关键词 > STAT2215Q

STAT 2215Q Introduction to Statistics II Summer 2022


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Syllabus STAT 2215Q-Summer 2022

Introduction to Statistics II

Course Description

Course Description from Course Catalog. 2215Q (201). Introduction to Statistics II. Either semester. Three credits. Prerequisite: STAT 1000 (100) or 1100 (110). Open to sophomores or higher. Analysis of variance, multiple regression, chisquare tests, and non-parametric procedure.

Material covered:

Chapter 1 – Drawing Statistical Conclusions (Basics and review)

Chapter 2 – Inference using t-distributions (t-Tools)

Chapter 3 – A Closer Look at Assumptions

Chapter 4 – Alternatives to t-Tools

Chapter 5 – Comparisons among Several Samples

Chapter 7 – Simple Linear Regression

Chapter 8 – A Closer Look at Assumptions of Simple Linear Regression

Chapter 9 – Multiple Regression

Chapter 10 – Inferential Tools for Multiple Regression

Chapter 18 – Comparisons of Proportions or Odds

Course Objectives

Objectives are posted on HuskyCT under each Chapter.

Course Outline and Study Schedule

Study Schedule based on readings from Ramsey and Schafer (R&S) and Instructor Created Material (available on Stat 2215 course site on HuskyCT)

Week of

Study Material

Week of July 11

Chapters 1, 2 & 3

Week of July 18

Chapters 4 & 5; Quiz 1 on Wed July 20

Week of July 25

Chapters 7 & 8; proctored Midterm Exam on Thurs-Fri July 28-29

Week of Aug 1

Chapters 9 & 10; Quiz 2 on Wed August 3

Week of Aug 8

Ch. 18; Cumulative Review; proctored Final on Thurs-Fri August 11-12

Course Requirements and Grading

Distribution of Grades:

Your course grade will be based on homework, two Quizzes, a Mid-term exam, and a Final exam. All homework, quizzes, and exams will be submitted/taken online.

The online Midterm and Final exams will be proctored using ProctorU.  Make sure you follow instructions to sign up with ProctorU as soon as the class starts.

No late homework will be accepted. No make-up quizzes or exams will be given.

Course Components




Online Quiz 1, July 20


Online, proctored Midterm Exam Open, July 28-29


Online Quiz 2, August 3


Online, proctored Final Exam Open, August 11- 12


Submit your completed homework using the Assignment Tool on HuskyCT. Note that the due date for the last homework (only) is Wed August 10. Other homework sets are due on Saturdays as shown     below.

I will post the exercises pages from R&S for your convenience. Data files from R&S that you need for your homework will also be provided.


Due on HuskyCT (by 11:59 pm; No extension)

Ch2-HW &Ch3-HW

Sat. July 16

Ch4-HW & Ch5-HW

Sat. July 23

Ch7-HW & Ch8-HW

Sat. July 30

Ch9-HW & Ch10-HW

Sat. August 6


Wed. August 10

Note: Homework Solutions will usually be posted about 24-30 hours after the HW due date. No late homework will be accepted/graded.

Quiz 1 on Ch. 1-3: Wed. July 20

Proctored Midterm Exam on Ch. 1- 5: Thurs. July 28 - Fri. July 29

Quiz 2 on Ch. 7-8: Wed. August 3

Proctored Final exam, cumulative, on Ch. 1-5, 7- 10 and18: Thurs. August 1 1 - Fri. August 12

Quiz 1: will be an unproctored online quiz. Students are held to the UConn honor code.

Quiz 2: will be an unproctored online quiz. Students are held to the UConn honor code.

Midterm Exam: Proctored online Exam, using ProctorU.

Final Exam: Proctored online Exam, using ProctorU.

Very Important: Please register with ProctorU asap or immediately after July 11, and schedule a    time with them for you to take the Midterm and Final exams. It is especially crucial you set up a slot for your exam taking ASAP.

Note: The quizzes will be open for 24 hours. The exams will be open for 48 hours. You are allowed a    CONTINUOUS interval of 1.5 hours for quizzes and a CONTINUOUS interval of 2 hours for the             midterm exam and final exam. That is, you cannot take a break, log out, and come back. Once you       choose a time and start, you must stay on and complete the quiz or exam in one stretch. The test will    be automatically submitted at the end of the allotted time period. The Midterm and Final will be               proctored byProctorU. Please register with ProctorU asap or immediately after July 11, see details at the bottom of this file under Exam Proctoring using ProctorU.

Note: All quizzes and exams are closed books/notes. You may use formula sheets, as indicated in the quiz/exam descriptions. You will need a calculator.

All due dates are clearly identified above. Deadlines are based on Eastern Standard Time; if you are in a different time zone, please adjust your submittal times accordingly. The instructor reserves the right to change dates accordingly as the semester progresses. All changes will be communicated in an appropriate manner.

There are no extensions/late submissions allowed on Homework, quizzes, or exams. There will be no make-up quizzes or exams, unless you have documented medical reasons.

I will make every effort to provide timely feedback and grades. To keep track of your performance in the course, refer to My Grades in HuskyCT.

Grading Scale:


Letter Grade


93- 100






















Letter Grade

















Student Responsibilities and Resources

As a member of the University of Connecticut student community, you are held to certain standards and academic policies. In addition, there are numerous resources available to help you succeed in your       academic work. Review these importantstandards, policies and resources, which include:

•    The Student Code

o  Academic Integrity

o  Resources on Avoiding Cheating and Plagiarism

•    Copyrighted Materials

•     Netiquette and Communication

•    Adding or Dropping a Course

•    Academic Calendar

•     Policy Against Discrimination, Harassment and Inappropriate Romantic Relationships

•    Sexual Assault Reporting Policy

Students with Disabilities

The University of Connecticut is committed to protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities and assuring that the learning environment is accessible.  If you anticipate or experience physical or       academic barriers based on disability or pregnancy, please let me know immediately so that we can discuss options. Students who require accommodations should contact the Center for Students with Disabilities, Wilbur Cross Building Room 204, (860) 486-2020 or http://csd.uconn.edu/.

Blackboard measures and evaluates accessibility using two sets of standards: the WCAG 2.0                standards issued by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act  issued in the United States federal government.” (Retrieved March 24, 2013 fromBlackboard's website)

Software/Technical Requirements (with Accessibility and Privacy Information)

The software/technical requirements for this course include:

•    HuskyCT/Blackboard (HuskyCT/ Blackboard Accessibility Statement,HuskyCT/ Blackboard Privacy Policy)

•    Download Minitab fromhttps://software.uconn.edu/software/minitab/or access Minitab through


Adobe Acrobat Reader(Adobe Reader Accessibility Statement,Adobe Reader Privacy Policy)

•    Google Apps (Google Apps @ UConn Accessibility,Google for Education Privacy Policy)

•    Microsoft Office (free to UConn students throughuconn.onthehub.com) (Microsoft Accessibility Statement,Microsoft PrivacyStatement)

•    Dedicated access to high-speed internet with a minimum speed of 1.5 Mbps (4 Mbps or higher is recommended).

•   You must have a camera to use with proctored exams.

NOTE: This course has NOT been designed for use with mobile devices.


Technical and Academic Helpprovides a guide to technical and academic assistance.

This course is completely facilitated online using the learning management platform,HuskyCT. If you have difficulty accessing HuskyCT, you have access to the in person/live person support options        available during regular business hours through theHelp Center. You also have24x7 Course Support including access to live chat, phone, and support documents.

Minimum Technical Skills

To be successful in this course, you will need the following technical skills:

•     Use the Minitab statistical software.

•    Save files in commonly used word processing program formats.

•    Copy and paste text, graphics or hyperlinks.

•    Work within two or more browser windows simultaneously.

•    Open and access PDF files.

•     Use electronic mail with attachments.

•    Test take on HuskyCT, and make sure your computer has what is required by ProctorU (see below).

University students are expected to demonstrate competency in Computer Technology. Explore the Computer Technology Competenciespage for more information.

Evaluation of the Course

Students will be provided an opportunity to evaluate instruction in this course using the University's     standard procedures, which are administered by the Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness (OIRE).

Additional informal formative surveys may also be administered within the course as an optional evaluation tool.

Exam Taking Using ProctorU

The Midterm exam and Final exam in this online Stat 2215 course is facilitated using an online proctoring service (ProctorU).

ProctorU is available 24/7, however you will need to schedule your proctoring session at least 72 hours in advance to avoid any on demand scheduling fees.

ProctorU also provides free technical support to ensure you have the best testing situation possible.    That is available atwww.proctoru.com/testitout. On this page you will also be able to test your              equipment, learn about what to expect during your proctoring session, and ask any questions you may have about the proctoring process with a ProctorU representative.

In order to use ProctorU you will need to have a high-speed internet connection, a webcam (internal or external), a windows or apple Operating System, and a government issued photo ID.  ProctorU recommends that you visitproctoru.com/testitoutprior to your proctoring session to test your equipment.  For additional technical services needed before your exam, you can click on the      button that says connect to a live person.”

You will need to use either Chrome or Firefox to take your exam.

In order to take the exam, there are some important steps you will need to take.  Failure to do so in a   timely manner may result in you not having access to the exam or you incurring special fees in order to take the exam.  Read all of the information contained here so that your test taking experience goes as smoothly as possible.