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DART1201 Media Arts Gateway 2 Assessment 3


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Media Arts Gateway 2

Assessment 3

Assessment 3 - Create an Interactive Web based Experience


Title: Assessment 3 – Create an interactive Web Based Experience

Due Date:

Presentation: Week 10 (in class)

Final submission: Week 10 5 pm, Sunday, 7th August

Presentation and Feedback

Students' work will be reviewed for formative feedback in Week 10 tutorial time. (Attendance and Presentation is mandatory).

Final Revised Submission

Final Revised Submission will be through at least one web browser and Moodle. More details are provided on Moodle. Due 5 pm, Sunday, 7th August

Weighting: 50%

Assessment type: Project


In this assignment you will create a web-based interactive experience that combines animation of 2D elements and    interaction. You will build on the skills you have developed throughout this course (in Assessments 1 and 2) and          develop your concept from Assessment 2. You will use Adobe Animate or P5.js or other authoring programs to create animations and produce a digital interaction experience. You may also use different tools such as Adobe Illustrator,    Adobe Photoshop and Ableton Live to make other assets. The result should be a working system that can be run in a browser.

You may pick up your concept from Assessment 2 and implement it or develop a new concept. You may also develop any equivalent brief of your choosing, but you must do this in consultation with your tutor. The purpose of this task is to create a complete working system. Your system will be examined primarily through interaction with that system by the tutor. Additional assets and reports may be inspected if further evidence of work is required. Make sure your system   functions correctly without broken links and bugs. Your project should be fully self-contained and make good sense to anyone engaging with it. The user should be able to open it and understand what to do quickly. You can include text  instructions in the work but try to keep these briefs. Tempting though it is, make sure that if you are making a game,   don’t make it so hard that the tutor cannot get to all of the parts of the game that they miss your hard work!

Note, you will not lose any marks for changing your project goals from Assignment 2 or not achieving all of the things you set out to do.


Please note there are several components to submit for this assessment including:

1.   A final revised 2 (two) page pdf concept document which includes:

a)   500-word revised concept statement / rationale. This will be a revised statement and include any       refinements to your project. If your project differs from Assessment 2 then you will need to produce a new concept document.

b)   Visual and audio assets to support the visual design including any new design elements.

c)   A combination of storyboards and interaction scenarios that illustrate the progression of the experience

2.   Submit a zipped folder containing your final project file and associating files (i.e. .fla file and all image & sound files for the Animate CC project)

3.   Additional supporting material (Nor compulsory but if you have updates on your wireframe or exciting experiments to share)

4.   Please name your pdf and zipped older both with you zid_full name_task name:



*** Please note that you will need to carefully manage file size to reach a size limit of no greater than 200mb. WHERE TO SUBMIT: Online in Moodle in “Assessment 3 Submission < SUBMIT HERE” under section titled




•    Implementation (60%)

•    Asset creation (40%)







Design and Development of Interactive work incl. quality of       assets (40%)

The final work does not meet the proposed   concept pitch and interactive plan. It includes fewer assets or assets of poor  quality.

A relevant series of    assets (vector, bitmap and sound materials) in the working system.

The final interactive work meets the proposed brief and explains interaction   as a critical concept in media art practice. Assets are well designed and integrated into the overall interactive            system.

The final work's design and development is coherently built and explain interaction as a key concept in media arts practice. Some               indication of systemic design iteration and improvement of assets from the proposed pitch.

The final work's design and development is      outstanding. Innovative development of assets demonstrating efficient and          effective authoring system.

Implementation to Web environment (30%)

No or little understanding HTML 5 is shown, or the final outcome does not         function in the web environment.


A final work primarily works in the web environment, but there are more or fewer bugs to fix to improve the overall quality of the web presentation.

The final work is bug- free, and interactive elements of web implementation are coherent clearly fit for the task.

Implementing interactive elements in the web environment demonstrates innovation and mastery of  HTML5 interaction.

Implementing interactive elements in the web environment demonstrates innovation and mastery of HTML5 interaction.

Quality of Revised Concept Development (15%)

No or less effort into revising the concept development

Revised concept development includes some but limited attempts to reflect the development process.

Revised concept development includes the process of development, learnings from experiments and any changes made clearly.

Revised concept development is well formatted, including delineating the development process and analysing changes and updates.

Revised concept development is      constructive, insightful and of an exceptional standard.