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Report - Biomaterials Innovation: Task Description


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Report - Biomaterials Innovation: Task Description

Task Description:

Using your library and broader online research skills, you are required to research and report on a  topic that you will be provided with, in the area of "Biomaterials Innovation over the period 2000-  2022".  You are expected to describe the innovative biomaterials solution that was developed for a given application, including;

•    Challenges overcome

•    Any evidence of failures or recalls

•    Key innovative aspects and nature of innovation (e.g. chemistry, structure, processing, design, biology, surgical procedure, technique or tool(s))

•    Biomaterial/ device details, and

•    Company/ product details

You should also explain not only where 20+ years of innovation have led us to today, but also what might we expect to emerge over the next 20 years.

•     It should be noted that the topics as given are selected to showcase innovation during the    20+ year period 2000-2022, where "Innovation can refer to something new or to a change    made to an existing product, idea, or field". For example, one might say that the first              telephone was an invention, the first cellular telephone either an invention or an innovation, and the first smartphone an innovation.

•     For a biomaterial employed in an implantable medical device, innovations may have                happened in the chemistry, composition, structure (morphology), processing (manufacturing methods), design and surgical procedure or technique. This can extend further into methods of packaging, sterilization and storage etc.

•     Much can be learned from device failures and recalls.

Additional Notes

•    Strictly 5 pages limit for the body of the report. Table of contents, reference list, appendices, and title pages are not included in page count. Pages in the body of the report after page 5   will not be included in the grading assessment.

•    You may include up to two half page figures. They must be relevant, referenced if                  appropriate, and utilised in the body of the text to improve communication with the reader.

•     Plagiarism is in violation of UQ policy. The matter will also be a passed to the School of     Chemical Engineering for assessment, which may result in disciplinary action taken by the School.

•    APA referencing style must be used throughout all assessment items in this course for all referencing, in-text references, and reference lists. Failing to reference completely may   result in accusations of plagiarism, and marks will be lost for insufficient or incorrect        referencing.

•     Pages are to be formatted so that there is a 2 cm margins left and right, 2.5 cm header and footer. Text must be in professional font style of your choosing with a size equivalent to     Times New Roman 12 pt. Paragraphs must have a 1.5 line spacing, 6 pt. spacing between   paragraphs, no hanging indents, and alignment justified.


•      Save     your     file     in     either     Word     or     pdf     using     the     naming     convention BIOE4305_Innovation_Report_(your surname) _(your student #).

•    Submit  electronically  through  Turn-it-in  using  the  Blackboard  link  in  the  Assessment, Biomaterials Innovation (2000-2022) Report folder.

Marking & Task Breakdown:

See the associated marking rubric.