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COMP6452 Software Architecture for Blockchain Applications Final Examination, T2 2020


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Software Architecture for Blockchain Applications

Final Examination, T2 2020


You are required to read an assigned scientific paper and write a commentary on it based on the instructions below. Do not copy-paste material from the paper or any other source, instead write an original piece. The usual checks for plagiarism will be performed. You will then submit the commentary as a PDF file. Your           commentary should be typeset and within 1,200 words.

1.   Motivation and Requirement (300-400 words, 10 marks)

•   What do the authors aim to solve? (2 marks)

•   What are the main requirements to be addressed while solving the problem?

o Functional requirements (2 marks)

o Non-functional requirements (3 marks)

•   Why blockchain is a good fit in solving this problem? (3 marks)

2.   The overall design of the solution (~300 words, 10 marks)

•   Draw a diagram of the proposed architecture (4 marks)

o What are the components? How the components interact?

o A legend is required

•   Briefly explain each of the components in the architecture and comment on them, for e.g., (6 marks)

o If an existing blockchain is used? If not, what is the design of the new blockchain?

o What is on-chain, what is off-chain? What off-chain component is used?

3.   Evaluation / performance analysis of the solution design (~250 words, 8 marks)

•   How is the proposed solution evaluated?  (4 marks)

o Methods: Experiment, simulation, case study, interview

o Properties: Security, reliability, cost, performance

•   What were the main findings from the results? (4 marks)

4.   Potential Extension (~250, 7 marks)

•   Provide a critique of the paper (4 marks)

o What are the technical strengths of the proposed solution?o What are the technical weaknesses of the proposed solution?

o Will the evaluation convince potential users to adopt the proposed solution?

•   How would you improve the proposed solution? For e.g., (3 marks)

o Replace a component to improve a property.

o Apply a design pattern to achieve a property.