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Tools for Engineering Design 2


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Tools for Engineering Design 2

Data processing and presenting Exercise


Things like python scripts and spreadsheets (such as Microsoft Excel) are invaluable in design.  They    are free-form calculation tools that allow different design options to be rapidly evaluated, tedious       hand calculations to be automated, and large amounts of data to be manipulated.  The versatility and complexity of these tools, however, means that they can be very difficult to follow.

This self-led learning exercise has three aims:

(a)           to build upon the knowledge developed in Programming Skills for Engineers 2 by using

python (and new libraries) to handle, manipulate and process data for typical engineering calculations;

(b)           developing a critical understanding of how to process data and check for errors, and

communicate about the algorithms about these processes; and

(c)           to present the calculations and their outputs clearly and concisely, so that they can be easily understood and used by someone who has not been involved in the project        before, and in enough detail to give a complete record of the calculations, so that it     could be copied by someone else at a later date.

You should submit a ZIP file similar to the one you were given as an example . The zip file should         contain the key information needed to follow your calculations and produce your reports. The               essential information will be: (1) the jupyter notebook, (2) the jupyter notebook exported to HTML,  (3) the report in the Excel spreadsheet, (4) any auxiliary files that your solution may require. About    auxiliary files, this includes the raw data you were given, but you may have additional files, like an        empty template for the excel spreadsheet, or external diagrams that are referenced within the             jupyter notebook (e.g., just like in the zip file given to you as the example). It is worth 15% of the total TED2 course marks, and will be assessed using the criteria shown in Table 1.  It should be submitted at the end of the semester (Friday, 2pm, Week 11  8th of April 2022) via learn.

The Calculation Task

A new shipping channel is required due to the construction of a bridge connecting Lachtenstein and Crowrovia. The problem is shown graphically in Figures 1 and 2. A depth survey has been conducted of the region, and the survey data for the existing seabed profile is provide in a raw format in            CrowLachChannel.csv.

You need to calculate the volume of material to be dredged to form the new shipping channel based upon the survey data.  An accurate estimate of volume dredged is required to estimate the costs of  dredging the shipping channel (Note: you do not need to estimate the cost – just the volume)

Note that:

•    The calculation is not trivial and there are many ways of going about it. It is often a good idea to start by solving a simplified version of the problem with pencil and paper before moving    on to the real, more complex, data.

•    The survey data is in a messy, difficult to read, text format.  This is very common with large data sets, either because the author doesn’t know or care how to present the data more    clearly, or because it has been produced by a computer.

•    Take care to understand what units and datums are being used in this survey.  This is again a common occurrence in practice and can cause problems (for example                                         ftp://ftp.hq.nasa.gov/pub/pao/reports/1999/MCO_report.pdf).

•    The data contains errors due to mis-readings during the survey .  Your calculations should include a “reality check” to catch the worst of these.

The intention is that in a few years’ time a similar survey will take place (after the initial dredging) to assess if the channel needs to be re-dredged to ensure the required depth is maintained.  Your company want to set out your calculations so that this can be done with the minimal of effort in the future.

Presenting your Calculations

It is very important to take care when constructing any set of design calculations so that somebody else can easily understand it.  It must be possible for another engineer to understand, check, and if necessary, extend or modify your calculations. Remember that this engineer may not be able to ask you about the content of your files so the methods and where the data is coming from needs to be extremely clear to a future engineer.

Making the calculations is only part of the current exercise; you also need to export your outputs into a neatly formatted Excel spreadsheet so that colleagues who are not familiar with python can use and understand the output data.  (Note: that the output data is more than just the final volume to be         dredged, but short report on the key input data and process as well).


•    Think carefully about the best way to set out and present the data so that somebody else can easily understand it.  (Hint: the data you have been given is a single list of survey points, but   that is not easy to understand.  The points have (x,y) coordinates within the shipping                channel).

•    Always think about the accuracy of your data and results, and only present to an appropriate number of decimal places and include units (just as with hand calculations).

•    Bear in mind that somebody looking at your spreadsheet in the future is unlikely to have a copy of this brief.

•    A good set of design calculations will always include general information, concise and well   explained calculations and processes (without needing to look in the cell formulae), and will be carefully formatted.

•    The example python and excel files might give some guidance on layout.


Shipping channel



New Crowlach


Figure 1. Plan of proposed shipping channel under the new Crowlach crossing.  Coordinates

in metres from the indicated datum.  Not to scale .  Section A-A drawn in Fig 2.

Sea level at time of








Typical survey

depth measurement

Required depth





Existing seabed







Required shipping

channel profile


Figure 2.  Typical section A-A through the planned Crowlach Straits shipping channel.

Lowest astronomical tide (LAT) data taken from Lachtenstien hydrographic office


Table 1: Assessment Criteria for the Data processing and presenting assessment








70- 100%


All files submitted correctly (10%)

Only the jupyter notebook (.ipynb and .html) files are submitted .

All files are submitted correctly, file naming             convention is useful and relationship between files is easy to follow by someone else .


Accuracy of            calculations (30%)

The calculations presented give an unreasonable estimate of the         volume to be dredged. The              calculation method is inefficient,    does not handle errors in the data, and/or contains calculation errors.

An accurate estimate of the volume volume to be    dredged. The calculation method is efficient, handle errors in the data well, and contains no calculation   errors.



Jupyter notebook organisation &     descriptions          (40%)


The notebook presents all the basic necessary information; however, it is not easy to comprehend and is     confusing to follow the method       used for calculations, error               checking, and importing and             exporting of the data.

All aspects of the calculations are immediately clear immediately . Unambiguous, clear, accurate, neat,    and complete in every aspect. Key inputs and            results are clear and well documented (in dedicated notebook cells and within the Python code, as           appropriate). The purpose of the files and the           methodology are clearly and concisely explained,     and nothing has been left hidden. All files have also been carefully formatted for those who are                unfamiliar with the project and python scripting,      including a clear distinction between inputs and        outputs .

Output Excel



Some attempt to place data into a   formal format has been made but is not easy to follow.

Data and images are excellently presented in a clear and concise manner allowing those unfamiliar with  the project and python scripting to interpret the       data and represent it as they see fit with only minor changes and edits within Excel.