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ICT284 Systems Analysis and Design Final Examination Semester 1, 2022


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ICT284 Systems Analysis and Design

Final Examination Semester 1, 2022


· Download this document to your own computer

· Rename the file as ICT_284_Final_Exam_S12022_StudentID_FirstName_LastName.docx where StudentID is your student ID and FirstName and LastName are your first and last names

· Enter your Name and Murdoch student number in the space above

· Type your answers beneath the questions

· Make sure you save the document often while you are working on it

· When you are completed, upload the document to the Final Examination area on the LMS.

Please remember that while the exam is ‘Open-book’, the questions are not written in such a way so as they can simply be googled, or the answers found in the textbook or lecture slides.

Most questions ask you to explain a concept using examples or using “your own words”. For example, you are not asked for a definition of functional requirement from the textbook, but you might be asked to explain what a functional requirement is using an example along with your own explanation.

Spending too much time trying to find the answers to these questions will result in you quickly running out of time.

We take academic integrity seriously. Trying to find out the answers from your classmates or friends is 1) an academic misconduct, and 2) unwise as it will waste the time you have to complete the paper.

All submitted exams will be checked using text matching software.

The exam contains Three questions, and the marks are distributed as follows:


Total marks

Student’s mark

Question 1



Question 2



Question 3



TOTAL (out of 75)



Question 1 (25 Marks)

1. Identify the main phases of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) and in your “own words” briefly describe their purposes.

(8 marks)

2. A local company is looking to initiate a system development project to reduce the waste from its production line in response to a new management requirement.  What is the type of the trigger for initiating this system development project? List other types of triggers for initiating an SDLC and give an example of each.

(6 marks)

3. System requirements comprise functional and non-functional requirements. Explain what is meant by each of these, and use the example of a university library records system (which records information about eBooks, journal articles and textbooks for each course unit) to give examples of:

Two (2) functional requirements

Two (2) non-functional requirements

(6 marks)

4. A local retail business is initiating a project to set up a self-checkout system in their store (like the ones used in large supermarkets). This is anticipated to enhance customers’ in-store experiences as well as achieving other business objectives. Use this example to:

a. Explain what a stakeholder is, and

b. Name three (3) different stakeholders who would be involved in this project and explain what their interest would be in each case.

(5 marks)

Question 2 (25 marks)

1. Assume that you are developing an online food delivery system. Information gathering is the formal process of collecting information about problems, requirements, and preferences during systems analysis.  Describe four (4) information gathering techniques, explaining what sort of information they could provide.

  (8 marks)

2. Draw a use case diagram that shows two (2) examples of use cases that might apply to the actor Delivery Person using an online food delivery system.  

(3 marks) 

3. Use the diagram below to explain the following UML domain model class diagram concepts (first define the term and then give an example):

· Class

· Attribute

· Association class

· Abstract class

· Minimum and maximum multiplicity

(10 marks)


4. Give two (2) examples of security and integrity controls and methods that can be applied in a system, explaining where they would apply.

(4 marks)

Question 3 (25 marks)

1. Draw a state machine diagram to represent the possible states and transitions for a Job object, as described below:

An interior architecture design job at “Smart Designs” can be in one of several possible states. When the customer first phones the architect with a request, the job is recorded.  The job is then scheduled, subsequently completed, and finally invoiced and paid for.  Sometimes a job is cancelled without being completed, in which case it is not invoiced.

(6 marks)

2. Represent the information in the Flow of Activities section of the use case description below as a systems sequence diagram (SSD). Make any reasonable assumptions you need about message names and parameters.  

(6 marks)

3. When designing software classes, additional information is added to the domain model class diagram in order to produce a design class diagram.  Explain what is meant by (i) attribute elaboration and (ii) method signatures, using the example below of a domain class to illustrate your answer.

  (6 marks)








4. Represent the information in the Flow of Activates section of the use case description below as a system sequence diagram (SSD).

(7 marks)

Use case name:

Request a package pickup


Online customer requests package pickup

Triggering event:

Online customer has package(s) to be picked up and requests pickup

Brief description:

User enters package information (TO address, type of service, size/weight). System returns the cost, expected pickup time, and prints label


Online customer

Related use cases:

Request package pickup (by phone)

Enter package info (pickup package)


Bill, Customer, Delivery employee


Customer and customer account must exist


Pickup request is created and associated with customer

Flow of activities



1. For each package

1.1 Enter type of service

1.2 Enter To information

1.3 Enter package size/weight





1.4 Request label print





1.3.1 Display cost

1.3.2 Display expected pickup time

1.3.3 Create Request record

          Create Package record

1.4.1 Print label

Exception conditions:

1.4.1 Label cannot print