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COMP605 – Microservice Plan, Architecture and Presentation 40%


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INFS605 Microservices - Assignment 1

Coursework Assignment Microservice Plan, Architecture and Presentation 40%

COMP605 Microservices

Version 3.0

This assignment is worth 40% of your overall final grade and shall be submitted on Canvas. This is an individual assignment. The assignment is split in over two parts. Part 1 is to          submit a Service Planning and Design Report that is due at 6pm on Friday 26 August 2022 New Zealand Standard Time (NZST) (end of week 6). Part 2 is to submit a Demonstration of Service Video that is due at due at 6pm on Friday 30 September 2022 New Zealand             Standard Time (NZST) (end of week 9).

For this project, you are required to investigate and develop plans for a new microservice      solution that shall deliver some aspect of business value. Then create a ‘proof-of-concept’ or Minimum Viable Product (MVP) example of that service.

Out of the 100 marks for this assignment 70 marks will be for your service planning and     design report; 30 marks will be for a video of no more than 5-minutes demonstrating your new service.

We encourage you to document what you have planned, done, learned and your reflections as you go as this will be useful for your final report assessment that will be due in week 12.

Service Planning and Design Report - due at 6pm on Friday 26 August 2022 ( NZST).

Your first task is to plan and design a microservice. Both these aspects of planning and          design can be iterative. As you plan you will be thinking of how all the different aspects        might need to come in to play – perhaps front end, middle connections, and back-end          functions, as you put these together and consider what technologies you can use you will    start pulling together a coherent design. This design needs some analysis, which will then    further inform your planning. As you move into communicating the ideas and building the   actual service your assumptions are then tested and validated, and new aspects of planning and design will need to be incorporated.

Microservices have their strengths and their weaknesses. They can be highly complex with   many components interacting, and they can be quite simple, sometimes performing a single task very well and at scale. Microservices often interact with other services and aspects of a solution. Often APIs are used to interact between different services.

In this assignment you are tasked to identify a Use Case for a new service, or a set of           interrelated services that deliver some business value to a stakeholder group that you        identify. You are to articulate some objectives, identify requirements, then to diagram or  model a possible solution. Importantly you shall describe how the planning and design you

have done for this new microservice contributes to the principles of modularisation, such as, information hiding, cohesion, coupling, and concepts of Domain Driven Design (DDD).            You are strongly encouraged to read and draw insights from Chapter 2 How to Model             Microservices in Building Microservices by Sam Newman (2021).

You are expected to provide a formal report structure to your document for submission that includes the components identified in the submission requirements below.

Demonstration of Service Video - due at 6pm on Friday 30 September 2022 (NZST)

Following on from your planning and design phase of this assignment, now you must next put it all together in a proof-of-concept or example prototype and then to create a short   summary video of your service in action no more than 5 minutes.

An excellent demonstration of your service should be informative and follow a logical            sequence and demonstrate how the service does something useful for your chosen                stakeholder community. The presentation should be interesting and communicated as if the audience knows nothing about the chosen service or its domain area beforehand. Any           visuals, graphics or screen capture used should be clear, organized, easy to read and add      clarity to the demonstration. Identify any objectives and assumptions you have made in the creation of the service.

Note here that we are NOT expecting you to code an entire front end or to produce a full     stack implementation. What we are looking to see is how your thinking manifests in an         example that represents your planning and design.  You may integrate or customise services available on the Azure platform, a docker service hosted on a Linux server, or similar, or to   host a service locally on your device in a containerised cluster.

Should you include source code from another resource or repo or adapt your solution from  a publicly available repo then include the reference to the source material that you have        accessed or modified for your solution. Consider including the source code in an appendix to your assignment or alternatively GitHub has now added built-in citation support :

https://docs.github.com/en/repositories/archiving-a-github-repository/referencing-and- citing-content

Note also that videos submitted that are longer than 5 minutes will only have the first 5 minutes of the video assessed.

Part 1 - Service Planning and Design Report

Submission Requirements:

•   A word or pdf file of your plans, diagrams and discussion on the new service along  with either a link to your video demonstration, or a note that you have submitted a

video file separately, and your reflective self-assessment to be submitted via the Assignment 1 link on Canvas.

•   Make use of version control and include a version number, date, author and student ID on all documentation.

•   You are expected to include a cover page, executive summary, contents page, the   sections including your Use Case, service objectives, requirements statements,         diagram or model, a section on the design principles of modularisation and Domain Driven Design (DDD) as they apply to your service design.

•    For Normal text body use Calibri (Body), 1.5 spacing, font size 11

•    Do not mix Serif and San-serif fonts in your submission.

•   Part 1 is due at 6pm on Friday 26 August 2022 New Zealand Standard Time (NZST).

Part 2 – Service Demonstration Video

Submission Requirements:

•   You can include either a document with a link to your demonstration video hosted on Panopto, YouTube, Vimeo or similar, or submit your video via the separate         Assignment 1 video submission link on Canvas.

•   Part 2 is due at 6pm on Friday 30 September 2022 New Zealand Standard Time (NZST).

Learning Outcomes

This assignment provides the opportunity to apply project techniques to the planning, design and execution of a new microservices implementation. It relates directly to the following learning outcomes:

•   Analyse, design and specify service-oriented software systems with microservices architecture

•   Select and apply microservice design patterns in appropriate situations

•   Develop microservices based application with a focus on non-functional requirement


There are a number of internationally recognised formats for references in academic writing and it is recommended that students review the AUT library resources on referencing             (https://aut.ac.nz.libguides.com/APA7th) or to consider attending one of the library’s             referencing workshops on the APA referencing style (or use of the EndNote referencing         software perhaps) to find out how to complete references formally. APA or IEEE are the         common referencing formats used in Computer Science or Information Systems research.

Referencing tools such asEndnoteandZoterocould be a good idea to use as they are highly effective if learnt and used well.

Please also note the following:

It is your responsibility to check assignments for grammar and spelling errors before            submitting them. You do not want your Teaching Assistants or Lecturers to be your quality assurance or quality control process.

To improve the quality of your submissions, there is a great and free proofreading service Studiosity at AUT that you can use 24x7 to improve your writing - See the link on Canvas.