关键词 > INFS5730

INFS5730 – Social Media and Enterprise 2.0 – 2021 T1


INFS5730 – Social Media and Enterprise 2.0 – 2021 T1

1st Hands-On Assignment (SAS Visual Text Analytics)

Due on Monday 9am of week 7 (29th March 2021). Report to be submitted on Moodle. This assignment is worth 10% of your overall course mark.


The purpose of this assignment is to use SAS Visual Text Analytics to (1) explore a dataset, (2) create custonm concepts and custonm categories, and (3) generate insights from a large unstructured dataset.

The dataset is labelled TWITTER_US_AIRLINE_SENTIMENT and can be found in datasets available on SAS Visual Text Analytics.

The dataset has over 14,000 tweets about US Airlines, taken from Twitter.com. The data variables include the text of each tweet that we would like to analyse.

Your report should have the following components:

● A standard cover page;

● An exploration of the dataset based on THREE (3) relevant predefined concepts to unveil interesting insights from the data. For example, you could explore what destinations (nlpPlace predefined concept) are mentioned in tweets and what insights you could unveil from your findings. Discuss the limitations of relying only on predefined concepts to uncover insights from this specific dataset. Maximum 3 pages (worth 20% of the available marks)

● An exploration of the dataset based on the topics automatically generated by SAS. Select THREE (3) relevant topics among those generated by SAS and discuss interesting insights you can unveil from each topic. Maximum 3 pages (worth 20% of the available marks)

● The creation and explanation of THREE (3) custom concepts, each using a different concept rule type. Explain your choice of each custom concept. What is the objective of the creation of each custom concept? Provide detailed explanations of each custom concept rule and discuss interesting insights you could uncover from your findings. Maximum 5 pages (worth 30% of the available marks)

 The creation and explanation of THREE (3) custom categories to unveil more insights from the data. Explain your choice of each custom category. What is the objective of the creation of each custom category? Provide detailed explanations of each custom category rule and discuss interesting insights you could uncover from your findings. Maximum 5 pages (worth 30% of the available marks)

Please provide screenshots from your analysis on SAS Visual Text Analytics thorouhout your report to justify and support your answers.

Submission Details

Word Limit

There is no word limit perse, just a page limit as described in the requirements above. Font should be no smaller than Arial 12, with standard margins. The spacing must be 1.5. Please note that material exceeding the page limit will not be considered when grading the assignment.