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MSIN0083 Project Management 2021/22


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MSIN0083 Project Management


Section A: Core information

Submission date


Submission time

10 AM

Assessment is marked out of:

100 marks

% weighting of this assessment within total module mark


Maximum word count/page


This assignment comprises four (4) analyses. The maximum length         cannot exceed 9 pages (A4), Font Arial, Size 10, single spacing. For each analysis, you will use project data in MS Excel The written report can     include diagrams, tables, and figures from Excel as long as they are not copy-pasted screenshots from the Excel project datasheet, and do not  exceed the maximum page length. No appendices are allowed. There is not a penalty for using fewer words/pages.

Footnotes, appendices, tables, figures, diagrams, charts included in/excluded from word count/page length?

Any footnotes, appendices are included in page limit.

Bibliographies, reference lists included in/excluded from word count/page length?

Everything is included in the page limit

Penalty for exceeding word

count/page length

Standard UCL penalties for exceeding (deduction of 10                percentage points, capped at 40% for Levels 4,5, 6, and 50% for Level 7) Refer to Academic Manual Section 3: Module                  Assessment - 3.13 Word Counts.

Penalty for late submission

Standard UCL penalties apply. Students should refer to Refer to

https://www.ucl.ac.uk/academic-manual/chapters/chapter-4- assessment-framework-taught-programmes/section-3-module- assessment#3.12

Submitting your assessment

The assignment MUST be submitted to the assessment        submission inbox located within this modules Moodle ‘LSA 2021-22’ tab by the specified deadline.

Only ONE file can be uploaded, please upload a document in Word or PDF

Anonymity of identity. Normally, all submissions are anonymous unless the nature of the submission is such that anonymity is not appropriate, illustratively as in presentations or where minutes of group meetings are required as part of a group work submission

The nature of this assessment is such that anonymity is required.

Section B: Assessment Brief and Requirements


Project analysis (maximum 9 pages (A4), Font Arial, Size 10, single line spacing)

The assignment consists of a series of 4 analyses of data for a real project that students must solve              individually. The focus on the assignment does not lie on calculations but instead on interpretations of the data and gaining insights in their meaning. The project data should be summarized and interpret and          linked to the concepts discussed during the lectures.

Download one of the projects data files of your choice (Excel file) from the project list available at the

following website:
