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BIOL 101 Spring 2019 Exam 1 – Unit 1 Cell Biology


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BIOL 101 Spring 2019

Exam 1 – Unit 1 Cell Biology


Make sure you write your name and Student PID number on this exam.

•    Mark or write your answers clearly on this exam. Some questions will have one correct answer and some may have multiple (questions are marked). Note that for any questions with multiple correct answers, there is no partial credit.

•    When you are done, you will turn in this exam to a proctor .

•    Keep your eyes on your own paper. Report any honor code violations to your professor.

Read and sign the honor pledge below .

Honor Pledge: I have neither given nor received any unauthorized assistance on this exam .” Your signature:____________________________________________________________        Provide your signature as verification that the above statement is true.

**Be sure to save about 10 minutes for the short answer questions

Part I: True or False Questions

Each of the following questions is worth 2 points. [10 pts total]

If the answer is TRUE write [ T ], if the answer is FALSE write [ F ]. Write your letter clearly.

[    ]  Saturated fats dissolve in water, while unsaturated fats do not.

[    ] Peptide bonds hold nucleic acid monomers together.

[    ]  A polar molecule would enter the mitochondrion through facilitated diffusion, if the concentration of that molecule was higher inside the mitochondrion than in the cytoplasm.

[    ]  Some of the energy captured in the light reactions of photosynthesis is used to synthesize fatty acids and proteins.

[    ]  Cellulose, found in plants, is easily digested by humans and provides quick energy.

Part II: Each of the following questions are worth 4 points [60 pts total].

Follow instructions carefully.

1. Would an antibiotic designed to treat infections in plants be effective if it targeted an enzyme found in chloroplasts?

Bubble in your answer choice: yes no

2. Numerous population studies showed that women taking combined hormone replacement therapy (HRT) had a lower-than-average incidence of heart disease, leading doctors to propose that HRT        protected against heart disease. However, randomized controlled experimental trials showed that    HRT caused a small but statistically significant increase in the risk of heart disease. Re-analysis of the data from the population studies showed that women undertaking HRT were more likely to have      better-than-average diet and exercise regimens. The researchers can reasonably conclude that:

(A) The use of HRT and decreased incidence of heart disease were coincident effects of a healthy diet and exercise. (B) The use of HRT had a direct cause and effect on the decline heart disease.  (C) Observational studies looking at a large enough sample size are adequate for forming a           conclusion

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one): A B C

3. When a P. butter moth has its wings closed, it is a dull color that blends with its environment. When a bat approaches the moth, the moth repeatedly flicks its wings open and closed, which shows off   spots on its wings. The moth also makes hissing, clicking sounds from its wings. Which of the             following is a conclusion you might draw from the experimental data below?

(A) The hissing noise from wings deters bats from moths more than wing spots. (B) The hissing noise is a defense against other insects, not bats. (C) Wing spots help a moth camouflage into the                environment. (D) Wings spots on moths deter bats from eating the moths. (E) Neither wing spots      nor hissing protect moths from bat predators; the spots and noises must play some other role.

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one): A B C D E

4. All life forms, from yeast to monkeys, use RNA nucleotides in their mRNA consisting of A, U, C, and

G. This best illustrates which of the following biological themes?

(A) structure and function. (B) interactions between and within systems. (C) evolution.

(D) transformations of matter and energy

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one): A B C D

5. Triglycerides are carried through the blood (composed mostly of water) in vesicles. Knowing about the chemical properties of triglycerides and           phospholipids, which structure (drawn to the right) is best suited to carry triglycerides through the blood?

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one): A B C

An enzyme instagramase catalyzes a reaction that converts substrate X into products Y and Z. A set of experiments was done where the substrate was put together with different versions of the enzyme    (normal or mutant versions). A compound with unknown function called finsta was added to some of the experiments. The results are below. Use the

data in the table to answer questions 6 and 7.

6. Which instagramase mutant version affects the shape of the active site?

Write the MUTANT NUMBER in this box:

7. Finsta is

(A) a co-factor for instagramase. (B) an inhibitor of instagramase.

(C) not enough information to determine if it is a co-factor or inhibitor.

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one): A B C

8. In an experiment performed by scientists, newly synthesized protein was labeled with radioactivity and measured over time in different organelles of the cell. Radioactivity is measured in                      “disintegrations per minute”, or dpm, at several time intervals.


20-40 min



plasma membrane

1000 dpm

3000 dpm



5000 dpm

3000 dpm

250 dpm


1000 dpm

500 dpm


500 dpm

2000 dpm

500 dpm


250 dpm

250 dpm

500 dpm


250 dpm

1000 dpm

1000 dpm

The scientists hypothesize that this protein is a receptor for a lipid soluble signal. Do the data support their hypothesis?

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one): YES NO

9. Lily was studying a protein with quaternary structure. She heated the protein so she could separate the subunits. However, when performing the rest of the experiment, it became clear that the           subunits could not be separated by heat. Why?

(A) The subunits are held together by peptide bonds that do not break during heating. B) The              subunits are held together by hydrogen bonds between R groups, and these cannot be denatured by heat. C) The subunits are held together by covalent bonds between R groups that are not denatured by heat.

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one): A B C

10. The end result of the protein synthesis pathway is similar for three of the four proteins below. Which one is different?

(A) glucagon receptor    (B) estrogen receptor

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one): A

(C) insulin


(D) glucagon


11. Neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's or Huntington's disease are caused by mis-folded              proteins that should be exported from the cell but instead build up inside brain cells. Scientists want to fix the mis-folded proteins as they are being synthesized . Where in the cell would they need to fix the protein as it was being synthesized and folded?

Write the name of the cell structure or organelle here:

12. Some types of dogs develop insulinoma, a tumor of the beta pancreatic cells . The tumor secretes excess insulin. Which of the following is NOT a useful treatment for dogs with insulinoma?

(A) A drug that increases glucose production from the liver. (B) A drug that causes cells of the body   to take up more glucose. (C) An infusion of glucagon (D) A drug that selectively destroys beta cells of the pancreas (E) A diet that includes long periods of fasting.

Bubble in your answer choice (more than one correct answer may apply here!):


13. The figure to the right shows two kinds of small, charged ions, depicted as either a triangle or small

circle, on either side of a cell membrane with proteins embedded

in the membrane. Which of the processes depicted would

require ATP to be present in the system to move atoms from

inside the cell to outside the cell?

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one):


14. Cancer cells growing in a culture in a research lab are grown in media that is isotonic to the cells, 0.9% salt. A new                     undergraduate in the lab makes new media that is 0.04% salt. What will happen to the cells and why?

(A) The cells will lose water because the new media is hypotonic to the cells. B) The cells will lose      water because the new media is hypertonic to the cells. C) The cells will gain water because the new media is hypotonic to the cells. D) The cells will gain water because the new media is hypertonic to   the cells.

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one): A B C D

15. The aerobic breakdown of glucose is called______and involves:

(A) cellular respiration, substrate level phosphorylation; (B) fermentation, glycolysis; (C) cellular respiration, electrons pumped from one side of the mitochondrial membrane to the other; (D)  fermentation, mitochondria, (E) cellular respiration, pyruvate formation

Bubble in your answer choices (more than one correct answer may apply here!)


16. A biochemist wanted to study how various substances were used in cellular respiration. In one experiment, he allowed a mouse to breathe air containing oxygen labeled” by a particular       radioactive isotope. In the mouse, the labeled oxygen first showed up in:

A) CO2                B) water             C) NADH             D) glucose          E) pyruvate

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one): A B C D E

17. A scientist is growing yeast in a lab and tries different conditions shown below. Which condition would lead to death of the yeast cells because they could no longer make any ATP?

(A) a lack of oxygen  B) a drug that pokes holes in the inner membrane of the mitochondria

C) a drug that inhibits the enzyme that splits glucose into two molecules

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one): A B C

18. A living tree is a carbon sink, and stores carbon . This means that:

(A) the tree only performs cellular respiration at night (B) the tree only performs photosynthesis (C) photosynthesis is producing more glucose than the tree is using for cellular respiration

(D) the tree is always performing cellular respiration that outpaces how much it photosynthesizes .

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one): A B C D

19. Mitochondria and chloroplasts both have their own DNA, what else do they have in common?

(A) They both produce ATP  (B) The both perform chemiosmosis  (C) Oxygen is a necessary input for the functions both organelles perform  (D) Carbon dioxide is released from both organelles

Bubble in your answer choice (more than one choice may be correct):


20. Celia was teaching her group member Blaire about electron transport during photosynthesis. Celia explained that when you water a plant, electrons from the water ultimately end up in __________.

A) ATP                 B) CO2                           C) glucose

Bubble in your answer choice (choose one): A



E) O2



Part III. Short Answer Questions [30 points] **spend no more than 10 minute on short answer. Read the instructions carefully. Write your answers in the designated areas. Answers outside the designated areas will not be graded.

1.   The eastern coral snake is venomous and warns it predators with its bright colors. The scarlet king   snake is non-venomous but has coloration that mimics the coral snake. To the untrained person the two snakes may be hard to tell apart! You wonder if predators can distinguish between a venomous snake and a non-venomous mimic. You design an experiment to test the frequency of predator        attacks in both snake species. You design a controlled study in the field (conducted in the woods) to document the number of attacks on clay snake models of both snake species to discern if predators actively avoid or actively attack venomous snakes

A.   Which of the following is the testable hypothesis for this experiment? Put an [ x ] in the brackets next to your choice. [2 points]

[ ] Hypothesis 1: When attacked in the woods by predators, the eastern coral snakes will produce more venom than king scarlet snakes.

[ ] Hypothesis 2: Predators attack clay snakes more frequently than live snakes because predators can tell the clay snakes are not real.

[ ] Hypothesis 3: Predators attack clay snakes less frequently than live snakes because predators can tell the clay snakes are not real.

[ ] Hypothesis 4: Predators will attack the scarlet king snakes less often because of their warning coloration.

After each question, write your answer in a few words in the box provided.

B. What are the experiments variables? [8pts]

Independent variable:

Dependent variable:

C. Briefly, name one way you can reduce sample bias in this experiment (a short phrase, not an

essay question). [5 points]

2.    In a study looking at the effectiveness of laser therapy acne treatment, 19 individuals were chosen to participate because they had at least 5 pimples. After the first laser treatment, participants        exhibited a significant reduction in the average number of pimples.  After the second treatment,    another reduction in the average was found, and after the third treatment an even further              reduction was found.

A. Draw a bar graph showing the data described above. Be sure to clearly label your X and Y axis.


B. Is there enough evidence for you to recommend laser therapy to someone with acne? [1pt]

Bubble in your answer choice: yes no

C. Justify your answer to B with two reasons (not an essay question, use short phrases) [6pts
