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ELENG X436.2 Java: Discovering Its Power


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Java: Discovering Its Power
ELENG X436.2

2 Semester Credits in EECS

Course Description

This course presents Oracle/Sun Microsystems' Java programming language, an exciting tool for developing a variety of computer software. Widely known for its ability to bring active content to the World Wide Web, Java is now the leading general-purpose programming language. Introduction to Java Programming therefore teaches you not only how to use the Java language but how to use it well, with an emphasis on best practices and compile-time detection of bugs. Starting with the fundamentals of the Java language, we introduce the notions of effective data structures, algorithms, and object-oriented programming. From this foundation, we proceed to examine Java's rich set of standard libraries, including those for networking, graphics, database access, and more. Real applications are frequently discussed.


Working familiarity with at least one other programming language is required. An introductory course in computer programming is recommended but not required.

Learning Outcomes

After successfully completing this course, you will:

· understand Java and its relationship to other Internet-related technologies;

· be able to write computer programs using the Java language;

· be able to apply the concepts of object-oriented programming while designing software;

· know how to use Java's strongly typed syntax and encapsulation rules correctly to produce programs with few errors;

· understand the fundamentals of good data structure design;

· be familiar with the wide variety of services offered by the Java standard libraries.

Course Materials and Technical Requirements

Required Materials

· Java: A Beginner's Guide, 9th Edition by Herbert Schildt (McGraw Hill, 2022).

Recommended Reading

· Effective Java by Joshua Bloch (Addison Wesley)

· Java: The Complete Reference by Herbert Schildt (Oracle Press)

· Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Erich Gamma et al (Addison Wesley)

· Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design by Robert C. Martin (Prentice Hall)


A Java compiler supporting the Java API; (see Module 1 Overview for detailed instructions)

Additional material will be available online, both provided by the instructor and available on the Web.

Technical Requirements

This course is built on a Learning Management system (LMS) called Canvas and you will need to meet these computer specifications to participate within this online platform.



Canvas allows you to record audio or video files of yourself and upload them in the course. Although doing so is not required for any of the activities, using these features will enhance your engagement in the course. If you would like to use these features, you will need to have a webcam and a microphone installed on your computer.


Learning Activities

This course consists of ten modules of study outlined at the end of this syllabus.  Each module includes a combination of:

· a reading assignment from the required text;

· reading my commentary, which provide explanation and examples on each topic;

· programming assignments;

· class discussions on the Discussion Assignments forum;

· study question assignments.


You will also submit a final project which you must pass in order to pass the course.

Reading Assignments

Reading Assignments include both readings from the textbook as well as the instructor's commentary. The instructor's commentary on the assigned material is included online in each module. The commentary provides guidance through the assigned material and helps students focus on key concepts. Commentaries may also provide links to other related Internet resources.


After reading the relevant information for each lesson and considering the short answer questions, you may still have questions. Please visit the Student Lounge discussion forum to see if any other students have similar concerns. You may wish to post your questions there. Please also feel free to contact me directly using our course email.

Programming Assignments

For Modules 2-9 you will submit a graded programming assignment. Detailed instructions on the assignment can be found on the Module's Overview page. You will submit your assignments by uploading the file(s) within the Learning Management System in each module. If you have more than four files to send, please compress it using ZIP format. I may ask you to re-send your attachment in a different format if I cannot read it.


Always keep a copy of your work in case a problem arises. Check returned evaluated assignments carefully, note all comments, and make the suggested corrections. This process will help prepare you for later assignments and the final project.


The Discussion Assignments forum provides a vehicle for classroom interactivity based on questions created specifically for each module. All posts are "public," that is, available for all class participants to read and comment on.

We'll have an assigned topic to discuss for every chapter we read. The discussion assignments are graded, so skipping any of them will affect your course grade. In order to encourage you to interact with your fellow students, I only award the highest discussion assignment scores to students who not only complete their own assignment but also respond to at least one other student's submission.

When a module has a discussion assignment, please respond to the questions in a manner that reflects critical thinking. Please feel free, as well, to positively critique and offer leads and suggestions to comments and questions that other students have made.

Each of us brings a unique perspective to this class based upon our life experiences and previous studies. But because of the continuous, open-enrollment nature of this course, at times it might be hard to sustain an actual conversation in the discussion threads with your fellow students. So instead, let's look to the discussion threads as a place to connect our multiple perspectives and construct an evolving knowledge base. The process will enrich your own studies, and the words you leave behind will help students who join the class even after you've gone on to new pursuits.

Study Questions

All modules also have a set of study questions, which you can find on the module's overview page. I have provided drop boxes in each module for you to submit your answers to me. Although these assignments will not be graded, I will review your answers to check your progress, and I will provide feedback as necessary to help you in future assignments including the final project.  

Final Project

For the final project, you are to design and implement a Java programming project of your choice, of between 300 and 1,000 lines of code. The project should illustrate best programming practices as discussed in this course. It must not have any dependencies on outside software (databases or networks, for example); it must be free-standing. The project should above all do something moderately useful or fun or interesting. Originality counts.


Your project is due toward the end of the course. However, a proposal is due with your submitted assignment for Module 6 and must receive my approval before you begin work on the project itself. The final project must be submitted by your course end date, and you must score 70% or higher on the final project to be eligible to pass the course.

Communication and Office Hours

You can always get in touch with me during the course. You can access course email by clicking on the Inbox link on the Corner Help toolbar (see also Canvas Overview Video). You can expect me to respond to email within 2 business days of receiving messages unless I have notified the class otherwise (e.g., because of vacation or other reasons).

Please note: all course communication between students/instructor must occur within the course.

Grading and Course Policies

Final grades will be assigned according to the following percentages:

· Discussion Assignments, 10%

· Programming Assignments, 50%

· Final Project, 40%


You must pass the final project with at least 70% to pass the course.

Grading Information

Final grades follow the UC Berkeley grading system:

Letter Grade




















< 60

Table 2: UC Berkeley Grading Systems

To view your final grade and request official transcripts, login to your student account and go to "My Enrollment History."

When I grade your writing assignments, I'll be looking at content, organization, and mechanics. Please keep the following criteria in mind:




Needs Improvement

Meets Expectations



Poor writing style with little or no specific details, no evidence of having studied the material, and/or off topic.

Adequately written; some points elaborated but with minimal use of concepts from the material.

Well written, most points elaborated with clear and detailed information that supports thoughts and ideas and uses concepts from the material.

Well written, fully elaborates points. Clear and detailed information supports thoughts and ideas and shows full acquisition of concepts from the material.

Organization and Mechanics

Little or no structure present. Grammatical errors interfere with comprehension.

Organization present but awkward. Some grammatical errors present.

Good organization with few statements out of place. Minor grammatical errors.

Clearly organized and remains focused. Few or no grammatical errors.

Table 3: Criteria for Writing Assignments

In the Discussion Assignments forum, I'll also be looking for evidence of participation:




Needs Improvement

Meets Expectations



Minimal posts in number or length. Posts show little or no reflection on the topics or previous posts.

Posts address the topic but consist mostly of a rote repetition of the study materials. Little or no reflection on previous posts.

Posts address the topic with reflection. Many responses build on previous posts.

Posts show a genuine interest in contributing to the overall life of the forum.

Table 4: Evidence of Participation for the Discussion Assignments Forum

DSP Accommodations

If you are a student with special needs and haven't already contacted the Disabled Student Services (DSS), please contact the office right away.  Be sure to review our detailed DSP accommodations instructions.

Academic Integrity, Research, and Proper Citation

As an online student, you are encouraged to reach out to your fellow students in the online classroom to discuss materials and ask each other questions, but there are limits to this collaboration. Reviewing lecture and reading materials and studying for exams can be enjoyable and enriching things to do with fellow students. This is recommended. However, unless otherwise instructed, homework assignments are to be completed independently, and materials submitted as homework should be the result of your own independent work.

As a UC Berkeley student you are bound by the Academic Integrity, Research and Proper Citation policies outlined in the UC Berkeley Extension Code of Student Conduct Policy Statement dated July 11, 2013 that clearly defines what constitutes cheating, as well as plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct.

You must review all sections of the Academic Integrity Pledge and Course Policies Module within your Canvas course and complete the following item prior to gaining access to course content:

Take the Pledge to Academic Integrity

Course Evaluation and Course End Date

Course Evaluation

You are an important part of our community and we value your opinion! Before your course End Date, please take a few minutes to fill out a survey about your experience in this course so that we can continue to improve the online learning environment. Your instructor also values your constructive feedback! Course Evaluations are a valuable way for instructors to gain insight on their online teaching practices. You can find a link to the Course Evaluation in the final module of your Course. Please note that your identity remains confidential during the evaluation process, and evaluation results aren't shared with instructors until after final grades are due. For questions or technical problems with the evaluation process, please email UC Berkeley Extension’s Center for Instructional Excellence at [email protected].


Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts with us!

Course End Date

Your access to the online classroom will expire on the course End Date, which is indicated in the initial e-mail you received when you enrolled.


With this course, you have the freedom to design your study time to meet your schedule. However, this style of learning also requires dedication and commitment to ensure that you get the homework and assignments done in a timely fashion. Use these tips to stay on track and get the most from this class.


· Get started as soon as possible: Students who submit their first assignment within the first month are more likely to complete the course than those who delay. Please do not wait to submit everything toward the end of the class. Assume that I will need a week to grade each assignment and provide feedback that will help you complete subsequent assignments.


· Create a planning calendar: Plan your homework and submittal dates, and stick with them. Students who submit assignments regularly are more likely to complete the course than those who do not. Take the time now at the beginning of the course to plan your study time by using the course Calendar tool.


· Ask questions: You are always encouraged to ask questions. Use course mail to ask me questions, ask for feedback, or just to request encouragement. I'm always pleased to be of assistance. Use the Student Lounge forum for general questions about the course or assignments that other students might need answered as well.


· Submit complete assignments: Submit only completed assignments. If you are unsure about a question, e-mail me and ask me first before submitting the assignment. I'm always pleased to be of assistance. Any incomplete assignments will be returned to you to complete and resubmit.

Canvas Tech Support and UC Berkeley Extension Student Services

Canvas Tech Support

The learning management system (LMS) used in this course is Canvas, which has convenient mobile apps for phones and tablets. Part of the orientation materials in your course will help you make sure that your computer is at par with Canvas specifications. Anytime you are in Canvas you can report problems, get support, and search Canvas user guides from the Help link on the top menu bar. Other options:

· Canvas Support 24/7 Hotline:  855-308-2758 

· Email: [email protected]

UC Berkeley Extension FAQs and Student Services

Start at the Student Services webpage to find help with issues such as the following:

· Course registration

· Refunds, withdrawals, and transfers

· Grade options

· Requests for transcripts or official receipts

If you need further help, UC Berkeley’s Extension Contact page lists the academic department’s email address.

Course Outline

You'll find complete instructions for your assignments within the course modules.


Module 1: Introduction to the Java Programming Language


· Schildt, Chapter 1


1.1 Prologue

1.2: Enter Oak

1.3: The World Wide Web

1.4: Introducing the Java Programming Language

1.5: The Function "main"

1.6: Method Calls

1.7: A Word about Code Format


Module 2: Basic Programming Using Java


· Schildt, Chapter 2, 3 and 5


2.1: Prologue

2.2: The Basics of Java Syntax

2.3: Functions

2.4: Comments

2.5: Control Structures

2.6: Arrays

2.7: Strings

2.8: Basic I/O in Java

2.9: Objects


Module 3: Software Organization and Design Interfaces


· Schildt, Chapter 6 and 12


3.1: Prologue

3.2: Functions

3.3: Locality of Reference

3.4: Recursion

3.5. Constant Values

3.6: Enumerations

3.7: Type Safety Revisited


Module 4: Introduction to Objects and Data Structures


· Schildt, Chapter 4, 6 and 8


4.1: Prologue

4.2: Constructors

4.3: Multiple Constructors in One Class

4.4: Introduction to Access Control

4.5: Other Member Functions

4.6: Static Members

4.7: Finishing Touches

4.8: Any Last Requests?

4.9: Classic Data Structures Using Objects: A Stack

4.10: More Structure: Packages and Nested Classes

4.11: Packages

4.12: Nested Classes


Module 5: Class Inheritance and Polymorphism


· Schildt, Chapter 7 and 8


5.1: Prologue

5.2: Inheritance

5.3: The protected Access Level

5.4: Abstract Methods and Interfaces

5.5: Polymorphism: More than Just a Twenty-Dollar Word

5.6: Redefining Nonabstract Methods and Extending Concrete Classes


Module 6: Java Collections Framework


· Schildt, Chapter 12 and 13


6.1:. Prologue

6.2: Type Wrappers

6.3: Autoboxing

6.4: Java Collections Framework

6.5: Collections

6.6: Maps

6.7: Iteration

6.8: Generics


Module 7: The Java Language: Advanced Features


· Schildt, Chapter 9 and 11


7.1: Prologue

7.2: Exception Handling

7.3: A Few Words about Style

7.4: Multithreaded Programs

7.5: Scheduling

7.6: Synchronization

7.7: Condition Variables


Module 8: Networking and I/O Programming with Java


· Schildt, Chapter 10


8.1: Prologue

8.2: I/O and Inheritance in Java

8.3: Chaining Streams

8.4: Dealing with Files in Cross-Platform Code

8.5: Networking

8.6: World Wide Web Access in Java

8.7: Socket Programming in Java


Module 9: XML with Java


· Java API for XML Processing

· Simple API for XML


· Streaming API for XML (StAX)


9.1:. Prologue

9.2: The XML Document

9.3: The Document Type Definition (DTD)

9.4: Java XML APIs

9.5: XML Parsing with DOM

9.6: Parsing with StAX

9.7: XML Creation using StAX

9.8: Web Services


Module 10: Miscellaneous APIs


· Schildt, Chapter 17


10.1: Prologue

10.2:. The Reflection API

10.3: The Class Class

10.4: Fields

10.5: Methods

10.6: JAR Files and Resources

10.7: The Java Beans API

10.8: The Object Serialization API

10.9: The Remote Method Invocation API

10.10: The JDBC API

10.11: XML

10.12: J2EE


Final Project