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Intermediate Accounting I


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Intermediate Accounting I

Extra Credit Paper

1. Find and read a full article from one of the following journals:

a. Accounting Horizons

b. The Accounting Review

c. Journal of Financial Reporting

d. Behavioral Research in Accounting

e. Foundations and Trends in Accounting

f. Critical Perspectives on Accounting


2. You can find these journals online at the UWGB Cofrin Library. Easiest way to find articles is to complete a journal search.

3. The article you choose to write about must be a minimum of 5 pages in length and less than 5 years old. If you don’t know if the article you chose fits the parameters, email it to me for review.

4. Your paper should summarize the article. If possible, tie it to something we have learned in class. In addition, a minimum of one additional journal article reference (same criteria as first article) must be used to support or contradict the original article.

5. Paper must be in APA format. Need cover page, body of paper, and reference page. Abstract not required. Please read “Professor Kaminski’s General Comments About Writing Papers” below.

6. Your paper should be a between 1-2 pages in length.


Paper is worth “up to” 10 points. I reserve the right to reduce the number of points earned based on not following the instructions above.

· APA Formatting

o When in doubt about APA formatting, visit the following websites:

§ https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/10/

§ http://www.apastyle.org/

§ http://www.library.cornell.edu/resrch/citmanage/apa

o Cover page required.

o Abstract NOT required

o My personal APA pet peeves (yes, every instructor has his/her own idiosyncrasies)

§ APA is to be written in third person. Do not use first person pronouns such as I, you, and we…

§ Running headers and page numbers. Use them. They are required.

§ Match tenses – always use the present, past, or future. Do not combine them.

§ Numbers – Basic APA rules state to write out one through nine; above nine, write numerically 10, 11, 12, 13…..

1. There are exceptions to this rule however (when is anything straightforward?!); when in doubt, check out these websites:



§ Abbreviations should be used and then reused throughout the paper

§ Correctly quote references based on number of words. Know when you should quote or block citations.

§ Text should be Times New Roman, 12 point font

§ Contractions are not academic and you should not use them.

§ I like “pretty” papers as much as the next girl but APA is plain and simple folks. No flowery borders, script font, wingdings, emoticons, etc, etc, etc. are allowed in APA writing. APA is academic writing; plain is the way to go.

· Plagiarism

o I hate the fact that I have to even bring this up. We are all adults here. You are PAYING for an education. Why waste the money if you don’t want an education in the first place? Seriously, just don’t do it (plagiarize, that is). Copying someone else’s work is wrong and eventually you will get caught. OK, off my soapbox J.

o If you are unfamiliar with plagiarism or just want to make sure that what you are doing is correct, UWGB Cofrin Library has a great webpage dedicated to helping you:


o When you submit your paper on Canvas it will be sent through turnitin.com. I don’t go by percentages on the turnitin.com responses. I actually look at all of the reports. You may get only a 15% hit rate, but that may be because 15% of your report is 100% copied from another source without citation and the rest of your paper is all yours. At that point, 15% is not good enough. On the flip side, you may have a 45% hit rate and everything is properly cited and documented and I’m ok with the 45%.

§ That being said, do NOT overuse quotations (even cited). Papers should be about your own writing.

o Did you know that you can plagiarize yourself? It is considered plagiarism if you copy from a paper you have already written if you do not properly cite yourself.  It is much easier just to rewrite than to cite yourself.

§ http://www.ithenticate.com/Portals/92785/media/ith-selfplagiarism-whitepaper.pdf

§ http://writingcenter.waldenu.edu/656.htm


· Writing Well

o Common English Usage Errors (Use the correct words folks!)

§ There, Their, They’re

§ Effect, Affect

§ Principle, Principal

§ Accept, Except

§ Its, It’s

§ Than, Then

§ To, Too, Two

§ Cannot (one word), A Lot (two words)