关键词 > Math3435

Math 3435 Partial Differential Equations


Syllabus for Spring 2021

Math 3435 Partial Differential Equations

Please read the syllabus word by word and acknowledge that you have fully understood it. I am in no responsibility to accept any request that deviates from the syllabus.

Instructor: Yunfeng Zhang.

Email: [email protected].

Important information on contacting me via Email:

1. Only email me when necessary; use Campuswire (information below) as the primary tool of communication.

2. If you email me about homework, write in the title Spring 2021 Math 3435 Homework

3. If you email me about exams, write in the title Spring 2021 Math 3435 Exams

4. If you email me about others, write in the title Spring 2021 Math 3435 Others

Failure to follow these instructions will result in no reply.

Instruction mode: Prerecorded lecture videos, links posted on HuskyCT.

Campuswire: We use Campuswire for online discussion. The signup link is https://campuswire.com/p/G0D2D7C50 and the access code is 5276. You are strongly encouraged to ask questions on this platform.

Office hours: Tuesday 7-9pm via Webex https://uconn-cmr.webex.com/meet/yunfeng_zhang.

Textbook: We use Prof. Victor Ivrii’s online textbook: 

http://www.math.toronto.edu/ivrii/PDE-textbook/. There is a html version and a pdf version of the book, and there are slight differences especially on numbering. I will always refer to the html version when there is a difference.

Topics to be covered: Chapter 1-6 Textbook. Topics include: the wave equation, heat equation, Laplace equation; fundamental solution; Fourier series and Fourier transform; Separation of variables.

Weekly plan (roughly, subject to change):

Week 1
  Jan 19
  Lecture 1: 1.1, 1.2
  Jan 21
  Lecture 2: 1.3
Week 2
  Jan 26
  Lecture 3: 2.1
  Jan 28
  Lecture 4: 2.2                     Homework 1 Due
Week 3
  Feb 2
  Lecture 5: 2.3
  Feb 4
  Lecture 6: 2.4                     Homework 2 Due
Week 4
  Feb 9
  Lecture 7: 2.5
  Feb 11
  Lecture 8: 2.6                     Homework 3 Due
Week 5
  Feb 16
  Lecture 9: 2.7
  Feb 18
  Exam I                               Homework 4 Due
Week 6
  Feb 23
  Lecture 10: 3.1
  Feb 25
  Lecture 11: 3.2                    Homework 5 Due
Week 7
  Mar 2
  Lecture 12: 4.1
  Mar 4
  Lecture 13: 4.2                    Homework 6 Due
Week 8
  Mar 9
  Lecture 14: 4.3
  Mar 11
  Lecture 15: 4.4                    Homework 7 Due
Week 9
  Mar 16
  Lecture 16: 4.5
  Mar 18
  Exam II                               Homework 8 Due
Week 10
  Mar 23
  Lecture 17: 6.1
  Mar 25
  Lecture 18: 6.2                     Homework 9 Due
Week 11
  Mar 30
  Lecture 19: 6.3
  Apr 1
  Lecture 20: 6.4                     Homework 10 Due
Week 12
  Apr 6
  Lecture 21: 5.1
  Apr 8
  Lecture 22: 5.2                      Homework 11 Due
Week 13
  Apr 20
  Lecture 23: 5.3
  Apr 22
  Reading                                Homework 12 Due
Week 14
  Apr 27
  Exam III

HuskyCT: We use HuskyCT to assign and submit homework, and to hold online exams.

Homework: There will be weekly homework problem sets. You may collaborate on homework, but solutions must be written up in your own words. Identical solutions are considered cheating. I will accept no late homework, even late for a second, except for emergencies such as illness and religious observances.

Exams: There will be three exams held online via HuskyCT. The resources that are allowed to be used during the exams are the textbook, homework solutions, and your personal notes prepared before the exam. You must not discuss the exam with anyone, or search the internet, or consult external resources that are not approved by the instructor. Before submitting an exam, you will be asked to sign an Academic Integrity Statement acknowledging that you have followed the instructions.

Exam times: Exam I – Feb 18, 7-8:30pm (Eastern Time);

                     Exam II – Mar 18, 7-8:30pm (Eastern Time);

                     Exam III – Apr 27, 7-8:30pm (Eastern Time).

Policy on time conflict: Let me know at least one week before the exam if you would have a time conflict and I would then give a makeup exam to you. If you fail to notify me one week before the exam (except for emergencies such as illness and religious observances), then I will not give you a makeup exam.

Final grading: The final percentage grade will be determined as follows:

Homework score 40%

Best score out of the three exams 30%

Second best score out of the three exams 30%

The final letter grade is determined by the cutoffs: