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Asset Management 5QQMN532 2021-2022


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Asset Management 5QQMN532

2021-2022 Reassessment

A Report to a Client on their Investment Portfolio  

You work for an asset management company and are required to report to a UK institutional client for whom you manage a £50 million segregated portfolio.  You can choose whether to report on either:   

A. An actively managed portfolio invested in U.S. equites with a growth strategy


B. An actively managed portfolio invested in European bonds

Your letter should include

1. The performance of the relevant equity or bond markets in the last quarter (last three months) and the outlook for these markets (20 marks)

2. The strategy of the portfolio and a summary of its investments.  Also comment on any significant transactions you have made in the portfolio in the last quarter, with the reasons for these transactions (50 marks)

3. The performance of the portfolio, against a relevant benchmark, including risk and return data with an explanation of the performance (30 marks)

If you wish you can look at fund managers’ websites for background information, but you are preparing this for a fictitious asset management company you work for and a fictitious client.  Please do not copy or plagiarise materials from these websites, and reference any source materials.