关键词 > Chem214

Quiz 1 – Chem214 (Summer 2022)


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Quiz 1 – Chem214

(Summer 2022)

1.)  4pts. Shown below is the structure of Glutathione, an important antioxidant of the

body. Draw each different H bonding between Glutathione and water.


2.)  3 pts Define and describe hydrophobic bonding. Give an example of where hydrophobic bonding is used.


3.)  4pts.  What is the [OH-] for a pH = 4.6?


4.) 4pts.  Formic acid buffer solution (pKa = 3.8) contains . 12M sodium formate and 35mM formic acid.  What is the pH of this buffer?


5.)  5pts.  Sketch the species present during the titration of cysteine with base. Indicate which species is the zwitterion.  Calculate the pI.

pKaCOOH = 1.9

pKaNH3 = 10.7

pKaSH = 8.4