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CSE242 Software Requirements Analysis & Modelling TEST 2 2022


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Software Requirements Analysis & Modelling


1. Discuss three (3) substantial advantages does graphical models (e.g. use case models or state machines) have over plain textual specifications in natural language?


Ans :

(Any 3 answer or other suitable reason will be accepted)

Information presented in picture/ diagram is quicker to understand & memorize Record them more quickly

Allows targeting modelling of one perspective of the requirements An Appropriate abstraction of reality can be specified Document Information Unambiguously

2. Table below shows the textual functional requirements for a self- check in counter system at the airport.


The system shall start in a standby mode waiting for user interaction while displaying advertisement


As welcome screen, the system shall display the main menu when the customer touches the display. The main menu shall provide option to check- in via booking number and last name or using an ID cards.


If the customer fills out his/her booking number and last name, the system shall search for flights while displaying a waiting screen.


If the customer inserts ID cards, the system shall search for flights while displaying a waiting screen


If the search results is null, the system shall display that no flight was found


If no flight was found, the system shall display the main menu after waiting for five seconds


If the customer selects a flights from the search results, the system shall display the selected flight information


If the customer is selecting to print the baggage tag, the system shall display back the flight information.


If the system displays the flight information, the customer is able to select to print the boarding pass.


In the customer selects to print the boarding pass, the system shall print the boarding pass and display a printing screen.


If the boarding pass is printed, the customer can take the boarding pass. The system shall go into standby mode

As a requirement engineer, you have the task to take the information from the requirements list above and draw a statechart without any hierarchical refinement.


3. The diagram below shows an example of Kano Classification Model that was developed in the 1980s by Professor Noriaki Kano. According to Kano model, requirements and system features should be classified based on their effect on customer satisfaction.

Explain how Kano Classification model can be used to support prioritization of requirements.


By using Kano approach, one can classify and prioritize requirements with respect to their acceptance on the market. (2 Marks)

A. Dissatisfiers (8 Marks)

Simply stated, these are the requirements that the customers expect and are taken for granted. When done well, customers are just neutral,  but when done poorly, customers are very dissatisfied. Kano originally called these Must-be’s” because they are the requirements that must be included and are the price of entry into a market.

B. Satisfiers (8 Marks)

These attributes result in satisfaction when fulfilled and dissatisfaction when not fulfilled. These are attributes that are spoken and the ones in which companies compete. An example of this would be a milk package that is said to have ten percent more milk for the same price will result in customer satisfaction, but if it only contains six percent then the customer will feel misled and it will lead to dissatisfaction.

C. Delighters (8 Marks)

These  attributes  provide  satisfaction  when  achieved  fully,  but  do  not  cause dissatisfaction  when  not  fulfilled.  These  are  attributes  that  are  not  normally expected,  for  example,  a  thermometer  on  a  package  of  milk  showing  the temperature of the milk. Since these types of attributes of quality unexpectedly delight customers, they are often unspoken .

4. An important aspect of requirements management is ensuring the traceability of requirements.

i. Briefly describe the difference between Pre-RS- Traceability with Post-RS-Traceability.


ii. List at least four (4) advantages of traceable requirements.


5. Which of the following statement are true, which are false

Please refers to eLearning for true/false answer
