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BUSI2049 International Entrepreneurship 2021-2022


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BUSI2049 International Entrepreneurship

10 Credits, Level 2, Semester 2

RESIT Assessment 2021-2022


You must answer your choice of ONE of the following three questions provided below, incorporating relevant literature, theories and concepts from this module in addition to real-world examples where appropriate.

The word count for coursework submissions is 1,500 words excluding references; submissions exceeding the wordcount will be subject to a 5-mark deduction. Word count (excluding references) must be shown on the title page of the coursework submission. 

Deadline Date for Submission of Coursework

Your coursework needs to be submitted electronically to Moodle. See the Student Services website for further details of this process. The deadline for coursework submission is 3pm on Thursday 11th August 2022. Late submission will attract a mark penalty unless an extension has been approved by Student Services. Please familiarise yourself with the extenuating circumstances policy and process for submitting a claim.

*In normal circumstances, marked coursework and associated feedback should be returned to students within 15 work days of the published submission deadline, i.e. students submitting work before the published deadline should not have an expectation that early submission will result in earlier return of work.

Where coursework will not be returned within 15 work days for good reason, e.g. in circumstances where a student has been granted an extension of time, illness of module convenor, lengthy pieces of coursework etc., students should be informed of the timescale for the return of the coursework and associated feedback.

For these purposes, coursework refers to all assessments other than unseen written examinations taken during the main University examination periods.

A work day is a day when the University is open for normal business.  Weekends and University Closure Days are not regarded as work days.  However, periods outside of University term (vacation periods) are regarded as work days (unless they are weekends or University Closure Days).  Similarly, the booking of Annual Leave by a staff member does not change the status of a day being a work day.

UG Coursework Submission Requirements:

A maximum word count will be set by the module convenor and must be adhered to. The penalty for exceeding this limit is a five-mark deduction.

· The actual word count of the assignment must be stated by the student on the first page (cover sheet) of the assignment.

· The overall word count does include citations and quotations.

· The overall word count does not include the references or bibliography at the end of the coursework.

· The word count does not include figures and tables.

· Appendices may or may not be included in the word count as specified by the Module Convenor. For this module the following applies:


Appendices are included in the overall word count. 


Appendices are not included in the overall word count. 

Students should prepare and submit their coursework assessments in the following format:

Font: Verdana 12 point

Spacing: 1.5 spaced

Margins: Normal (2.5 cm)

Referencing: Harvard citation style


Students are expected to submit evaluative, well-written, logically structured answers to the questions set. Good submissions will demonstrate good knowledge and understanding of the relevant theory/theories and concepts and will convey good familiarity with the core literature and relevant wider reading. A good submission will demonstrate depth of understanding and the ability to evaluate and contextualise theory within real-world settings and practices. Consistent and accurate Harvard referencing is expected.  

Submissions will be assessed on the extent to which they answer the questions asked comprehensively, in a manner that conveys:

· Knowledge and understanding of theory and literature

· Identification, application and synthesis of main issues, themes and material from the module

· Integration of relevant wider reading, empirical data etc.

· Maturity of evaluation, synthesis and analysis.

· Appropriate Harvard referencing and bibliography

The rubric for this assessment is available on the module’s Moodle site. The coursework will be marked in accordance with the marking guide included in the 2021/2022 Business School Undergraduate Student Handbook.  Please refer to this handbook as well as the assessment feedback and module review sections on Moodle for this module.  


Answer any ONE of the following:

1. “The revised UPPSALA model remains appropriate for traditional, manufacturing firms only.” Critically discuss this statement relating to the Revised UPPSALA model of 2009, considering also the extended explanation in the 2021 paper, drawing on theory and concepts from this module and relevant real-world examples where possible.

2. Outline the three main theories of SME internationalisation relevant to international entrepreneurship, discussing the strengths and weaknesses of each.

3. The speed of internationalisation is “mainly contingent on the entrepreneur” (Oviatt & McDougall, 2005). Evaluate this statement with reference to relevant theory, literature and real-world examples.