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BTF3931 and BTB3221 Taxation Law Semester 1, 2021


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Sample mock exam/revision exam question

BTF3931 and BTB3221 Taxation Law

Semester 1, 2021

Question 1 (20 marks)

Niamh has lived in Melbourne all her life but has always wanted to move to the country, because she wants a large garden in which to grow vegetables and keep animals. In Melbourne, she lives in an apartment (which she owns) in Docklands (near the water). Niamh is employed as an accountant and works for a company located in the Melbourne Central Business District (the CBD office). Her salary for 2020/21 for her work as an accountant is $170,000 per annum.

In June 2020, Niamh finds the house and land she has always wanted. It is located in Shoreham (about 1.5 hours from the CBD office). On 1 July 2020, Niamh purchases the house and land in Shoreham for $1,000,000. She moves in to the Shoreham house on 1 August 2020. In order to pay for the house in Shoreham, she borrows $600,000 from the bank at an interest rate of 6.0% per annum. Her monthly repayments of interest on this loan are $4,500. She also incurs borrowing expenses from the bank of $1,000.

Prior to moving to the new home in Shoreham, Niamh negotiates with her employer to work from home two (2) days per week. On the other three (3) days each week, she works in the CBD office. She sets up her home office (in Shoreham) in the guest bedroom and starts working two (2) days per week from home on 1 November 2020. For her home office, Niamh purchases a large antique desk for $8,000 (effective life 20 years), and a new computer and printer for $5,000 each (both have effective life of 2 years). She buys these items in October 2020 and sets up the office ready for use by 1 November 2020. For 2020/21 she determines that the running costs (electricity, heating, lighting and internet usage) of her home office are $4,000. She has records to substantiate these costs.

On 1 November 2020, Niamh has a car provided to her by her employer, and she uses this car to drive to the CBD office from Shoreham three (3) days per week. Her employer has purchased the car for $50,000. Although her employer owns the car, Niamh pays for petrol. In 2020/21 she estimates that she spends $7,000 on petrol to drive between Shoreham and her workplace in the CBD. Niamh decides to rent out her Melbourne apartment. She incurs advertising costs of $500 to get tenants. Her tenants move in on 1 December 2020. She engages an agent to manage the property. The agent charges her $100 per month to manage the property. Niamh earns $1,200 per month in rent. Before the tenants move in, Niamh  spends  $3,000  repainting  the  whole  apartment  and  $4,000  recarpeting  the  whole  of the apartment. Niamh’s house in Shoreham is on a large block of land which is covered in trees. As noted above, she wants to grow vegetables and hopes to sell the vegetables. She also wants horses and is considering running horse riding lessons to make some extra money.

In February 2021, she employs her brother to clear the land to prepare it for planting the vegetables and to prepare it for horses. She pays her brother $20,000. By June 2021, no planting has occurred and there

is only one horse, which Niamh rides on the weekends. She still plans to grow the vegetables and purchase more horses.

PART A:          Advise Niamh on the deductibility of any losses or outgoings for the income year

ending 30 June 2021.

PART B:          Based on your answer in Part A, calculate the taxable income for Niamh for the income

year ending 30 June 2021.

Please support your answer with relevant case law and legislation.


Question 2       (6 marks)

Simon Hunter built a factory on 1 July 2016 for $1.2 million. The building was sold on 30 June 2021 for $1.9 million.

Required:         Calculate the cost base and the capital gain (if any) for the disposal of Simones

factory building during the 2021 income year.


Question 3       (6 marks)

Sarah is employed as a personal assistant to Martha, a successful freelance lifestyle consultant and motivational speaker. Recently, Martha found out that Sarah has sent an email to all of Martha's clients describing her as "a fraud and a bully." Unfortunately, the email had been passed on to a popular gossip website and it is running as its lead story. Martha realises immediately that this could seriously impact upon her business. She seeks advice from her lawyer, which includes preparing a defamation suit . Her legal fees was $10,000.

Required: Advice Martha on the deductibility of legal fees


Question 4       (8 marks)

On 8 October 1988, Rachael Zumber purchased two hectares of land for a total value of $280,000 in the Hunter Valley in NSW countryside. On 28 February 2021, she sold one hectare of land for $220,000 (the remaining land was of equal value).

The legal and other costs associated with the acquisition of the two hectares of land were $12,000 and with the disposal of the one hectare, $2000.


Required:         Compute the capital gain for Rachel arising from the sale of land during the 2021

income year.


Question 5 (10 marks)

Rosemary Tran is married to Michael Wells and is employed as a Manager in the eLearning Department for the Victorian Police. In this position, Rosemary is responsible for the implementation of online

education courses for police officers.

For her services, Rosemary receives:

1. Provision of a loan to herself and Michael in the amount of $500,000 to purchase a residential property at an interest rate of 3.95% per annum. The property was settled on 1 April 2020, at which time the loan was drawn down. The property is used as Rosemary and Michael’s home; however it was rented out from 1 April 2020 to 31 December 2020.

2. Provision of an employer-provided car. Victoria Police purchased a Ford Falcon car for Rosemary on 1 April 2020 for $25,000. During the period of 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2021, the car travelled 20,000 km, of which 5,000 km was work related. The vehicle’s registration, insurance and service costs were $3,500 and Rosemary paid for petrol in the amount of $1,000.

3. Reimbursement of study expenses for Rosemary to undertake postgraduate studies at University. Rosemary studied two subjects at a cost of $4,500 per subject. The first subject was called Principles of eLearning Design and the second was called Contemporary Art.

Required: Advise Victoria Police on the FBT implications that arise from the above facts and calculate her FBT liability.


Question 5       (5 marks)

As the result of an audit, Designers Ltd received an amended assessment on 1 May 2021 for the year ending 30 June 2020. It amended an earlier assessment, which was dated 3 December 2020, by disallowing $150,000 of overseas travel expenses. The travel expenses were incurred in establishing an office in Singapore, where they already have a number of offshore offices in the Asian region.

Required:        Advise Designers Ltd about objecting to the amended assessment.


Question 6       (5 marks)

Wally Manufacturing Ltd has the following items of stock on hand at 30 June 2021

Units of stock











Replacement price




Market selling value




(1) Assuming that Wally wishes to minimise its taxable income for the year, and there is no opening stock, calculate the value of closing stock for the year

(2) If Wally has $100,000 of carry-forward losses, how would you value the closing stock?