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CSE3541/5541: Sample Questions for Review


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CSE3541/5541: Sample Questions for Review

These sample questions are to help you to study the course material for the exam. Some question types may be found on the exam, but others may not.

Short answer/Essay questions

1.   Detail the steps taken in a render loop using a Unity script

2.   Describe orthonormal basis vectors. When and why are they are desirable?

3.   What is the difference between a point and a vector? Why is this important?

4.   Show the three-dimensional rotation matrix that rotates θ radians about the y-axis

5.   Write the lighting equation developed by Phong

6.   List the various types of light sources covered in class

7.   What is the key difference between A* and Dijkstra’s algorithm?

8.   Given 1D points p, q, and r, draw points from the result of linear interpolation between p and q for u values of 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1. Then do the same for linear                  interpolation between q and r for u values of 0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, and 1. Assuming each  interpolated point is the location of an object in one of ten frames of animation,            describe the motion of the object as it moves from p to q then q to r.


9.   Describe gimbal lock and why it may be a problem

10. If we rotate a model from position i to position i+1, what is the problem of interpolating the models between these rotated positions? How might you solve it?

11. Given a point, p, how do we rotate it with quaternions?

12. Consider the three forces that control flocking: separation, alignment, and cohesion. Removing any of the three forces will change the motion of the flock.

a.   How is the flocking motion affected if you remove only the separation force?

b.   How is the flocking motion affected if you remove only the alignment force?

c.   How is the flocking motion affected if you remove only the cohesion force?

Multiple choice

1.   Who typically calls your function to render an object?

a.   The programmer

b.   The end-user

c.   The Game Engine

d.   The Operating System

2.   How does one stop a game in Unity (and most other game engines)?

a.   Unity will stop it when the game finishes

b.   The programmer must write code to quit the game

c.   The user is responsible for stopping the game

d.   By using a Main Menu

3.   What is the cross product of two parallel vectors?

a.   The scalar value 0

b.   The zero vector -0

c.   A non-zero scalar value

d.   A non-zero vector

4.   What of the following are not rigid body transforms? Select all that apply.

a.   Shear

b.   Scale

c.   Rotate

d.   Translate

e.   Mirror

f.   Compression

5.   Given a point P located at the origin. You want to translate and then rotate the point so that it is NOT located on the x-axis. What sequence of transformations will satisfy this result    where T is a translation matrix and R is a rotation matrix?

a.   T * R * P

b.   R * T * P

c.   P * T * R

d.   P * R * T

6.   Which lighting term uses the vector pointing towards the camera?

a.   Ambient

b.   Diffuse

c.   Specular

d.  None of the above

e.   All of the above

7.   Global illumination considers the light

a.   Coming from any light source

b.   Bouncing off of any diffuse surface

c.   Emitted from any object with emissive properties

d.  b and c above

e.   All of the above


1.   The cross product can be used to determine if two vectors are pointing in the same direction

2.   Any sequence of rotations can be represented by a single rotation matrix

3.   3D translation, scaling, and rotation can all be represented using 3 x 3 matrices

4.   Diffuse lighting on the surface of an object changes as the camera (viewer) moves

5.   Specular lighting on the surface of an object changes as the camera (viewer) moves

6.   Translating the parent of a hierarchy will translate all of its children, but not their children

7.   Breadth-first search is slow, but will always provide the shortest path

8.   A cubic polynomial fitting a curve can be defined by 3 data points

9.   Quaternions are subject to Gimbal lock

10. Unity uses Euler angles for all rotations