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MAT 3172-X – Midterm-Exam 2022


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MAT 3172-X – Midterm-Exam


1. a) (5 marks) Prove the following total probability rule for calculating the probability P(A), based on P(A|E) and P(A|Ec ):

P(A) = P(A|E)P(E)+ P(A|Ec )P(Ec ).


b) (10 marks) Extend the total probability rule above for calculating the conditional probability P(A|F), based on P(A|E \ F) and P(A|Ec \ F). Prove this new rule.

c) (10 marks) Among the people who su↵er from diabetes, 55% are female and 45% are male. 10% of the females with diabetes su↵er from heart disease. 20% of the males with diabetes su↵er from heart disease. What is the probability that a randomly selected person su↵ers from heart disease, given that this person has diabetes? (Hint: Use b).)


2.  a) (5 marks) Give the definition of the density function of a continuous random variable X.

b) (15 marks) Let X be a continuous random variable with density function fX (x). Derive the density function of the variable Y = X4 .

c) (10 marks) Let X be a standard normal random variable, i.e. X is a continuous random variable with density function:

fX (x) = ex2 /2 ,  −1 < x < 1.

Find E(Y), where Y = X4 .  (Hint:  Use b) and the fact that R01 x1/2ex dx = T(3/2) =




3.  (10 marks) (a) The joint density of X and Y is:

fX,Y (x,y) = 



U = X + Y    and    V = 

Find the joint distribution of (U,V).


4.  (15 marks) Assume that we have a sample of size 4 from a distribution having density


fX (x) = {0(2)x

if 0 < x < 1


Find P X(4) X(1)  < a,    (Hint: find rst F(x) and then fX(1), X(4)(x,y)).

5.  (5 marks) Let X and Y denote the coordinates of a point uniformly chosen in the circle of radius 1 centered at the origin. That is, their joint density is

8  1

fX,Y (x,y) = <  T

( 0

if x2 + y2  < 1


Find the joint density function of the polar coordinates R =  (X2  + Y2 )1/2   and ✓ =

6.  (15 marks) a) Given the density function           


Show that M(t) = 1 t2 ,   −1 < t < 1.

b) Compute E(Z2n), where n = 1. (Hint : use question b).