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UFP Applied Computer Studies - Project


UFP Applied Computer Studies - Project

Projects follow 5 steps:

Analysis – investigate the problem.  Is it suitable?  Are there any costs or extra equipment needed?  Talk to potential users and keep records.

Design – how will the user interface look.  Sketch the designs, how the pages link together. Again document and get feedback.

Implementation – actually start programming.

Testing – have a clear test strategy.  How you will test it and then how did the program perform.

Evaluation – how did the program perform?  Did it do what was asked for in Analysis?  Also, how did you perform? What went well, what didn’t, what would you do differently in the future?


You provide:

Documentation that includes Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Evaluation.  The program should be annotated, and in the report, explained how it works.  There should be a user manual.

All work, the report, user manual and code will be scanned by TurnItIn.  Maximum 10% similarity allowed.

Ideally you would chose a project around something you like.  You may collect something, so a database program that stores details of your collection.

If you enjoy reading then a library system that allows users to borrow and return books, for new books to be added, old books removed, letter sent out for books not returned etc.

Booking systems like hotels, dentists, opticians etc can be good as you are storing information and working with dates and ensuring no double bookings.

As students you are experts there, so is there software you could write to help students, teachers, colleges?  Interactive quizzes with other students.  Jeopardy (where the answer is given and you have to give the question), quiz race where students use one program to answer questions as quickly and correctly as possible and on the White Board characters on a racetrack move for each correct answer.

If you enjoy sports then a program for a sports day with the various competitions, participants and results recorded.

Games ideally should be useful.  They can be used for rehabilitation, for example, someone may have had an operation on their hand or hand a stroke and a game would allow them to exercise that hand.  A game could be used for diagnosis e.g. blind spots, color blindness, poor vision.  Games and puzzles could be made to teach certain topics.   When Flappy Bird came out, Physics teachers were really happy as it covered gravity, force, momentum, trajectories, transfer of energy….


Foreign Language Teacher

This project idea could be made extremely basic, or extremely advanced. However, the fundamental building blocks of this project idea will always be the same; it will assist users in learning a foreign language.

Restaurant Point Of Sale (POS) System

Staff will use the system at restaurant tables when taking food orders, making changes, billing etc

Therefore, you must make sure your POS system has an extremely friendly user interface, as customers don’t like waiting around!

Quiz App

You could either make an offline quiz app or you make a much more complex client-server quiz style app. There is definitely much more opportunity to get an A* with the latter of those options.

Encrypted Instant Messaging

An instant messaging app is one thing, but an encrypted instant messaging app is a whole different thing. This project is great because it just ticks so many boxes. You will be covering encryption and client-server networking in the same project!

Public Transport Timetable

No, you can’t just display a PDF image of a pre-existing bus timetable and say “finished!”…

This app should be able to perform web-scraping on live bus and train timetables and display the information is a user friendly way.

Your program could even take two postal codes and calculate the quickest way to get there using a mixture of public transport and walking. It could also return the current price for that specific journey. An example of how this can be implemented is on the Stagecoaches “Plan A Journey” page.

Software To Find The Best Online Deals

For this project, you’re going to need to “scrape” all of the current prices for a particular product off their respective websites. That’s the hard part. Next, you will have to present all of your various comparisons to the user in an easy-to-understand way (and give a conclusion containing where they can find the cheapest price).


Search Engine

Examples of search engines are: Google, Bing and Yahoo. There role is to receive a query from a user and index webpages in accordance with how relevant they are to the particular query. So if you googled “what is a pineapple?”, the idea is that a webpage containing information about pineapples would come up first before information about bananas.

There are many factors to consider when ranking webpages. Possible ranking factors for your SE could be:

● Keyword Frequency

● Title

● Image ALT Tags