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Data Design and Analysis Report


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Data Design and Analysis Report

Recommended Report Specifications

Brief and sharp contextual description of steps taken and executed during the coding sequence of this project. Max 3-4 pages in total with unlimited Appendix and Reference pages

Recommended Report Outline

1.    Product Design

a.    What would be the design of the financial product to solve the project

i.   Basic Use and Interface online, offline?

ii.   Input features?

iii.   What needs to be calculated and stored

iv.   Output features?


2.    Input Features

a.    What are the input features to achieve the results of solving this project and delivering on financial product

b.   What are the requirements in term of data collection and data formats

c.    How would you define Station #2


3.    Model Design

a.    What model have you designed and aiming to use in the implementation

b.   Any model assumptions

c.    Any restrictions, computing speed, capacity, accuracy issues

d.   What do you expect to see in model implementation

e.    Do you see any boundaries of the model

f.     How would you define Station #3


4.    Model Implementation

a.    What step you took when implementing this model

b.   What difficulties you faced

c.    What steps do you recommend to apply when introducing this financial tool/product to your clients

d.    How would you defined Station #4


5.   Appendix: Plot, Tables, Graphics, support material / references used during this Project