关键词 > DAT561



Hello, dear friend, you can consult us at any time if you have any questions, add WeChat: daixieit



General Information



Salih Tutun, PhD

Section 01: Monday - Thursday, 7:00 am – 8:15 am (Remote/BUS)    Section 02: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am – 9:45 am (Remote/BUS)    Section 03: Monday - Thursday, 10:00 am – 11:15 am (Remote/BUS) Section 04: Monday - Thursday, 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm (Remote/BUS)   Section 05: Monday - Thursday, 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm (Remote/BUS)   Section 06: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am – 9:45 am (Remote/BUS)    Section 07: Tuesday - Friday, 7:00 am – 8:15 am (Remote/BUS)        Section 08: Tuesday - Friday, 8:30 am – 9:45 am (Remote/BUS)

For summer 2021, passing times between classes are extended to 15 minutes. Teaching time has been set to 75 minutes per class session. Classes will start on time but will end 5 minutes early.

Course Email:

If students  have  any  questions  with  respect  to  the  course,  please  use  my  personal  email: salihtutun@wustl.edu.

Office Hours (Tentative):

Instructor Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday

between 07:00 pm – 08:00 pm (via Zoom) Instructor Zoom Link: Please see it below and Canvas

TAs Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm (via Zoom)

TAs Zoom Link:  Please see it below and Canvas

Public health:

You are expected to follow WashU and Olin COVID-related public health protocols including:

1.   Complete daily self-screening.

2.   Wear a mask that fully covers your mouth and nose.

3.   Practice physical distancing.

4.   Wash your hands and practice good hygiene.

5.   Sanitize personal and shared spaces.

For complete details visit:https://olincovidresponse.wustl.edu/health-safety-at-olin/

Olin’s Pillars of Excellence:

Olin students will:

1. Embody a values-based and data-driven methods in their approach to all business situations

2.   Understand the global opportunities and challenges facing businesses

3.   Engage  with  business  issues  through  the  application  of  experiential  knowledge,  in addition to the rigorous technical skills acquired in the classroom

4.   Pursue world-changing initiatives with an entrepreneurial and innovative mindset and skillset

Course modality:

This course will be taught in the zoom (as online), and all sections are totally remote as seen       below. All students and moderator are required to connect to the following Zoom link to join the class.

Instructor Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday, 07:00 pm - 08:00 pm (via Zoom)

Link: https://wustl.zoom.us/j/93091335433?pwd=aHN4VTlyeFhzdFU5dTZVM1V1UjdJdz09 Meeting ID: 930 9133 5433

Passcode: 541657

TAs Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday between 7:00 pm and 8:00 pm (via Zoom) Link: https://wustl.zoom.us/j/98927397912?pwd=aE9OYWxGRi9XM1lBOEFtc2JpV3hoZz09

Meeting ID: 989 2739 7912

Passcode: 752801

Section 01: Monday - Thursday, 7:00 am – 8:15 am (Remote/BUS)

Link: https://wustl.zoom.us/j/99887617880?pwd=dGJXZFE2OUprbUN2YkEreEpTaTlwdz09 Meeting ID: 998 8761 7880

Passcode: 858127

Section 02: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 am – 9:45 am (Remote/BUS)

Link: https://wustl.zoom.us/j/96170739868?pwd=cm9tY1NjNkl6RFAwdENZRFV3YlQyZz09 Meeting ID: 961 7073 9868

Passcode: 253780

Section 03: Monday - Thursday, 10:00 am – 11:15 am (Remote/BUS)

Link:https://wustl.zoom.us/j/92121374998?pwd=UDRQS0ptbkJSZHVCTW5UNEsxUVgvdz09 Meeting ID: 921 2137 4998

Passcode: 719459

Section 04: Monday - Thursday, 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm (Remote/BUS)


Meeting ID: 993 1626 8328

Passcode: 525580

Section 05: Monday - Thursday, 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm (Remote/BUS)


Meeting ID: 988 9190 0672

Passcode: 012001

Section 06: Monday - Thursday, 8:30 pm – 9:45 pm (Remote/BUS)

Link: https://wustl.zoom.us/j/98291103896?pwd=RVE5TjlWSW1zVDk1aVNEbGlDd09hUT09

Meeting ID: 982 9110 3896

Passcode: 657180

Section 07: Tuesday - Friday, 07:00 am – 08:15 am (Remote/BUS)

Link: https://wustl.zoom.us/j/97193643251?pwd=VDNmY0dHeDM4VXE1ditpYU80ZEpWZz09

Meeting ID: 971 9364 3251

Passcode: 195076

Section 08: Tuesday - Friday, 08:30 am – 9:45 am (Remote/BUS)

Link: https://wustl.zoom.us/j/98894211623?pwd=TWVCOWw0MEtkYzJkQWdLa0FWNSt3Zz09

Meeting ID: 988 9421 1623

Passcode: 087898

Course Description:

This course is a 3-credit introduction course to data science in Python, which assumes no prior programming experience. The course is broken down into two units. In the first unit, students will be introduced to the basics of Python as a programming language. The second unit of the course is devoted to data analytics; students will use Python to explore and visualize real-world data sets from various industries, including finance, sports, and technology.

Course Set-up:

This course consists of 2 parts: an online video session and an offline in-class session. Each week, students need to finish watching online video sessions on the techniques and knowledge, which normally takes 60 to 90 minutes. In addition, students need to join to the lab for 75 minutes every Monday - Thursday or Tuesday Friday depending on their session day and time to practice what they have learned from the videos in the previous week and learn more hands-on knowledge from the instructor in-class.

Learning Objectives:

After this course, you will be able to:

1.   Program basic python scripts to solve real-world algorithm or optimization problems

2.   Access and clean data from multiple sources (e.g., Excel, CSV, Text file, etc.) using Python and Pandas.

3.   Pre-process and analyze data using Python to extract business insights

4.   Visualize data patterns and trends using Python

Course Materials:

1.   Charles Severance, Python for Everybody, Exploring Data with Python 3

2.   Learning Python the Hard Way:https://learncodethehardway.org/python/

3.   Pandas Official Documentation:http://pandas.pydata.org/pandas-docs/stable/

Lecture notes and corresponding Jupyter notebook (IPython notebook) will be distributed in class as online (an electronic version will be available on Canvas). Supplemental and optional readings will be posted on Canvas.

The website for this course is on the Canvas system: https://wustl.instructure.com/courses/66537

Grading Policy (Tentative):

There are five components to your final grade:

1.   Lab participation                                                                                                          5%

2.   In-class quizzes (2 Q *5% and other In-Class Labs 10%)                                          20%

3.   Homeworks (Programming Assignments)                                                                  30%

4.   Midterm Project                                                                                                         20%

5. Final Project 25% Total:                                                                                                                               100%

Note: If you submit your assignments or projects late, Canvas will decrease automatically 10% of the grade. Please be careful for submitting the assignment on time.

Letter Grade

Minimum Required Grade

Usual Grade Distribution



45% - 60%







20% - 30%







0% - 5%







0% - 5%





Class Participation and Professional Conduct:

You are expected to attend all sessions and actively participate in class discussion. Write your full name on your Zoom account, so that I can accurately assess your participation. If for some reason you need to miss a class, please email the instructor in advance. Course ethics must be maintained for all classes. Below is the Olin policy on professional conduct in the classroom:

Preparation: Students are expected to complete the readings, case preparations and other

assignments prior  to  each  class  session  and be prepared  to  actively participate  in  class discussion.

Behavior: Classroom interaction will be conducted in a spirited manner but always while

displaying professional courtesy and personal respect.

Distractions: Students are expected to arrive on time and remain in the classroom for the

duration  of the  class  session.  Late  arrivals  and  early  departures  will  affect  your  grade negatively unless  an urgent need  arises  or prior arrangements have been made with the professor. Students are expected to not use laptops, cell phones, and other electronic devices in the classroom unless with the instructor’s consent and for activities directly related to the class session.

In-class Programming: Students are expected to finish in-class programming assignments.

Video Watching:

Students are required to watch all course-related videos assigned each week. The video watching click activities will be monitored every week.


There will be 2 quizzes in this course. Each quiz has 5 multiple-choice questions. The quizzes will take approximately 15 minutes at the beginning of the scheduled sessions (see the course schedule). Make-up quiz will not be offered unless there is a documented serious illness or extreme personal circumstances.

Homeworks (Programming Assignments):

There will be 5 programming assignments during this semester. All programming assignments will be distributed through IPython notebook (Jupyter Notebook) on Canvas. Each programming assignment will be due within 4 days to 7 days. Programming assignments will come with test cases for students to check their answers.

Midterm and Final Projects:

There will be two big projects (mid-term and final) in this course. Both projects will be given to the students 5 days to 7 days before it is due. Extra office hours will be provided during the project week. The first project is related to using fundamental programming methods in Python to solve real-world optimization problems. The second project is related to using data science skills in Python to explore data, extract insights, and present them. The deadline of projects will not be extended unless there is a documented serious illness or extreme personal circumstances. Note that a job interview is not considered an extreme circumstance.

The some programming assignments, midterm and final projects will be group projects. Each group can have 1 to 3 students. If you want to form a group by yourself, please email your group members names and emails to the course email by May 24. We will help the remaining people to arrange groups. You can select your group member from any section. Please select your groups by clicking People on the canvas and add your name to onefor the DAT561 Groups.

Academic Integrity / Classroom Behavior:

Academic integrity will be strictly enforced. This course will be administered under the policies of the Olin Business School Honor Code. All students are responsible for reading, understanding, and upholding this Code. You are encouraged to contact the instructor for any questions and concerns about academic integrity in this course. The Olin Business School is a community of individuals with diverse backgrounds and interests who share certain fundamental goals. Primary among these goals is the creation and maintenance of an atmosphere conducive to learning and personal growth.

Becoming a member of the Olin community is a privilege that brings certain responsibilities and expectations. The  success of Olin in attaining its goals and in maintaining its reputation of academic  excellence  depends  on  the  willingness  of  its  members,  both  collectively  and individually, to meet their responsibilities. All individuals associated with Olin should conduct themselves with the utmost integrity in all aspects of their lives, both on and off campus.

Please refer to the publication Integrity Matters: Olin Business School Code of Conduct for specific responsibilities, guidelines and procedures regarding academic integrity. You may also consult with MBA Program Dean if you have questions or concerns.

The following is a summary of the Code as it applies to academic matters:

Student Academic Violations:

It is dishonest and a violation of student academic integrity if you:

1. Plagiarize You commit plagiarism by taking someone else’s ideas, words or other types of product and presenting them as your own. You can avoid plagiarism by using proper methods of documentation and acknowledgement.

2. Cheat on an examination You must not receive or provide any unauthorized assistance on  an  examination.  During  an  examination  you  may  access/use  only the material(s) authorized by the instructor.

3. Copy or collaborate on assignments without permission It is dishonest to collaborate with others when completing assignments (unless expressly authorized by the instructor) or  tests,  performing  laboratory  experiments,  writing  and/or  documenting  computer programs, writing papers or reports.

4. Fabricate  or  falsify  data  or  records It  is  dishonest  to  fabricate  or  falsify  data  in laboratory experiments, research papers, reports or other circumstances; fabricate source material in a bibliography or works cited” list; or provide false information on a resume or other documents in connection with academic efforts. It is also dishonest to take data developed by someone else and present them as your own.

5. Engage in other forms of deceit or dishonesty that violate the spirit of the Code.

Student Rotation:

There will be no rotation for the course as it is fully online. If you registered to be in the lab, you would join the class via Zoom.

Session Length and Entry/Exit Protocols:

For Summer 2021, passing times between classes are extended to 15 minutes. Our class sessions has been set to 75 minutes. Classes will start on time but will end 5 minutes early. Entry and exit to/from class will be carried out as follows:

●   When and where possible, students arriving to class should utilize outside waiting areas, such as courtyards, until five minutes prior to the start of class in order to avoid congregating in     close proximity of exiting students.

●   At the end of class, students should exit the room while keeping physical distance. Students closest to the doors should proceed out first, with those farthest from the exit leaving last.   The instructor will be the last to leave and facilitate an orderly transition between classes.

●   Students should avoid loitering in areas where congestion may occur (i.e. faculty podiums, narrow hallways or at the entrance and exits of buildings).

Student illness or quarantine:

You are expected to attend all sessions and actively participate in class discussion.

●   To accommodate the needs of remote students at different time zones, all Olin class sessions in Summer 2021 are being livestreamed and recorded. This includes the chat and video.

●   If you are ill or experiencing symptoms, please take care of yourself and follow the         university guidelines related to COVID- 19 and contact Habif Health and Wellness: https://students.wustl.edu/habif-health-wellness-center/.Sick students should not come to class under any circumstances.

●   You may find yourself well but in quarantine due to possible exposure, diagnosed with        COVID- 19 but not experiencing symptoms, or ill but still able to participate. If you are well enough to participate, it is expected that you will attend and participate in the course            remotely over Zoom and promptly communicate any additional requests or needs with me.

●   If you are sick and unable to participate in class due to illness, you should reach out to me     directly to discuss your situation. We will work together to determine how you may make up missed materials and in what time-frame, how I can support you in learning the material, and how you will participate in or manage team assignments, among other course logistics.

●   In both scenarios, it is important that you take care of your health. I expect that you will communicate with me as soon as you realize that you will be unable to attend class.

Guidelines for attending online/hybrid class sessions:

What is expected of me when attending class virtually via Zoom?

●   Remote students are strongly encouraged to have their device camera enabled during class. A virtual background is also encouraged.  Adjust lighting in your learning environment to

ensure you are visible on camera. For example, you can place a lighting source behind your PC (the lighting in front of the camera should be brighter than any lighting behind the         camera).

●   To ensure proper Zoom functionality, students must sign in to Zoom with their WUSTL key.

●   Remote students should add “-ONL” to the end of their profile name so that the instructor and fellow students know who is attending class virtually. Students on Zoom who are       attending in-person should add “-IP” to their profile names. Please note our class in fully online.

●   Remote students should utilize headphones or another secondary microphone source for      communicating during class. Doing so will ensure that the instructor, and other students, are able to hear each student clearly as well as minimize audio feedback.

●   Privacy concerns should be taken into account before joining the video and using the chat

If I have a question or comment, how do I notify my instructor and communicate?

●   Remote students should raise their hand virtually using the Raise Hand” functionality within Zoom. This raised hand” will be acknowledged by either the instructor or the Classroom Engagement  Moderator.  Once  notified,  the  instructor  will  call  on  the  remote  student  or

address the question/comment. Please note our class in fully online and we don’t have the Classroom Engagement Moderator.

●   Students may also utilize the Chat functionality within Zoom. For this option, students should

type either COMMENT” or “QUESTION” at the beginning of the chat box entry. This will be identified by either the instructor or Classroom Engagement Moderator. Once notified, the instructor will call on the remote student.

●   When a student (in the classroom or remote) is called upon, it is recommended that the student

state their name prior to addressing the instructor with a question or comment. This will ensure students know which of their peers is speaking.

●   It is recommended that remote students DO NOT raise their actual hand on camera. It is also recommended that students DO NOT begin speaking unless called upon.