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SIT305 – Mobile application Development


SIT305 Mobile Application Development - Trimester 1, 2021

SIT305 – Mobile application Development

Unit Converter Mobile APP


This assessment task intends to provide you with experience in UI design in Android mobile app programming. You are given the requirements of a unit converter mobile app. Your task is to build an android app that can capture all the requirements conveyed in that description.

You will find “Topic Videos and Practical Demo Videos” of Week 1 and Week 2 on the unit site to be particularly useful as a reference for this task. Please also keep an eye on your email and any announcements that may be made on Cloud Deakin or Teams.

Submission Details

You must ensure that all your project files used for this task sit in a directory called “Task 2.1P”. All files required to be uploaded and a link to the “Task 2.1P” directory must be submitted to OnTrack. Please make sure that I and your marking tutor have access to the folder. A link to the demo video of your app is running must be submitted by using the task submission page to OnTrack. You could submit your GitHub link. You must also submit your MainActivity java file to Ontrack. It would be great if you could submit the screenshot of the main app screen. This is an individual assignment, and you should submit by 8pm AEST, Friday, 2 April 2021, (Week 4).

Unit Converter Android App

The unit converter app has a simple UI, that is designed for you. This app has the following features:

Has most important conversion tools that are used in daily life including length, weight and temperature.

Has different units, which let you convert metre into centimetre & foot & inch, kilogram into gram & ounce & pound, and Celsius to Fahrenheit & Kelvin.

Here are the screenshots of the app that need to be designed based on that.

The first screen is as follows.

An app user first chooses the unit that they want to convert e.g., metre, then the user provides a value and then click length button to convert meter to  centimetre, foot and inch as below. 

The other two screens follow the same steps. Temperature and weight conversion buttons work as follow.

If a user selects Metre on the spinner but clicks on the temperature Image View. The app needs to prompt an error to the user says "Please select the correct conversion icon.

Important notes:

All double/float values need to be rounded to 2 decimal points.

The UI design and layout should be exactly the same as above screenshots except text font, text colour and button images.

Submitting your work

Please watch this video.

Check that you are happy with your code and website, and you are ready to submit it to OnTrack for feedback.

1. Login and go back into Tasks 1P.

2. Change the status of the task from Working on It to Ready for Feedback.

3. Check what files you will need to upload.

4. Upload the files.

5. On the next screen you will need to align what you have done to the unit learning outcomes. For this, you could say it is slightly related to programming in general. Add a short comment to describe this, then move on to the next step.

The purpose of this step is to reflect on what you have learnt, and how this will help you demonstrate the unit learning outcomes. You can comment on what you think got out of completing this task and anticipating its overall relevance in your final portfolio.

6. In the last step you can add a comment to your tutor, let them know if there are any things you want them to focus on.

7. Finally, upload.


The files will be uploaded to the server, which will convert them into a single PDF file that can be included in your portfolio. This file will be shown to your tutor who will review it and get back to you shortly with some feedback.

Well done! You have finished this first task.