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CMT221 Topics, Research and Skills in Computing 2022


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Topics, Research and Skills in Computing



For this assignment you will be put together a dissertation proposal, an overview of the     literature or state of the field/market connected to that proposal, and a reflection on your personal skills related to the completion of a dissertation.

Note: the proposal you complete as part of this assessment may not be the proposal you eventually work on as part of your dissertation project, though these may be the same.

Note: the overview/literature review you complete as part ofthis assessment should be related to the dissertation proposal created during the assessment not your actual dissertation proposal if this is different.

Note: the overview/literature review completed as part of this assessment will need expansion and re-writing to be included in your final dissertation project.

Dissertation proposal

This should be a short description of a project that is suitable for a dissertation project in     Computing, and an overview of how it will be carried out, including a justification for this.   Your dissertation proposal should cover the problem that you are attempting to solve, the  solution you are proposing to solve this problem, and a justification of the methods used to create and evaluate this solution. This proposal may not be the final dissertation proposal   that you ultimately complete for your dissertation, it just needs to be *a* project proposal that would be suitable for an MSc Computing dissertation.

Literature Review

The contents of your literature review will depend on the type of project, but it should aim  to provide an overview of the context of your problem. For example, are there any                 existing/competing solutions that you can build on or build an alternative to? What external factors will influence the completion of your project?

Personal Skills

The reflection of your personal skills should be an audit of your skillset as compared to the   skills needed to complete your proposed dissertation project, and where there are gaps should include an assessment of how these skills will be acquired/strengthened to allow the project to be completed successfully.

Learning Outcomes Assessed

Discuss the purpose, goals and process of academic research

Appreciate and compare a variety of research approaches, methods, tools and        techniques, and choose appropriate methodology relevant to the research issue or topic

Demonstrate the process of evaluating and synthesising prior knowledge through carrying out a literature review on a topic related to Computing and IT Management

Reflect upon their strengths and skills acquired or enhanced to date

Create a project pitch and design a project plan

Criteria for assessment

Credit will be awarded against the following criteria.

Deliverable 1: Dissertation Proposal and Plan (40%)

Problem Description


Comprehensive and relevant description of the problem that shows clarity of expression without going into    unnecessary detail, with comprehensive aims and objectives addressing novel problem or existing challenge from a new perspective.


The problem description provides a clearly written overview of most of the key information with clear aims and objectives. Problem area may not be original or approach an existing area from a new angle.


The description includes several areas of key information however the explanation is unclear and or difficult to follow or the project may not align with learning outcomes as required. Some aims and objectives stated, while the project may be pedestrian or be well-covered previously/elsewhere.


The description includes limited key information or the project is unsuitable for the degree programme

Proposed Solution


Appropriate methodology chosen to solve problem and evaluate the solution created that will clearly address  and is relevant to the problem and is likely to deliver a successful result. Approach uses best practices or may be original


Methodology chosen to solve problem and to evaluate the solutions is sound and the solution is possible to deliver a successful result


A solution is presented that may address part of the problem, or may be missing part of the evaluation. Proposed solution may potentially deliver a successful project completion or minimum viable product.


Solution presented is unlikely to deliver a successful result and is missing details on evaluation of the solution. Vague and/or not relevant to the research topic. Unlikely to result in a successful project.

Overall Justification


Demonstrates a clear alignment with the learning outcomes of the Dissertation module and relevant accreditation criteria. Proposed solution is critically evaluated and justified in a succinct fashion.


Project proposed is aligned with learning outcomes of the dissertation module. Proposed solution has been evaluated but may not be fully justified.


Proposed solution has some evaluation but has not been completely justified.


Project solution is poorly justified or lacks justification/evaluation. Missing important relevant information