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COMPSCI 340 Assignment 1


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COMPSCI 340 Assignment 1


We no longer live in a world where computing speeds increase along with Moore's Law.       Instead we maintain increased throughput in our computers by running more cores and          increasing the amounts of parallelism. Parallelism on a multi-core (multi-processor) machine is looked after by the operating system.

In this assignment you have to parallelise a simple algorithm in a number of different ways and answer questions summarising your findings.

This assignment is to be done on a Unix based operating system. We recommend                 theflexit.auckland.ac.nzUbuntu image (called Ubuntu2004). The distributed code runs on Linux, but you can modify it to run on any Unix based operating system such as MacOS. It should run on the Windows subsystem for Linux. To get the results for this assignment you will need a machine (real or VM) with 4 or more cores. When you come to time your          programs run them all on the same machine.

Markers will use the Ubuntu image provided onflexit.auckland.ac.nz. So please ensure that your submitted programs run in that environment. The FlexIT Ubuntu image has at least 4


The merge sort

The algorithm you have to parallelise is the merge sort. The reason the merge sort was chosen is that it is almost the perfect algorithm to parallelise. Just to remind you, the merge sort        breaks the data to be sorted into two halves, sorts the halves recursively and merges the two   sorted halves back together to give the answer.

The version of the merge sort you have to use is written in C and available on the assignment Canvas page as a1.0.c.

In all of the work which follows do NOT optimise the C compilations. Always compile using:

cc filename.c -o filename (you will need to use -pthread for some programs).

Do all of the timings on the same (or very similar) machine and don't watch videos or do     similar things while you are taking the timings. Take the timings at least 3 times and average them.

Step 0

Read through and understand the code in the file a1.0.c.

Compile and run the program. An important part  of the program  is the  is_sorted function before the end. You will always need to call this to ensure that any changes you make to the implementation do in fact return the sorted data.

If you run the program without any command line parameters e.g.


it will use a default array of only two values.

Run it with a larger amount of random data by including the size parameter on the command line e.g.

./a1.0 1000

runs the program with an array of 1000 random values.

Determine how large an array can be dealt with by this program before you get a segmentation fault.

Segmentationfaults happen when something goes wrong with memory accesses or                allocations (a segment is an area of memory). In our case the program allocates space for the array of values, and extra working space, on the stack, and as the size of the array increases eventually we run out of stack space.

Question 1 [1 mark] : What environment did you run the assignment on (e.g., operating       system, number of cores, amount of real memory)? Hint: man uname, man free and      man lscpu. The output of uname -a provides some of this information, free provides information on the amount ofmemory, and lscpu provides information on the number of  CPUs. Also mention whether you were using a virtual machine and ifso say which one. [0.5 marks]

What approximate size for the array can you get to in the originalprogram before a segmentation error occurs? [0.5 marks]

You don't need to submit a1.0.c

Step  1

Modify the program (call it a1.1.c) to increase the amount of stack space so that the program can at least deal with 100,000,000 numbers. Hint: man getrlimit and    setrlimit.

Time how long it takes the program to sort 100,000,000 numbers and record the result. time ./a1.1 100000000

Submit this program as a1.1.c

Question 2 [1 mark] : Run “ulimit -a” . Explain why the limit on the stack size is                     considerably smaller than the amount ofmemory available to other sections of memory which are marked as unlimited"?

Step 2

Modify the program (call it a1.2.c) to use two threads to perform the sort.

You will need to make sure you are running on a machine with at least 2 cores. If you are     using a virtual machineyou may need to change the configuration to use at least 2 cores. The FlexIT Ubuntu image has at least 4 cores.

Hint: man pthread_create, pthread_join

Each pthread has its own stack and the standard pthread stack size is very limited (why do you think this is so?). So you will need to increase the stack size. You need to change the pthread attributes to do this.

Hint: man pthread_attr_init, pthread_attr_setstacksize

Time how long it takes the program to sort 100,000,000 numbers and record the result.

Submit this program as a1.2.c

Question 3 [1 mark]: Explain how you parallelized the sort and compare the times you observe with the times from Step 1. Explain why the times are different.

Step 3

Modify the program (call it a1.3.c) to use as many threads as there are cores to perform the sort, and no more.

You will need to make sure you are running on a machine with at least 4 cores. If you are   using a virtual machineyou may need to change the configuration to use at least 4 cores (if your computer can do this). The FlexIT Ubuntu image has at least 4 cores.

First you need a way to determine from within the program how many cores you have in the environment you are using. Hint: man sysconf or man get_nprocs_conf

You don't have to worry about the other work going on in the computer just proceed as if all cores are available for your sorting program.

For this step you MUST use some shared state to keep track of how many threads are            currently active. Every time a new thread is startedyou should add one to a counter and every time a thread stops running you should reduce that counter. Whenever you are about to call   merge_sort you either start a new thread (if you haven't reached the maximum number of cores yet) or use an ordinary function call to merge_sort from within the current thread).

The problem with this approach is that multiple threads can be accessing the shared state at the same time, so you will need to provide mutual exclusion over the thread counter. Hint: man pthread_mutex_init, pthread_mutex_lock,                                              pthread_mutex_unlock.

Time how long it takes the program to sort 100,000,000 numbers and record the result. You

should  also  take  a  screen  shot  of  the  System Monitor program  showing  the Resources tab as your program runs. This will prove that all cores are being used.

Submit this program as a1.3.c

Question 4 [2 mark]: Explain how you parallelized the sort and compare the times you observe with the times from Step 2. Explain why the times are different.

Step 4

Go back to step 2 and modify the program (call it a1.4.c) to use two processes rather than two threads.

Processes normally don't share memory with each other and so there will have to be some communication between the processes. Hint: man fork, pipe.

One of the interesting things is that the fork system call copies the data in the parent process so that the child can see the data from the parent (at the time of the fork). This means the     child process does not need to copy data from the parent to the child. However, after the child has sorted the data the resulting sorted values have to be sent back to the parent in order for it to do the merge.

Time how long it takes the program to sort 100,000,000 numbers and record the result.

Submit this program as a1.4.c

Question 5 [3 mark]: Explain how you set up the pipes and send the sorted data back to the parent. In your answer include how the parent process knows when a child process has         completed its sorting, and how it puts the received sorted data into the correct place in the    main array.

Question 6 [3 mark]: Compare the times and memory usage of this program with the earlier steps. Explain the results.

Step 5

Same as step 4 but rather than passing information back to the parent process we share the memory to be sorted in the processes. Hint: man mmap, wait.

Time how long it takes the program to sort 100,000,000 numbers and record the result. You should also take a screen shot of the System Monitor program showing the Resources tab as

your program runs.

Submit this program as a1.5.c

Question 7 [2 mark]: Explain how the parent process sets up the shared memory for the child processes. In particular say whether or not the parent is sharing the same data with all the children, and why you did it that way.

Question 8 [2 mark]: Explain how the parent process knows when a child process has completed it sorting.

 Question 9  [2 mark]: Compare the times and memory usage of this program with the earlier steps. Explain the results.

 Question 10 [3 marks]: Which of the steps do you consider gives the best solution?You  may order the techniques from slowest to fastest and include a brief explanation of what is happening in each of them and how that relates to their performance. You may include       relevant timing information and screen shots from the System Monitor.


1.   Enter your zipped source files in the "Assignment 1 Programs" Assignment on Canvas. Remember to include your login in each file.

2.   Enter your answers to the questions in the "Assignment 1 Questions" Canvas quiz. As this is set up as a quiz, I recommend you write your answers in a file and prepare them before   running the quiz and pasting the answers into the corresponding question field.

•   Questions from each step will be marked only if you have written and submitted the program from that step.

•   The submitted source code files must include your name and UPI.

By submitting a file, you are testifying that you and you alone wrote the contents of that file (except for the component given to you as part of the assignment).