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PROG1815 – Programming Concepts II - Assignment #3


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PROG1815 – Programming Concepts II - Assignment #3

Assignment #3: More UI, OOP, File I/O, and Regexes


The goal for this assignment is to build a basic app to create, edit, read, and delete clinical encounter notes that will be stored in a simple text file. As such, in this assignment you will be practicing:

● Some object-oriented design

● File I/O

● More Win Forms UI interactions

● And Regexes to extract Blood Pressure (BP) readings from free text clinical notes.


The core functionality:

When the app starts it will read the currently stored encounter notes from a file and load a view of them into the listbox on the left hand side showing only the patient name and note ID, i.e. as such:


It will also place the right hand side, i.e. the "Add/Edit/Delete Encounter Note" side, in “awaiting note mode” by disabling most of the controls. From there the user can do 1 of 2 things:

● Highlight a past note

● Start a new note

Highlighting a past note:

● This loads the properties of that note into the appropriate fields of the "Add/Edit/Delete Encounter Note" side

● And places that side in “edit mode” - i.e. the “Update note” and “Delete note” buttons are enabled but the “Add note” button is disabled.

● The user can then make any edits to the fields (except of course the ID field which is always disabled from user editing) and save those changes using the “Update note” button.

○ If the fields are valid then the updated note should be saved immediately to the file.

○ However, if the fields are invalid then the update should not happen and instead the user should be informed of the validation errors.

○ See more below for validation requirements.

● Or the user could delete the note by pressing the “Delete note” button:

○ This should delete the note immediately from the file

○ And remove it from the listbox on the left hand side

○ You can choose whether the app should just highlight another note in the listbox (if there is one) or put the right hand side in the “awaiting note” mode mentioned above.

Starting a new note:

● This places the "Add/Edit/Delete Encounter Note" side in “add mode” which means that the “Add note” button is enabled whereas the “Update note” and “Delete note” buttons are disabled.

● The user can then enter the required fields and save this note by clicking on the “Add note” button:

○ If the fields are valid then:

■ The note should be saved to file

■ Added to the left hand listbox

■ And the right hand side placed in “edit mode

○ Otherwise the user should be informed of the validation errors

■ See more below for validation requirements

■ And the right hand side should stay in “add mode

Extracting BP (Blood Pressure) readings from Note Text:

As text is entered in the rich text box for “Notes” your solution should look for text matching a blood pressure reading.

● For clinical users this traditionally means:

○ Starts with BP

○ Optionally a colon

○ A space

○ 2-3 digits for the systolic value

○ A slash

○ 2-3 digits for the diastolic value

● Once matches are found, they should be added to the “BP Measurements” listbox.

● Also, when an existing encounter note is loaded in the "Add/Edit/Delete Encounter Note" side, its BP readings should be extracted from the text and also loaded in that same listbox.

File I/O:

In terms of reading and writing encounter notes to/from a file, keep the following points in mind…

● All edits - i.e. adding a new note, updating an existing one, or deleting an existing note should be reflected in the file immediately.

● As mentioned earlier, when the app starts it should load the notes from the file and show them in the left hand listbox by highlighting the patient’s name and note ID.

● As for what file format, you are free to explore other formats, but the following represents a viable solution:

○ 1 encounter note per line

○ The 5 properties of each encounter note should be delimited by a special character, e.g. the | (i.e. pipe or vertical slash) character.

■ Why only 5 properties? Because the BP readings are derived from the note content they do not need to be stored separately.

○ Then, among those 5 properties, the following need to be split further still, using a different special character, e.g. the ; (i.e. semicolon) character: Problems and Note Content.

■ For the Note Content, the ; (or other delimiter of your choosing) delimits the lines of text in the note content - i.e. it effectively replaces the newline character.

Thus, if you adopt this file format, the encounter note for Lisa Simpson in the first screenshot above would look like this in a text file:


Validation of User Input for both Add & Editing Encounter Notes:

When adding/editing an encounter note there is some validation of the data required, namely:

● The note ID is an integer that must be unique.

● As such, it is likely best that the app controls assigning these values and not let the user define/edit them. For example, the textbox for it should always be disabled and the app then picks the next available ID and pre-populates the textbox with that value when the user clicks on the "Start new note" button.

● Patient name is required

● Date of birth is required and cannot be in the future.

● And the clinical note content is required.

What to hand in?

Bundle and upload your solution folder to the assignment drop-box on eConestoga as a single zip file. You may submit multiple versions but only the last (i.e.most recent) submission will be looked at and graded.

How will it be graded?

Please see the marking sheet that accompanies the assignment. It will be used to calculate your grade so be sure that you are meeting all the criteria included there. Please ensure that you submit only your own work!