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MSCI304 Developing Business Information Systems 2022 EXAMINATIONS


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PART II (Second, Third and Final Year)


MSCI304 Developing Business Information Systems

Question A (25 marks)

In the individual assignment, you have developed a system flowchart for the Supermarket Retail Group. Now, you are asked by the client to analyse IS internal controls based on the flowchart. Specifically, you need to


Identify and describe five present controls and annotate them in the flowchart (5 marks)


Identify and describe five missing controls and annotate them in the flowchart (10 marks)


Provide one mitigation for each missing control you identified above (10 marks)

Question B (35 marks)

Please draw a 3NF ERD for the following business case. You may make reasonable assumptions about cardinalities with clear textual clarifications. You need to label primary keys and foreign keys in your diagram.

LancRides is a car rental company which has been founded recently in Lancaster. It currently has four branches opened in Lancaster, Morecambe, Garstang, and Carnforth. LancRides is planning to expand to Preston in the future. A branch has an address and a telephone number. Each rental car must be associated with exactly one LancRides branch. A rental car can be identified by its registration number and has the information about the model and the production year. Each employee working at LancRides has a unique tax file number (TFN), a name and an address. LancRides employees consist of managers, mechanics, and customer service representatives. Every employee must work at exactly one branch. A customer of LancRides should provide driver license number, name, and a contact number. A customer can rent a car from a LancRides branch and details about the rental such as the rental period and price should be recorded. If a customer is not satisfied with the rental service provided, this customer may submit a complaint to a customer service representative who is identified by a unique service representative ID and thus a distinct reference number and detailed description of the complaint should be recorded. The manager, associated with a manager ID, of a branch will handle all the complaints with respect to this branch and has an urgent contact number in case of emergency. Mechanics working at a branch inspect the cars associated with the branch and record the condition and inspection date. A car must be inspected at least two times per year. Each mechanic has a certificate ID and a skill level, and might have another mechanic as the supervisor. The supervisor must have a higher skill level compared to the mechanics supervised by this supervisor.

Question C (40 marks)

Kuaisu is a wholesaler for the daigou market in London. The business sells luxury goods to customers from overseas. Kuaisu also offer a fast and reliable international shipping service. Following is a description of their sales order processing. You DO NOT need to model any other activities that are not included in the scenario.

The customer downloads a purchase order from the Kuaisu website, completes order details, signs, and scans the purchase order to [email protected]. A Sales Officer enters order details into a computer. The computer then checks inventory availability in the inventory data store and displays the result on screen. If the goods are available, a credit check of the customer is needed. The Sales Officer inputs a request for customer credit check by using the computer. The computer retrieves the customer’s credit limit from the customer data store, the current Accounts Receivable balance from A/R store, and any recent sales from the sales data store. If the customer credit limit exceeds the total of the new order, recent sales, and A/R, the computer displays the credit check result. The Sales Officer then creates a sales order and the computer saves it in the sales order data store. The computer updates the inventory data store items with a status of ‘promised’ after the sales order is created. The Sales Officer notices the customer via email that the sale will proceed. The computer then sends details of the sales order to the picking officer and the billing officer.


Identify all entities for the case above (5 marks)


Identify data stores for the case above (5 marks)


Develop a structured narration for the case above (10 Marks)


Develop a context diagram for the case above (10 marks) 


Develop a logical DFD (Level 1) for the case above (10 marks)