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ENG1005 S2 2020 Assignment 1: Concentrated Solar Thermal


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ENG1005 S2 2020 Assignment 1: Concentrated Solar Thermal

This assessment is intended for you to look at an application of the mathematical skills you are learning in the first three weeks of the unit.  It is also designed to practice communicating your work clearly.

General assignment information:

1. Electronic submission of this assignment is due on Moodle by 11.55pm on Wednesday

17 August 2022 (Melbourne time).

2. This assignment is not easy and will not be doable if you leave it to the last minute. You have covered enough to start and you could complete it by early week 3.

3. Your assignment submission should include a description/explanation of what you are doing at each step and relevant working.  Without these you will receive limited marks. The description should be in complete English sentences. All mathematics should be appropriately laid out and with appropriate notation.  Your writing should be similar in style to the worked solutions from the problem sheets, not the annotations from the videos.  For more information and advice, please read the  “Guidelines for writing in mathematicsdocument posted under the “Assessment”tab on Moodle.

4. Your assignment may be typed or handwritten and scanned. The final document should be submitted as a single pdf file that is clearly and easily legible. If the marker is unable to read it (or any part of it) you may lose marks.

Getting help:

1. You are allowed to discuss the questions with your fellow students and even share ideas about how to solve them.   However, you are not allowed to show your written work to anyone and you are not allowed to look at or copy the written work of anyone else.

2. Come to office/consultation hours. Please see the “Communication” section of Moodle for time and location details.

3. In the Applied Classes, feel free to ask your instructor in the last 10 minutes of class. They are savvy enough to provide assistance on the problems without giving too much away.

4. At Clayton, the Mathematics Learning Centre (MLC) is open 10 AM to 2 PM every weekday.

Concentrated solar thermal is one approach to combating the problem of intermittency in solar power generation. The idea is to focus the sun’s rays from a broad area onto a single collector to heat molten salt (or another material). This heat can then be stored for later use to generate steam and drive turbines when the sun isn’t shining, complementing the use of photovoltaics.

This assignment will explore how the sun’s rays can be focused onto a collector using an array of plane mirrors (as shown in the image below; a similar plant is being developed near Port Augusta, SA, and others are planned around Australia).


By  National  Renewable  Energy  Laboratory  -  http://earthobservatory .nasa .gov/Features/RenewableEnergy/Images/solar two .jpg, Public  Domain,  https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1455806

Part A: Mirror laws

The physical laws for reflection in a mirror are that

(A) The reflected light ray is in the same plane as the incoming ray and the normal to the mirror.

(B) The angle between the reflected ray and the normal to the mirror (the angle of reflection) is the same

as that between the incoming ray and the normal to the mirror (the angle of incidence). This is usually stated as the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence”.

For a plane mirror, these laws are mathematically expressed by the formula

ar  = −i + 2(i · ),

where  is a unit normal to the plane of the mirror, i  is the unit vector pointing in the opposite direction of the incoming ray and ar  is a vector pointing in the direction of the reflected ray.

1. Sketch the vectors and label the angles.                                                                                 [1 mark]

2. Show that ar  is also a unit vector.                                                                                        [2 marks]

3. Show that the formula above follows the two physical laws. For the first physical law you can do this with a couple of sentences or alternatively using appropriate dot and cross products. For the second, you should calculate an appropriate dot product to find an expression involving the angle of reflection and hence show that it is equal to the angle of incidence.                                                     [3 marks]

Part B: Heliostat

As the sun travels across the sky, the mirrors need to be rotated to ensure that they continue to reflect the light onto the collector.  These rotations are performed by pairs of motors that allow the mirrors to rotate around two perpendicular axes. We will calculate what the rotation angles for a mirror should be, given the location of the sun in the sky and location of the collector.

1. Assume that the x-axis is aligned due North, the y-axis due West and the z-axis vertically upwards. The origin is located at the centre of the mirror. The “zero”position of the mirror (with no rotation) has its normal pointing due North, aligned with the x-axis.  Sketch this coordinate system.  Include the mirror in its zero position and label the normal of the mirror by n0 .                             [2 marks]

2. Write down n0  in this coordinate system.                                                                              [1 mark]

3. If the mirror is now rotated by an angle ψ about an axis aligned with the z-axis and then an angle θ about the horizontal axis of the mirror (this axis coincided with the y-axis in the zero position of the mirror, but has now been rotated), then the new normal to the mirror is

n = Rz Ry n0


Rz  =  l




and       Ry  =  l 



are the rotation matrices around the two axes respectively.1   Note that ψ can take any value, but θ must be negative for the mirror to rotate towards the sky.  Perform the matrix operations to write

down the new normal to the mirror n in terms of ψ and θ .                                                  [3 marks]

4. Let S  be the unit vector pointing in the direction from the mirror to the sun. This vector makes an angle α with the positive z-axis. The projection of this vector onto the surface of the Earth (the plane z = 0) makes an angle β with the positive x-axis. Sketch the vector S  and these angles.2   Using this information, write down an appropriate vector S  in terms of α and β .                               [3 marks]

5. Using the expressions above together with the formula in part A, write down an expression for the unit vector pointing in the direction of the reflected ray ar  in terms of ψ , θ , α and β .                [2 marks]

6. It is always useful to check whether your formulæ are correct. One way to do so is to use a few examples for which you can work out the answer by other means and compare your results. For this assignment, we will give you some numerical values for you to check your formula: If ψ = 40, θ = −70, α = 50 and β = 20, show that the reflected ray points in the direction (−0.2743, 0.1118, 0.9551).    [1 mark]

7. Let the location of the collector in this coordinate system be given by the vector c.  Write down a (simple) vector equation between the vector for the reflected ray ar  and c if the reflected ray is to hit the collector. Hence write down a vector equation between c, S  and  .                             [2 marks]

8. By manipulating this equation, find an expression for  in terms of S  and c. Note:  You should work with  the  vectors  and not substitute  their values  in  terms  of ψ , θ , α and β .   To  begin with,  you might consider taking a dot product with S .                                                                                                     [4 marks]

9. The location of the collector relative to your mirror is given by your student number as follows. If your student number is abcdefgh, then the collector is at position c = (cd,ef,gh) + (10, 10, 10) in metres. For example, if your student ID is 12345678, then (cd,ef,gh) = (34, 56, 78) and c = (44, 66, 88). Write down your student ID and hence your location for the collector c.                                         [1 mark]

10. If the sun is at an angle α = 30◦  and β = 50, find the angles θ and ψ by which your mirror needs to be rotated to hit the collector at this location.                                                                     [2 marks]

11.  The following  question is  an  extension.  It is  only worth  1  mark,  but requires significantly more  work and thought than this .  Now imagine that the motors controlling the mirror’s rotation have an accuracy of ±2◦  and in fact rotate the mirror to ψ + 2◦  and θ + 2. By how much does the ray reflecting off the centre of the mirror miss the centre of the collector?  You should give the shortest distance between the reflected ray and the centre of the collector. You should carefully explain your reasoning, but you may give relevant formulæ without justification.                                                                    [1 mark]

There are also 2 additional marks given for the quality of the English, 2 additional marks for correct mathematical notation and  1 additional mark for appropriate use of sketches where relevant. These marks are easy to obtain but the markers will be instructed to be strict in awarding these marks.