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International Business- BUSI2145, Summer 2020-21


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First sit/ Resit coursework assessment, International Business- BUSI2145, Summer 2020-21

Coursework question:

You are required to select a company and write an essay to advise them on their new potential Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) by answering the following questions:

Introduce the company and discuss its specific/ownership advantages.

Evaluate one emerging and one developed country as a possible destination for the company’s FDI, and select one country as the best new FDI destination for this company and support your recommendation with appropriate reasons.

Apply relevant theory (or theories) to suggest the most suitable FDI entry mode (JV or WOS) for this company and support your recommendation with appropriate reasons.

Please note:

· In addressing question two, both countries must be a potential new FDI destination for the company. You have to explain both the advantages and disadvantages of each country in terms of size and growth of its economy, its formal and informal institutions and any potential risk. 

· In the case of recommending JV (question three), you need to name the potential partner company and explain why they are selected. 

· In case of recommending WOS (question three), you have to clarify which type of WOS (Greenfield or Merger & Acquisition) is recommended, you have to name the potential company in case of Merger & Acquisition and justify your recommendation.

· Note for resit students: for answering the questions you can choose the same company that you selected for your first sit, however, you have to select a different country.

Coursework guidance:

· Answers will be assessed for both their theoretical and empirical contributions. Please make sure you answer all parts of the question. 

· The essay must be fully referenced and evidenced, and follow all the standard regulation. Any coursework that is not appropriately referenced in Harvard Style (as explained in your UG Student Handbook) in the text where required and with a single and matching alphabetical list of Harvard Style references under the heading of references at the end of your coursework will be deemed to have a major error.

· The use of headings is encouraged both to help you structure your work and to help the marker to see the structure. However, your work needs a critical, coherent argument in the style of an essay building argument.

· The essay should be written in the third person which is the preferred approach in academic writing.

· You can use diagrams, figures, graphs, and tables to enhance your analysis, however, these are not freestanding items and are of benefit only when they highlight key points or trends. These items should have a title and be clearly referenced.

· You may use appendices for additional factual information. However, case evidence and theory relevant to the argument should be in the main body of the essay. Please note that the marker has no obligation to read any appendices. 

· A maximum word count is 1800 words (and NOT +/- 5%) that must be adhered to. The penalty for exceeding this limit is a five-mark deduction.

-  The actual word count of the assignment must be stated by the student on the first page (cover sheet) of the assignment.

- The overall word count does include citations and quotations.

- The overall word count does include headings and subheadings.

- The overall word count does not include the references or bibliography at the end of the coursework.

- The word count does not include figures and tables and appendices.