关键词 > COMP-3077-91

COMP-3077-91- Web Based Database Management Systems


School of Computer Science

COMP-3077-91- Web Based Database Management Systems

Winter 2021

Term Project Submission Guidelines & Instructions

1. Project Type

It is expected from students to develop a website which will integrate all components of client side and server side scripting as part of the course such as HTML,CSS, Javascript, php etc.

2. Sample example(s)

1. Creating a Student Information System (such as registering into courses, course schedule, examination etc)

2. Design an interactive E-Commerce website allowing people to browse through items and order items with all relevant functionality of an E-commerce site

3. Creating a job portal where jobs are listed under various categories and there are sections for employeers (to post adds) and for candidates to put their resumes and get notifications.

4. Any other website on a different topic. Approval must be taken from the instructor for the project

3. Choice of Language

All relevant tools taught as part of the class or any other platform but need to be approved.

4. Submission Requirements

1. A project report (user manual) max. of 5 to 7 pages.

2. Short presentation with brief description and screen shots

3. Group consists of maximum 3 students or can be individual

4. Each member(s) must contribute equally to the project

4. Project Report /Manual Guidelines

    The report should discuss details of your developed application along with the tools and techniques used. More specifically, it should have the following components.

1. Introduction

2. Features of Application

3. Tools & Techniques

4. Implementation Details (You may provide brief details how you created your application in steps along with screen shots)

5. Conclusion

6. References