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INFS5710 T2 2022 Group Assignment


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INFS5710 T2 2022 Group Assignment

Barcelona Accidents

Group Assignment Statement

Problem Scenario

You went to Barcelona in Spain for holidays, and you love the city so much that you wanted to stay in the city. You do not speak one word of Spanish, and you rely on the translator app on your phone and your PC. As the demand for skilled Information Technology personnel is high, you

decided to apply for a few positions. Great news, you got a new job with the Barcelona City

Council (The Barcelona website | Barcelona CityCouncil) as a Senior Business Analyst.

The second day in your role, the mayor asked you if you can examine the accident data (see

Description of the accidents' handled by the police in the city of Barcelona causality - Datasets - OpenData Barcelona) and present to him with recommendations of what actions to take, if any. The police chief will also be in your presentation.

Note: you might need to translate from Spanish to English, and this is part of the assessment.


The objectives of the project are:

(1) Identify and report on any themes and/or trends for the accidents based on the data.

(2) Identify potential causes of the accidents found in (1).

(3) Propose recommendations for changes that might reduce accidents based on the data.

Impact Statement

(1) Prevent Accidents - to reduce the number of accidents in the city as part of the principal of ODS 3: Good health and well-being

(2) Policies – currently some policies and education programs such as safety education service have been implemented to make the city a safer place.

Data and Resources

The dataset (csv and xml) can be found on the website:Accidents managed by the local police in the city of Barcelona - Datasets - Open Data Barcelona. There are  12 years of data: 2010 to 2021.The amount of data needed for your assignment depends on the number of group members in your team. The rules are:

•   If you have one or two group members in your team, then you need to download the six years of data, that is between 2016 to 2021 inclusive.

•   If you have three group members in your team, then you need to download the nine years of data, that is between 2013 to 2021 inclusive.

•   Ifyou have four group members in your team, then you need to download the twelve years of data, that is between 2010 to 2021 inclusive.

•   You can search and use other dataset from the same website, or you can search and use external dataset (not on the website) which you believe are important in your data analysis.


The metadata can be found on the website under View complementary description and field definition. You might need to translate from Spanish before you can work on the data.

Project Presentation

•   A maximum time of presentation is 10 minutes; 2-member group can present less than 8 minutes.

•   You submit your presentation as a video. The video must be saved as UMdF v!paoJowU!.

•   PowerPoint Slides:

o First slide it should have your group number, names, and pictures, and the order of the presenters for the slides. We do not want to give mark to the wrong presenter.

o Main slides - a maximum of 12 PowerPoint slides to be used for presentation. It is up to each group to decide how the slides are presented.

o Please introduce yourself before presenting the contents. Again, we do not want to give mark to the wrong presenter.

o Appendix slides - slide number 14 onwards are treated as Appendices, where you can put the SQL statements, data analyses not used in presentation, data cleaning output and other details you can put on the Appendix slides.

•   All group members must present as individual mark will be given for an individual’s presentation. If an individual does not contribute to presentation, then s/he will get a zero mark for presentation.

(a) [Mandatory]  Each  group  must  present  one  descriptive  analysis  using  SAS

Enterprise Guide to show the datasets you have selected.

(b) [Mandatory] Each group member must create two outputs for two presentation slides. All the outputs must be created using SAS Enterprise Guide.

(c) [Optional] Each group has an option to present one output not using SAS Enterprise Guide. If the group decides to exercise this option, then one of the group members can replace  one  of the  outputs  in  (b) here.  Furthermore, you must  say  what application you used, and how you achieve the output from the raw data. For example, a group of four can have seven outputs/slides created by SAS Enterprise Guide and one output/slide created by not using SAS Enterprise Guide.

•   You are expected to add notes to the speaker notes, at least for the Main slides. However, you do not have to speak in exact wording as on the slides (like me in lecture). The number of words is limited to +/- 300 words.

•   On the top of each slide, you must indicate who is responsible for writing and/or presenting the slide. However, the slides AND the presenter’s face (highly recommended) should be shown in the video. You can also do the same for the Appendix slides.

•   The  file  name  should  be  as  follows:  let’s  say  your  Group  ID  is  H18A_81,  then “GroupID_Presentation.mp4” will be  Group_H18A_81_Presentation.mp4  (You  should only use .mp4 video format).

For each slide, please include the name(s) of the group member(s) who wrote, and which group member presents on the corresponding slide.

▪   This slide wrote by: Vincent Pang and Silvia Lin

This slide presented by: Silvia Lin

Support for Oral Presentations | UNSW Current Students

•   Present in PowerPointUsing PowerPoint | UNSW Current Students

•   Tips: you can put individual recording to the PowerPoint slide (seeHow to Record Screen using Microsoft PowerPoint - Bing video)

Presentation Structure

A possible structure but not limited for the video presentation could be:

•   Clearly and briefly introduce your team, the presentation’s structure, and key points.

•   Clearly detail the datasets you have selected and downloaded, and how you prepare the data for analysis. This includes how you clean the data, manage missing data, language translation, and how you organise tables that go into SAS.  [Note: not more than 2 slides.]

•   Business insights and recommendation- graphs and tables produced from SAS Enterprise Guide must look reasonable, that is, we can read the numbers, and the results made sense. It is recommended each group member presents his/her work.

•   As time is limited, we accept if you do not have a conclusion.


(a) This project accounts for 30% of the total marks for this course.

(b) Your project report is due in Week 10, Friday, 05 August 2022, 4pm (Sydney Time) on Moodle in two submission boxes:

o One submission box for the Presentation Video mp4 file and

o Another submission box for other files - PowerPoint, data files, and script files.

(c) Only one member of each group needs to submit.

(d) Only cleaned SAS dataset/tables you used in your data analysis (Please clearly labelled all the dataset/table) are needed to upload.

(e) All SAS SQL scripts you used please clearly indicate which script is related to which output on your slide. Use comments in your file to indicate what you are doing.

(f)  You need to include your metadata for all the data and tables you used. You can include

the metadata in an Excel spreadsheet or a Word Document. You can include as part of the file in (g).

(g) You have an Excel spreadsheet or a Word Document to say the purpose of each of the files you have uploaded. You can name this file as Readme” . You can include (f) in this file.

This will give me an idea what all the files are.

(h) You do not need to submit a written report.

Marking Guideline

Item (%)


Data preparation (10%)

Do you select any external datasets to support your data analysis? Do you properly manage the missing data?

Do you properly process the tables used in SAS Enterprise Guide?

Quality of the data analysis (35%)

Are your research questions or hypotheses meaningful to the business? That is, can the data support your argument?

Have you properly analysed the data with the right functions or steps?

Have you provided proper data visualisation (for example, table or graph) to present and support your analysis? [Note: graphs produced in SAS are not the best, but it is the numbers we look for, and not the prettiness of the graph.]         How well have you written in the speaker notes in PP slides?

Quality of business insights obtained and                         recommendation (35%)

Do you obtain business insights from the data?

Are your obtained insights helpful for business?

Do you provide proper recommendations to make use of the obtained insights? How well have you written in the speaker notes in PP slides?

Presentation quality (15%)

How well do you, as an individual, present in the video?

[It is expected the presentation times for the video are evenly distributed among the group members.]

Teamwork (5%)

How well your team conducted in teamwork?

Total (100%)

Group Assignment QnA Channel (in Microsoft Teams)

All        questions        must        be       posted        in        the        group        assignment        (see

https://teams.microsoft.com/l/channel/19%3a9276e2399b704a75942a2227f9791d53%40thread.t acv2/03%2520Group%2520Assignment%2520QnA?groupId=e31cfcfa-09f0-494a-9946- c546a98cdc64&tenantId=3ff6cfa4-e715-48db-b8e1-0867b9f9fba3).

Emailing questions related to the group assignment to LiC and tutors will not be answered. To be fair to all the students, we do not want to be seen as bias to one group by getting them information.

Please note that we will stop answering questions after Monday 1 August 2022, 4pm. This is to ensure you plan ahead, and not panicking in the last minute. In the last few days, you probably just to finalise the PowerPoint and video presentation.

Private Group Channel (in Microsoft Teams)

(a) A private group channel will be created in Microsoft Teams by the teaching team after the group formation.

(b) The name of your private group channel is same as your group ID, e.g., H18A_81.

(c)  Only your group  members and the teaching team will  have access to your private group channel. That is, no member from outside the group can access to your private group channel.

(d) All conversations and files saved in the private group channel remain in the private group channel.

(e) The purpose of the private group channel is to work as an environment for you to  meet,  chat,  leave  messages,  and  upload/download  files.  Moreover, the teaching team can communicate directly with the group in this channel.

(f)  All the posts, files, meeting times and other group activities will be saved in the


(g) Another important factor of using the private group channel in Microsoft Teams is it is transparent to all the group members and the teaching team. When there is a dispute between the group members, the LiC will only examine evidence such as posts, meeting activities and uploaded files in the private group channel. The LiC will not examine other communication channels such as WhatsApp, Google Doc, Facebook, and WeChat.


•   Planner such as Microsoft Planner (if you have access) or a Weekly Chore Schedule template or something similar which can be found in Microsoft Excel can be used to improve planning of tasks.

•   The whole team can access the planner so there will be no excuse such as, “I don’t know what’s going on” .

•   Notifications can be used as a reminder task to be completed.

•   Planner should be maintained by the team leader or an appointee. All other group members should also assist in managing the tasks in the Planner.


One of the key PLOs is 4 Teamwork. We will examine the activities such as chat and planner in the channel as the means of assessing teamwork. Groups must plan, schedule, and conduct activities in due time. Groups must meet on a regular basis (at least twice per week) while the assignment is being undertaken and keep records (diaries, meeting minutes) of such meetings. The groups must ensure that all members are involved in the completion of the assignment. The work  is to  be divided equally  among the group members.

All group members are expected to behave professionally and work diligently. Group members should contribute in a useful and constructive way to the teamwork. Deadlines should be kept, and work should be delivered at a professional standard. If problems emerge  in  your group,  then  these  problems  should  in  the first  instance  openly  be discussed in the group (different members might have different views) and resolutions should be agreed on. If internal arrangements repeatedly fail to remedy the situation, then you should bring the issues to the attention of the LiC. The LiC may call a meeting of the group in which each group member will be asked to describe in detail his or her input into the assignment and provide supporting documentation of this effort. If group members are found to be making inadequate effort or delivering poor quality, then they will be counselled to improve their effort. If sufficient improvement is not made despite group efforts and LiC interventions, then the mark of under-performing group member(s) may be moderated to reflect the relative lower input into the assignment. Note that the inability to resolve internal group conflicts without involving the LiC does not reflect well on the group’s project management and teamwork skills.

An important part of a project is to record and to evaluate the teamwork. You need to keep all the communications such as meetings and chats, and upload/download of files in Teams. We can just view how the teamwork is performed. If one member consistently asks for parts from all the members, but no one responds until the last two days before the submission, then this is not a teamwork. The planner (assuming you use Excel) should be pinned on top of the tab, so everyone knows what to do.

Keeping minutes of a meeting is critical, it must record the following details for each group activity:

•   Record what the activity (meetings, work) entailed.

•   Record location, time, date and duration of a group activity.

•   Record who was present at the activity.

•   For next actions”: Specify who is doing what by when (Action plan)

•   The team leader should post the meetings on Teams to all the members.

The Team Leader is responsible for recording the minutes unless   other arrangements are made within the group .