关键词 > PHP代写

ITECH3108 Dynamic Web Programming


Assignment 1 - Pen Radar


This is an individual assignment in which you are required to develop a dynamic web application as

described below.

Important: This assignment specification is generated just for you. Do not distribute this specification.

Timelines and Expectations
Percentage value of task: 20%
Due: Refer to Course Description

Learning Outcomes Assessed

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:

K3. Detect opportunities for increasing security and privacy of web applications
S1. Develop client/server web applications using client-side and server-side code
S2. Connect to and manipulate a database management system programmatically using server-side code
A1. Design, develop, test, and debug client/server web applications to provided specifications 

Assessment Details

For this assignment, you will create a web-based online dating system, vaguely similar to "Plenty of Fish" or "Ok Cupid".

Your platform is dedicated to matching up people with a shared interest in a certain topic - for your assignment the topic is Pen Radar, a place for pen enthusiasts to meet.

Users can create accounts, indicate a set of pens that they like, and find people to message who like similar pens. 

You must implement this platform using PHP and MySQL or MariaDB, with some JavaScript for validation.

Database Structure
The web application uses a relational database. The database has the following structure:
User ( id, name, email, password, profile, photo_url )
Pen ( id, title )
Likes (
user_id, pen_id)

Message (from_user_id, to_user_id, datetime, text)

Primary keys are indicated with underlines or bold formatting, and foreign keys are italicized.

Each record in the User table represents a member of the site who is looking for love. Members can write a short piece of text about themselves (stored in the profile field), and include the URL of a photograph (stored in the photo_url field).

Each record in the Pen table represents a pen that a user can indicate that they like.

The Likes table stores information about which Pen records each member has indicated that they like. These will be used to match with other members of the site who like similar pen.

If a record (1, 2) exists in Likes, this means the user with id 1 likes the pen with id 2.

Finally, Pen Radar should allow members to send messages to each other. The Message table tracks messages sent between members, along with the date and time that the message was sent.

The following constraints should be applied when implementing the application:

The user_id and pen_id fields in the Likes table form a compound primary key;

The from_user_id and to_user_id fields in the Message table form a compound primary key, and both refer to the id field in the User table - you may choose to use a message_id instead if you prefer;

The datetime field should be stored as a MySQL datetime type;

The password field should be a VARCHAR of 255 characters. The name, email and photo_url fields should be VARCHAR of a length that you determine to be reasonable and sufficient;

The User profile and Message text fields should be either VARCHAR or TEXT

Please note that you are free to extend this database schema if required.

Initial Data

When the database is created, it should be populated with data of your own invention, appropriate to the
theme (keep it clean).

You should have at least:

5pens; and
5users, each of whom likes at least pens (see note below)
One of the users must be you (even if you are not looking for love or even interested in pens). Use your
student id - 30319187 - for the username, and your real name and email address. Invent other users as
necessary - perhaps use characters from your favourite movie or band.

One of your users must also have the username tutor and the password guest.

You do not need to include any messages in this initial data.

Include this data as part of your written report.

Database creation DDL

Create an SQL file that creates the MySQL database, creates the four tables above, and populates them with your initial data.

Use your student id and course code as the database name as follows:


Passwords should be hashed using, at minimum, the crypt() PHP function. Prefer to use the PHP
password_hash() function to generate password hashes.
For the password 'guest', the following hash may be used in your database:
PASSWORD = '$2y$10$123781913030000999999uI3VzXUtsWsaeIqIAgbLmlET5FHWQVA2'
It is acceptable for all initial users to share the same password for testing.

Use of MD5 or SHA1/2 for password hashes is not acceptable.

Write SQL queries that display all of the initial data using SELECT statements, and list these queries in
your report

User accounts

Write PHP and HTML to allow new users to sign up. The form should request a username, email address and password. The password must be hashed before storing it in the database.
Using PHP,
validate that the username is unique, and the password is at least 5 characters (before hashing).
Write PHP code to allow users to
log in and log out. This will require the use of sessions and/or cookies.

Setting interests

Allow users to edit their profile - changing their profile text and photo URL.

Write PHP and HTML code to allow a user to choose items from the `` table that they like.

You may implement this using whatever User Interface approach makes sense to you - perhaps either a set of checkboxes, a set of buttons, or using a search box and some JavaScript.
Finding matches

Create a page listing potential matches.
Write PHP and HTML that shows the logged-in user a list of other users who might be a good match based on their overlapping interest in pens.
A user with whom the logged-in user shares
no items in common should not appear in the list.
A user with whom the logged-in user shares
all items in common should appear higher in the list than a user with whom they only share a few interests.
It is up to you determine an appropriate way to sort this list. You may choose to adjust your database schema, although it's not required.

Each displayed match should include the match's name, photo and profile text.
Write PHP and HTML to allow a logged-in user to send a message to another user of the site. Sending a message should be implemented by adding an entry to the Message table.

Create a messages page that displays the messages sent and received by the logged-in user, including the date and time for each message.
Adjust your matches page so that
users no longer appear as a match once they have been messaged.

Aggregate data

Create a page that displays the following information, using SQL aggregation such as COUNT and SUM,
subqueries or nested SELECT statements, inner joins and (left or right) outer joins.
The **top 3 most-liked **, ordered in descending order by number of likes;
The most popular day of the week to send messages;

Bonus challenge task (optional!) - Moderation

Extend the data model and write code to implement moderation features:
Users can
report users for violating site rules;
A moderator can
review reported users, sorted by number of reports, weighted by the reporting user's reputation (descending order)
Users found to be in violation of site rules should have their accounts disabled, but should not be deleted
Users who incorrectly report users for being in violation when they are not should have reputation reduced, so their reports are less important in future
Users who correctly report other users should have their reputation increased, so their reports are more important in future
There are
no partial marks awarded for this bonus task – you must complete all features to attain the bonus marks.
              It is possible to attain full marks for this assignment without completing this challenge task.
Further details
Include a written report containing:
The SQL queries you used to test your database
A list of parts of the assignment you have completed or not completed.
Details of specific assistance you received from people other than your lecturer or tutor, and the names of those assisting.
Anything interesting or cool you'd like to draw your marker's attention to.
Assignment support
This assignment is supported by the first 5 lectures and the first 6 labs. Work on the assignment should be spread over several weeks after the relevant lab has been mastered.


All files should be submitted to Moodle by the due date and time. Check with your tutor as to whether a hard copy is required in addition to the electronic submission.

Marking Criteria/Rubric

Refer to the attached marking guide.
Feedback will be supplied through Moodle. Authoritative marks will be published through fdlMarks
Plagiarism is the presentation of the expressed thought or work of another person as though it is one's own without properly acknowledging that person. You must not allow other students to copy your work and must take care to safeguard against this happening. More information about the plagiarism policy and procedure for the university can be found at http://federation.edu.au/students/learning-and-study/online-help-with/plagiarism.