. You will be marked           according to whatever is committed to your repository at the time of the deadline. Since the first     assignment is redeemable, late extensions are not offered and will not be given. As always, throughout the course, if some significant circumstance arises outside of the course that affects your    capacity to complete the course, please carefully follow the ANU's special consideration process, and    your circumstances will be accounted for in your final assessment.


The assignment is based on a simple children's puzzle called Penguins Pool Party, made by SmartGames, a producer of educational games. The design of the game and all imagery in this assignment comes from their Penguins Pool Party game.

The game comes with 60 pre-defined challenges, organised into four difficulty levels from starter to master. Each challenge defines how many penguins are on the board, and their positions.

The first challenge from the game booklet is shown below:

The objective of the game is to place all of the four ice blocks on the game board, without covering any of the penguins or any of the other ice blocks.

We provide you with a paper version of the game, which you can print out to help you visualise the game if you wish.

Your Task

This repository contains a java implementation of Penguins Pool Party, including a graphical user             interface (GUI). Unfortunately this version of the game has some parts missing. While the graphical user interface is complete, some of the important game logic is missing, so it won't work as described above. It is your task to fix the problems. Each specific subtask is (a) listed as an issue in the issue tracker in      this repository and (b) identified by a  FIXME comment in the source code. You should not change other parts of the code than those indicated. When all tasks are completed, the game will function correctly.   Check your changes by using the provided unit tests.

The rest of this README file describes the components of the game, and how they are represented in the assignment, in more detail.


The board is a 5 x 4 hexagonal grid. Below is a depiction of the board, along with each hexagon's Cartesian coordinates:

Notice that, because of the shape of hexagons, odd-numbered columns (that is, 1 and 3) are slightly offset from their even counterparts. Taking this offset into account, let's treat "rows" on this board as such: